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- Arhian Vos – Human Monk
- Hartmut Helmsworth – Elf Monk
- Sindri Waggletop – (Forest) Gnome Wizard
- Rettniss Kulvith – Water Genasi Druid – Absent
- Pet (?): Vindri (Sindri Voodoo Doll)
- Avacyn “Jolyne” Uloth the Merciless – Half-Orc Paladin
- Twilight Skybane – Tiefling Bard
- As the party arrives at the gates of Lakefront, they’re greeted by a dwarf in beat up chainmail that shows signs of an epic battle. Much of the metal on his armor seems to have suffered some kind of acidic damage. The dwarf extends his hand, “Welcome to Lakefront – well, we’re workin’ on fixin’ her up again. Name’s Garrus Hammerstone. If ye have spare coin, we will put it towards gettin’ her fixed up help heal her wounds from the undead black dragon attack!” (See The Arrival – Session 11)
- Party Donation:
- Sindri donates 10 gold
- Arhian gives 5 gold
- Hartmut gives 5 gold
- Avacyn gives 5 gold
- Twilight gives 10 gold
- Rettniss, who remains outside of the town limits investigating the land (to make sure no more orcs are in pursuit) does not enter the town (DM Note – This was an easy way to keep Rettniss out of this session’s activities since they did not make it to the game)
- Everyone gets Inspiration for donating. However, if they already has Inspiration, they lost out on earning this one since this is just normal inspiration.
- As the other wagons traveling with them enter Lakefront, Sindri looks at Garrus and asks, “How did you defeat the undead black dragon?”
- Garrus smiles, “Well, there were plenty of us fighting it,” he gestures to his armor, “still haven’t fixed my armor,” he notes, “been spending every coin I can on fixing up Lakefront. As I was saying, there were many of us – including guards who were fighting the blasted beast. However, there happen to be some adventurers in town as well, that provided pivotal in the undead dragon’s defeat.” (See The Arrival – Session 11)
- Sindri asks about how long ago this attack happened and Garrus explains it was about two years ago, to which Sindri replies, “Huh. You haven’t got a lot done in that time.”
- Garrus looks grim, “Well, when the undead dragon attacked – it destroyed so many homes and so many lives. A lot of people lost almost everything, some lost everything. A lot of people have moved on, or headed back to Tawaim. As a result, businesses have struggled since Lakefront stopped being a major stop – so the few businesses that remained, some of them eventually folded and moved on to Ridgecrest or some other town in hopes of finding a more lucrative opportunity. Makes it hard for Lakefront to earn money to rebuild herself. But I won’t give up on’er. I believe she can be the glorious port town she once was.”
- Garrus shrugs after a moment, “You can head over to the Seahaven Tavern. There’s people celebrating in there about something. I don’t partake, I need to make sure the repairs continue and help where I can. Just glad to hear cheery voices inside the walls of Lakefront again.”
- DM Note: This is when the party wanted to do an Inventory check to see if they needed any healing potions. This made me smirk, because there was only one healing potion shop in Lakefront, run by Isabella Crowfeather. Who ended up being engaged to to another player, and moving to Drastor. Adrian met in Isabella in Adventurers – Session 45, Adrian goes on a date with Isabella in Adventurers – Session 46 and gives her a promise ring in the same session; Adrian gets a magic ring from a Circus Ringleader named Datura Stramonium in Adventurers – Session 49, she teleports with Adrian to Drastor in Adventurers – Session 71).
- The party heads for the Seahaven Tavern and find that it’s so packed with people that they’re forced to stand outside and listen to what’s happening. They that four people from Lakefront were aboard a ship that had left Drastor with some goods and headed back to Lakefront when their ship was attacked somewhere in the Garagin Depths (Rumored to be some of the deepest parts of any body of water) – the entire crew was thought to have been lost as the ship sank into the blackness. The four survivors claimed to have clung to fragments of the ship and drifted close together, and drifted for days on the open water – they claim to have seen a small unmarked land – not even big enough to be called an island near the Garagin Depths and swear that they saw other survivors wash ashore there, but they were too tired and weak to paddle there so they continued to flow at the mercy of the tide – and only by the fated hands of the goddess, Seerana, they washed ashore at Kingshill Landing. From there, Kenna Moonchaser was kind enough to sail them back to Lakefront.
