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- Arhian Vos – Human Monk
- Hartmut Helmsworth – Elf Monk
- Sindri Waggletop – (Forest) Gnome Wizard
- Rettniss Kulvith – Water Genasi Druid
- Avacyn “Jolyne” Uloth the Merciless – Half-Orc Paladin
- Twilight Skybane – Tiefling Bard
- The party enjoys a few days relaxing at the Ivory Coast
- After a few days, the party begins to get restless and notices that there’s quite a bit of bustling going on about the Ivory Coast as another ship has brought more wide eyed adventurers seeking fame and fortune in these newer lands
- The party goes through their inventory and realizes they’re in need of more healing potions, and potentially some upgraded armor
- Sindri seems restless, and wanting to know more about the Star Chamber in the Monk Temple, and this thing that Shujin spoke of called “The Multiverse”
- The Star Chamber was named after song from Crimson Glory that I enjoyed
- Knowing that there was no library in the city of the Ivory Coast, but he’d heard about Ridgecrest which was one of the largest established cities on the continent and home to an incredible library, Sindri was eager to head in that direction sooner than later
- The party heads for Doro Winelove‘s “Best Potion Shop” in the Ivory Coast, giving their coin to Hartmut to go in and speak with her, since – despite her age, she’s hinted at an attraction towards the young, elf monk
- Doro sees Hartmut and smiles broadly and says, “Oh, good, you’re not leaving with everyone else.”
- Hartmut disregards her clear flirting and asks if they can get a discount on the potions, because of the number of them
- She then asks, “Is this because you are leaving?”
- Note – He wasn’t picking up the fact that she’s mentioned leaving twice…
- Due to Hartmut ignoring her flirting, his attempt at bartering goes poorly and she only marks the potions down 5 gold in price
- She explains that because there’s a large group leaving that her stock is unfortunately low at the moment
- Twilight grabs Hartmut by the sleeve, and whispers, “Compliment her on her looks or something.”
- Hartmut yanks his arm free and says, “You look very nice, today.”
- Doro blushes and offers each potion for 35 gold (and they purchase six of them)
- As they step outside, it becomes far more clear that there is some organization to this bustling – and perhaps why Doro asked if Hartmut was leaving – and why she’d mentioned her potion supply was low
- Starting from the front of the gate, and going several wagons deep – it appeared as if a caravan was preparing to leave the Ivory Coast and head deeper inland
- Sindri finds the leader of the caravan – a Captain Kariss Ironstone, a human – and asks about the caravan. He explains that they’re headed for Ridgecrest – and some of the caravan will continue from there, others will join from there and press on
- This excites Sindri as he knows that there’s an incredible library in Ridgecrest where he may be able to find out more information about this thing that Shujin spoke of called “The Multiverse”
- Twilight looks at Rettniss, “We need to talk to Keyleek.”
- Arhian picks up Pabu, the young red panda and places it on her shoulder; while Kalistia, the Blink Dog, stands faithfully at Hartmut’s side (though appears, the young puppy may still be sore about being scolded for the damages it had done). Gem sits perched on Twilight’s shoulder, thankful that Metalwing isn’t around anymore.
- Sindri approaches Captain Kariss Ironstone, “When will you be heading out?”
- The Captain kneels down to Sindri’s level and says, “Hello, little friend. We will be leaving as soon as these caravan members get their things together!” He stands up and scolds several members, “Pack those tightly! We’re losing daylight!”
- Sindri asks if they can tag along – and the Captain looks at each of them and offers 100 gold (total) per night for all of them to help guard the caravan
- Sindri explains that they need to get supplies, and the Captain nods, “Well, hurry – because we’re losing daylight.”
- Sindri returns to the group, “Hey! I got us a job! We’ll make 100 gold a night guarding the caravan!”
- “Each?” Rettniss asks.
- “No, for all of us,” Sindri smiles.