- Survivor Names:
- Bardon Eversail (M – Human)
- Galvyn Meadowcreek (M – Human)
- Reaghan Barkwood (M – Human)
- Turi Brownsparrow (M – Human)
- Ones who found them:
- Kenna Moonchaser (F – Elf)
- Sigfrid Shieldcrest (F – Human) – Sister to Colborn
- Colborn Shieldcrest (M – Human) – Brother to Sigfrid
- Geir Horsemane (M – Human)
- Survivor Names:
- Sindri explains that he will sneak in beneath everyone’s legs and get a better look at the four survivors and see if there’s some kind of magic at play here – everyone seems entirely too interested in their story
- Sindri climbs onto a seat and as he observes the four survivors retelling their survival of the ordeal, probably for the fourth or fifth time, something else catches Sindri’s ear from two others not talking about these survivors
- “… and when I heard voices coming down from that wizard’s tower, I just put the rocks back where they were… I will talk to Garrus… there’s no need to do anything there… whatever happened to Darrius… it’s now cursed… I heard the voices down there…”
- Sindri spins in his chair, “I noticed you two weren’t listening to these four and mentioned something about a Wizard’s tower?”
- The two humans go on to clue in Sindri about Darius Blackmane – they explain that Darrius came in and paid to have a Wizard’s tower erected near the port in Lakefront. He’d done so because so many relics were coming from Drastor and Lakefront was typically a port stop for many ships – and he would use his money to purchase relics he found interesting to study. Other than when he was purchasing relics, Darrius was a recluse and no one really, truly knew him. He however, came to the town’s defense time and time again, when bugbears or the like would try to raid. He never stuck around for people to thank him – when the threat was over, he simply returned to his tower. Strangely, he did not come to the town’s defense when the undead dragon attacked – which was very unlike him. They explain that they believe Darius may have died in his tower, during the Dragon attack and the tower came crumbling down. Several rescue efforts were made – adventurers even went down there – but Darius never came out with them. (See The Arrival – Session 12) They explain that the adventurers even magically sealed it (DM Note – They did Thunderwave to collapse rocks on it again, not so much “magically seal it”). They go on to explain that another group of would be adventurers came around – broke the magical seal (DM Note – They just dug it up again, since it was never magically sealed…) and went down there! (See The Adventurers – Session 44). When they came out – once again, no news of Darius. (See The Adventurers – Session 45).
- They go on to explain there’s been several attempts to unearth Darius’ remains, but each time, they hear a voice down below – that doesn’t belong to Darius – and it sounds crazy, so the tower keeps getting re-buried after being dug up. They explain that after the recent attack on the ship that – the four survivors in Seahaven are talking about – they’d thought about going into Darius’ buried tower to uncover whatever powerful weapons might be there and set sail to find the other survivors.
- Sindri’s interest is beyond peaked – he had heard of Darius Blackmane (Natural 20 on Arcana!) – and knew Darius to be, yes, very reclusive – even among the Wizardry community – but he was also said to be one of – if not – the most powerful wizard known to be alive. (Though, many a High Elf, might scoff that Nifika would allow a human to have more power than any High Elf Wizard!)
- Sindri thanks them – then squeezes through the people and meets the others outside, and without hesitating says, “Come on, we have to go to the Wizard’s tower.”
- The party exchanges glances back and forth, having heard nothing about a Wizard’s tower from the four survivors. They catch up to Sindri and ask if this “Wizard’s tower” has anything to do with the survivors or if it’s even close – Sindri explains he heard about the tower from two people inside – probably the only two people not seemingly enthralled by the survivor story – and that the tower is down by the pier.
- They party gets to where the wizard’s tower is in shambles – and as they all get near the epicenter of where this tower once stood – despite the ringing of the bells aboard the ships gently swaying in the gently moving tide – a distinct voice can be heard…
I am all alone
Down beneath the stone
Buried away
To never see the light of day!