- As Rettniss and Twilight head for Keyleek’s store – they see the sign is gone
- They open the door, most of the belongings are gone – and Rettniss calls out for Keyleek
- Keyleek suddenly springs up – surprised and happy to see Rettniss – and leaps over the counter and embraces her – thankful to see her
- He goes on to explain how he’d gone looking for looking for her – and had gone to the inn, as well – which they’d not seen her for days
- Keyleek explains that there was a caravan leaving today going to Ridgecrest – and that setting his shop in Ivory Coast was never his end goal – he just needed to make enough coin to be able to afford opening a shop in Ridgecrest – and that he was going to ask her to come with him
- DM Note – I messaged the player who controls Rettniss and asked if they were not comfortable roleplaying a relationship with the NPC – the NPC was going to stay. If they still enjoyed it – the story would say he was going to open a shop in Ridgecrest. The player was more than happy to continue the relationship with the NPC. But I thought it was important to get a pulse on their comfort level, though they never showed any indication of discomfort before, and as a matter of fact embraced the RP beautifully – still just wanted to make sure.
- Keyleek offers a place in his wagon for her; a place, even though he hadn’t found her, had made sure to leave for her in case they met along the way again
- Rettniss blushes as Twilight begins to play a loving song on her hurdy gurdy behind Rettniss and accepts to sit with Keyleek – as she explains with the recent influx of pets, it’s scarce room in the wagon
- Keyleek offers to allow the party to tie their horses to his wagon, when they begin traveling and/or camp for the night
- Twilight asks Keyleek if he makes magical armor, and he explains his specialization is weapons; but assuming his friend whom he traveled here with is still in Ridgecrest, they were known for making armor and may be able to help with that
- Twilight then returns to the others – and tells them that she’s named the mimic bag of holding as “Copy Cat” – or just “C.C.”
- Arhian offers three rations to Twilight to feed C.C.
- Rettniss explains that she can easily find food and water – as long as the land bares food and water
- Sindri finds Captain Kariss Ironstone (who is still yelling at people about losing daylight) and asks how long the trip to Ridgecrest is going to take
- Captain Kariss Ironstone explains it’s going to take longer than normal, because the caravan will be using an alternate route, due to the recent increase in hobgoblin activity attacking and ambushing caravans – so over all, it will take about a week
- The caravan finally departs the Ivory Coast and begins it’s journey – it proves to be rather uneventful for the trip there – rather than brigands and bandits or hobgoblins – the party helps drive away curious bears and the like, until the caravan makes its first stop along the week long journey just near a mountain pass
- At the stop – several events become available – there’s a non lethal pit fighting ring set up, some archery, some gambling, a dwarf turns his wagon into a portable bar as well as a long line near a woman
- Sindri approaches someone in the line who the woman is and what she does – and the excited patron says, “Her name is Prama Seersight – and she’s a palm reader like no other. She can glimpse the past, present and potential future and speak directly into your soul!”
- This perks Sindri’s interest, and Rettniss gets in line and asks how much it costs – but the patron explains that she only takes donations – because the visions she sees she often can’t be explained – but Rettniss is skeptic
- Avacyn heads to the dwarven wagon that has been turned into a bar
- Avacyn takes a big drink, while Twilight asks the Dwarf if he’d be fine with playing music
- The Dwarf agrees, saying that people will be drawn by the music
- Avacyn gets no complications and passes his DC check
- Avacyn takes two more drinks – and says, “You look like a woman who can handle her drinks!” And slides a large tankard in a dragon mug – and swallows down the Dragon Breath drink and becomes extremely intoxicated
- Avacyn donates 17 gold (though she’s a little drunk, and actually gives him 19 gold)
- Avacyn heads over to the darts – and pays the 100 gold buy in
- Avacyn stumbles over to the darts – and throws…
- 100
- 5
- 88
- Her competition throws…
- 66
- 67
- 19
- The difference in the score being 41 points in Avacyn’s favor – so Avacyn wins 125 gold
- Avacyn stumbles over to the darts – and throws…
- Arhian meanwhile steps into the pit fighting, and a large male opponent grumbles about fighting a woman, but proceeds to go in and promises to go “easy”
- In the first round, the male human wins, moving quickly around Arhian
- In the second round of acrobatics, the male human seems limber, winning the second round too
- In the third round, Arhian’s endurance runs out, and the male human wins that round
- This ends up costing Arhian two hundred gold; but the male human declines it and doesn’t want a puny staff, and as he flexes his muscles, his accent becomes clear when he says, “I don’t need punny stick. Give me gold.”
- Arhian tries to persuade him, but fails to do so
- And the announcer shouts, “It’s no surprise, no one can defeat Waesyn!”
- DM Note – The player who plays Twilight in this game also plays Galiena in the off week game, and thus she’s met Waesyn in that game, which takes place in the future, where they are all trapped on Eagle Rock
- In the meantime, Sindri finally gets to sit at the table of Prama Seersight, who extends her hands and says, “Place your hands on top of mine.”
- Sindri stretches across the table and does so – and in that moment, he feels a sense of increase ease and peace settle about him
- Then, as if speaking directly into his mind, Sindri hears Prama’s voice say, “I see a tree… and a forest gnome… a female forest gnome. And there’s another – a male, that stands close by – talking to her. He looks human… but his aurora… is not human. He seems… blessed. A priest? A paladin? The tree he’s leaning on … it’s changed… it’s now a staff, which he offers this female gnome… she is shocked… blessed… ashamed, it seems… she thinks she’s undeserving… And she’s gone… she’s gone… she’s gone to where the trees are all gone… Once lush, now a wasteland… She’s looking at the stars… plant the sacred tree… restore what once was… She has lost the staff… the gift… I… I can’t see her anymore.”
- Prama suddenly takes a deep breath and the vision comes to an end
- Sindri thanks her profusely and puts 20 gold in the tip jar
- Rettniss shakes her head – believing that Sindri must have been charmed. She sits down and reluctantly puts her palms onto top of Prama’s – and suddenly a sense of ease washes over her – and Prama’s voice speaks into her mind and she hears, “Three Lights… The Twin Moons… And The Sun… Crashing down… The Darkness… the Hollowing, only it doesn’t end, does it? The Shadow. The Dark. Magic gone wild. A war in the Planes that spills into this world, like it did thousands of years ago – that led to the destruction of the lush lands of Ilyx… that’s where she went… seeking an ancient grimoire…”
- Similarly stunned by the reading, Rettniss puts 50 gold into the overflowing tip jar, not even noticing most of her coins land on the table
- Arhian goes to Prama next, and in a similar fashion, places her hand on top of Prama’s and is washed over in peace and tranquility and hears Prama’s voice directly in her mind as she says, “You were young when your parents died. Do you even remember the enemy at the gates? Hobgoblins – they were looking for something. A tome of some kind. Ancient writing. Secrets buried. Something else buried. A book of blood. A bloodline. I can see a human now – his name whispered in the winds – a human named Gerald. He is old now… a guardian of yours… he wonders now… how you are…”
- Arhian stands and thanks her and promises to return and donate; and Prama explains it’s not needed – as long as she was helpful, she is glad to help
- Over by the dwarven bar, Twilight manages to make 30 gold with her music
- As the night winds on, people gather around small campfires to discuss some of their plans
- They hear some of the people around the camp talking about the rise of some dragon based cult / fanatics, and how there’s been rumors of creatures that resemble The Dragonborn, but look even more dragon than humanoid, and are larger, and have tails… and there’s rumors of people using pieces of dragons and infusing it into their body to try and harness or channel the magic of dragons
- Once, long ago – in an attempt to eradicate orcs, an elf known as Ashen’Var (or The Grey/Ashen Elf) succumbed to his obsession to the point of madness, and had gone so far to trap dragons in another plane – then siphon their magic into himself – to give him the power to eradicate orcs. However, the magic only drove him further insane, and he began seeking out relics and magic items to draw their magic into himself. He was eventually destroyed and the dragons released and returned to the world; but a large cult follows the idea that Ashen’Var set forth
- A moment later – a woman’s voice can clearly be heard – with panic rising, “Stephanie! Stephanie! Where are you?”