Why do I stay?
Maybe one day, I may?
Will anyone come down
I can hear them like mice, scuttling in the town!
I’ve heard them, earth and stone
How they groan!
But they never come down here
Because of their fear
Only a few have dared
Only because they weren’t scared!
Oh, but should they be?
Once they see me?
- Sindri snaps his fingers, “Avacyn! Move those stones!”
- Avacyn grumbles – but finds, that many of these stones are large – and she gets a level of exhaustion. Hartmut jumps in to help – but doesn’t help too much. (Both failed Strength check, though Hartmut avoided Exhaustion)

- The party ends up, between taking breaks here and there, taking roughly six hours to clear enough rubble to finally uncover the passage below; moving rocks to ensure that it doesn’t collapse on them after they enter (DM Note – Due to both failing their strength check, I said they’re moving rocks – they’re just taking a long time doing it – and I had Avacyn and Hartmut each roll a d4 to represent how many hours it takes – Hartmut rolled and 4, while Avacyn rolled a 2)
- Due to the amount of time the party has taken, they’ve also earned an audience with several people (who apparently couldn’t fit into the Seahaven) gathering here and whispering things like, “They’re going to unleash the curse!”, “Darius’ spirit will kill us all!”, “The undead dragon will rise again, because of them, I tell you!”
- As Twilight plays the hurdi-gurdi to calm the crowd, she notices that there’s a particular human who is keeping an eye on her. During one of the breaks between songs, while the others dig for six hours, he approaches her and bows. “Wonderful music, I must say. You are Twilight, are you not?”
- Twilight raises her tiefling eyebrow, “Depends on who’s asking.”
- The human bows, “Pardon me. I forgot my manners. My name is Frel Horseshoe. Though, most simply call me ‘Lucky.'”

- Frel goes on to explain. “We have a … mutual friend, you could say. You know a tabaxi by the name of Prellena Glintclaw?”
- Twilight smiles at the memory. Prellena and Twilight had served on the same ship – they were crewmates aboard the ill-fated Destiny’s Courtship. (Look all the way back to Session 01 of this adventure!) “Yes,” Twilight finally says, recalling the times she’d sailed with them as a part of their crew.
- Frel chuckles, “Just as I thought. She mentioned ‘Keep an eye on a devil girl with a loud, weird instrument.’” Frel laughs, “I am sure she meant well by the description. She told me that apparently your – how did she put it? – your loud mouthed bird – revealed something about a treasure on some island?”
- Twilight sighs and remembers it all too well. (See all the way back to Session 04! Making some long call backs with this session! And we’re not through yet!) “Also true,” Twilight smiles while Gem ruffles his feathers.
- “Well apparently, Krella, the minotaur captain took her crew, took out a small loan to purchase a ship here in Lakefront – then sailed off to this island that your wizard friend over there, directing everyone, went into great detail about. Well, they came back with quite a haul, paid off the loan, sold that ship and upgraded to another ship and renamed it Destiny’s Chance – I guess a play on words on their previous ship.”
- Twilight nods.
- “As for the loud instrument,” he looks at her hurdy-gurdy. “It’s a unique instrument. Rarely seen, really. And I know the workmanship on that one. I see some modifications – like the strings look different – but the body looks the same.” (DM Note – What a great eye this NPC has! It was indeed restrung from Lord Rapture’s magical, cursed Harp in Session 19 and officially restrung in Session 27!) “There’s no denying this once belonged to Severin Goldenharp.”