- A sense of unease begins mounting as others begin looking around
- The party approaches the woman, just as Captain Kariss Ironstone does and hears her explain, “I don’t know what happened. She kept claiming she heard music. Which was nonsense. We were all at our bonfires – none of the bards were playing or singing. And I didn’t hear this music she claimed to hear. So I told her to go to bed and get some rest, that she was probably tired. When I went to go check on her, she was gone.”
- Captain Kariss Ironstone shakes his head, “She’s probably in one of these wagons or underneath.”
- “I’ve checked!” Tanalla pleads. “Help me find her.”
- Captain Kariss Ironstone turns to the party and shrugs, “This is what you get paid for. Let’s see if we can find little Stephanie.”
- Tanalla takes the party back to the wagon, so they can look around. Twilight begins looking inside the wagon for evidence. Sindri calls for Rettniss to come look for footprints. Twilight asks about Stephanie – and Tanalla explains, “She took her doll.”
- Rettniss points out that small tracks, from the wagon, head directly into the nearby forest edge.
- Sindri shouts, “Let’s go!”
- Rettniss heaves a deep sigh, wondering why they must always save everyone
- As the party steps into the forest – they begin to hear music – it’s faint – but the melody is soft, tragic…
- Avacyn with her natural 20 – sees a parchment caught on a branch

It was a dark and storming
Lightning split the skies
The angel’s tears were pouring
Innocence twisted by lies.
I saw him just standing there, leaning against the oak
As I approached him at the cross roads
He finally spoke
He called me to sit by his side, to unload.
He said, “What if I could make you rich
Far beyond what you could imagine”
So I listened to his pitch
His words were silky soft, like satin.
In the end, I agreed
And I signed the deed
He said, “Take this lyre
And take the world by fire.”
And one night, as I played, my fingers aflame
My soul, in the moment, couldn’t be tamed
The audience screamed out my name
But that’s when the true price came.
All of them, suddenly ablaze
Smoke filled the room, blocked by the haze
In order to achieve my fame
Souls had to be devoured in flame.
Now cursed, with immortality and regret
Reliving the night, I can not forget.
Pray someone will come along
Strong enough to resist my song.
- She picks up the parchment and passes it around
- After reading this – Sindri recalls (History Check) – He recalls a bard that became known for one of the greatest tragedies. A bard who simply went by the name of Lord Rapture was playing at a venue, when fire erupted around him – as the people fled – they discovered that the windows and doors all seemed to be magically locked. One hundred people perished in the fire; and Lord Rapture was the sole survivor of it, coming out of it completely unharmed. He became infamous and people wanted to kill him, but he quickly fled. According to the stories that surround this entire incident – the other bards tell it that Lord Rapture was at a crossroads, made a deal with a demon that he wanted to become one of the most famous bards in all the lands. The demon agreed and gifted him a special instrument. And so, after the fire, all the world did know Lord Rapture’s name – just as he’d hoped – but not in the manner he’d anticipated. (And this is why you don’t make deals with demons and devils, kids!)
- Sindri also explains – this story has undoubtedly been altered by bards to be made far more tragic than it really happened – someone probably got burned, no one perished – but that doesn’t make for a compelling story
- The party tries to move stealthfully – however, Avacyn gets a Critical Fail and Rettniss is yelling at Avacyn about the noise she’s making (failing to realize, she’s also ruining her stealth – as both of these two failed) on Stealth which makes whoever is playing the music – just keeps playing
- As the music washes over them – Arhian, Twilight, Avacyn, Rettniss, and almost Sindri (needed to use Inspiration for Sindri to pass) – Hartmut, however fails – and feels like he’s burning inside (and takes minor damage) and the bard reveals himself

- Twilight uses her hurdy gurdy to cast Dissonant Whispers – and rolled maximum damage, however, Lord Rapture rolls a Natural 20 on his Savings Throw
- Arhian runs up – about to attack – and sees that Stephanie, who is standing there, enthralled, she is burning up inside, similar to Hartmut – but having been here longer, shows more signs of being burned from the inside
- Arhian quickly grabs the girl, who in her trance, puts up no resistance, and uses Step of the Wind to get as far away as she can from Lord Rapture
- Avacyn attempts to cast Bane – but Lord Rapture plays louder, and disorients Avacyn (essentially Lord Rapture saved, and just flavored as the music being louder)
- Avacyn swings – and Lord Rapture seems to laugh non stop as he easily dances out of the way – and suddenly Avacyn feels a burning sensation within her – (she fails the Con – uses the Inspiration – and continues to burn, still failing) and takes 7 damage from the fire burning inside of her
- Hartmut volleys off two shots with his longbow, and lands two hard hits into Lord Rapture – but having failed his initial save – he feels Lord Rapture’s burning music in him, taking trivial damage
- Rettniss – tired of all of this – unleashes a Lightning Bolt – that strikes both Avacyn and Lord Rapture for 29 damage
- Lord Rapture – seeing Avacyn – attempts to Taunt him, but Avacyn is too furious to be taunted (Successful save) – however, Avacyn continues to feel the burning sensation in her from Lord Rapture’s music and takes more damage – and Lord Rapture strums his Lyre and casts Thunderwave which Avacyn fails to save against – and takes damage and is pushed ten feet away
- Sindri takes out his wand and tries to cast Hold Person – however, being undead, Lord Rapture is immune
- Twilight fires her magic crossbow and lands a hit
- Arhian fires two shots, and both land just shy of him
- Avacyn runs back up – swings his axe – and then calls on her deity – and courses through her body – sending a divine smite – and crackles through Lord Rapture – who then explodes – and voice whispers, “I’m free” – and the Lyre falls to the ground
- Sindri uses 100 gold provided by Twilight to identify the Lyre of Charm
When playing the Lyre, the person playing can cast charm person spell (save DC 13) on a humanoid within 30 feet of them, provided that you and the target can hear. The number of Charms that can be done is equal to the Charisma bonus of the person playing the Lyre (with a minimum of 1). These charge every sunrise.
Notes: The Lyre’s ability to charm and the number of times it can do so is equal to the person’s CHR bonus, with a minimum of 1 Charm (no matter the CHR bonus). This recharges at sunrise. The instrument only attunes to someone who is a skilled Bard (must have BARD as one of their classes).This is a cursed item.
- Twilight wraps the Lyre in a cloak and hears a voice whisper in her head, “Play me…”
- The Party Gets Darkstalker Inspiration
- DM Note – One of the things I enjoy doing with my games is injecting references to things I’ve enjoyed throughout my life. The game has several references to Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter – and I recently added some Darkstalker references for the various games to encounter – and each time they defeat or assist (depending on what is called for) – the party gets a unique form of Inspiration that does not go away with a rest. In this case, Lord Rapture was a reference to Lord Raptor from Darkstalkers. Though I am behind in my notes – in the Off Week game, they encountered the reference to Rikuo as a Triton battling the evil Sahaugin – and in the Adventurers game, they encountered a reference to Morrigan, a succubus that had ties to one of the characters and assisted her.
- The party returns Stephanie back to her mother, who pays Arhian 50 gold for returning her daughter safely
- Twilight has heard stories that cursed items can sometimes be reversed; and perhaps, the great Library in Ridgecrest may have more information…