- Twilight is unable to refrain from the gasp that escapes her lips hearing that name again. He was a human bard – very charismatic – he had met her on the road – and taken a liking to her. Whether it was because he saw something of himself in her or that he had just wanted to be the ‘knight in shining armor‘ that all of his stories and songs spoke of – remains unclear. She’d never allowed herself to get close to anyone until Severin. He was kind, charismatic, and did not care about her “demonic-like” appearance, that she was so ashamed of. Severin taught her, not only how to use the hurdy-gurdy, but that through music, you can enchant people, so they no longer see you – you take them away through music. You touch their souls just as much as any Cleric and Priest could. He also showed her how, through music, you can charm – or even harm – someone, by twisting notes in such a fashion, that it works similar to magic. He also taught her how to speak to someone, how to use her tone, her words in such a way that she could, despite her appearances, easily sway or woo someone; her taught her how to be charismatic and sly. It was not until they reached Moontide Port, that Twilight realized the two had spent nearly three years, traveling together; playing together at various taverns along the way. Upon reaching the Moontide Port, Severin explained that he was headed for the new continent he’d heard about. He offered to pay Twilight’s way, but she declined, realizing she’d allowed herself to get too close to Severin. He said he understood and gave her his hurdy-gurdy to have, and remember him by. She watched him leave, and even as the ship left the port, she felt an immediate sense of regret.
- Frel smiles as he sees her mind twist within the swells of her memory. “I see you clearly knew him by the expression on your face. He and I were friends back on Tawaim. If I were to be honest with you, he’s why I am here now. He took off, the wild heart he has, and story teller he longed to be – and wanted to see the world. I was less inclined to find such troubles. He used to write, for awhile, but then that stopped. So I came out here looking for him. All of the tracks I found led here – but no one here knows where he went. I am guessing he got into some kind of trouble and had to sneak out.” (DM Note – See, I told you we were going to be doing some deep diving this session!)
- The two talk for awhile and Frel finally says, “Listen, if you need to make any … contacts… let me know,” and he makes a gesture before shaking her hand that she quickly realizes as Thieves Cant, and does the same in return, acknowledging him silently. (DM Note – There’s an odd sense of irony – in the Adventurers game – the same player controlling Twilight controls Korra, and also met Frel “Lucky” Horseshoe in that game as well – The Adventurers – Session 46)…
- After the six hours of digging has concluded, the crowd has been put at ease by Twilight, and Sindri – as a ritual casts – Detect Magic – and instantly on the walls leading down into the ground – he’s able to sense Abjuration magic – and focusing on it – it seems like a very powerful version of Sanctuary cast on the entire tower. As they descend – only Sindri sees it – but every brick and stone and step along the way faintly glows with the same magic. Darius had protected himself from magical attacks … but not that from a dragon… an undead one at that.
- When they reach the bottom of the stairs, it opens up to a large room – where the only thing illuminating the darkness is a massive wall mirror that has images of purple swirling about – and as Arhian looks he sees stars and figures and ships floating in this odd sea…
- Arhian looks at Hartmut who silently nods. “This is what we saw,” Arhian explains, “when our minds touched during the trial, beyond the Path of Enlightenment. When we awoke our fist weapons…” (See Session 17!)
- Sindri senses Divination magic on the mirror – it’s not a portal – but some form of scrying mirror – but it’s too large to carry
- Sindri has heard of the Astral Plane – but he’s never learned how to travel there – he observes several space whales floating… then a number of ships… as the party turns their backs… a comet seems to streak through and shatter one of the ships… (DM Note – This is a reference to The Adventurers – Session 76!)
- The party moves on – and the voice they’ve been hearing – gets loud and louder. They go through a hall – and see a floating sphere – something they’ve seen before – the Spectator at the Hobgoblin camp! (See Session 28!)
- This one however, simply seems to float back and forth, repeating its rhyme…

I am all alone
Down beneath the stone
Buried away
To never see the light of day!
Why do I stay?
Maybe one day, I may?
Will anyone come down
I can hear them like mice, scuttling in the town!
I’ve heard them, earth and stone
How they groan!
But they never come down here
Because of their fear
Only a few have dared
Only because they weren’t scared!
Oh, but should they be?
Once they see me?
- Sindri steps forward and waves, “Hello.”
- The Spectator turns – and quickly approaches Sindri.
You’re the ones I heard digging! Faster and Faster!
Here to see the Master?
Dig! Dig! Dig!
I heard the music! So sweet and soft, a gentle gig!
Still, she looks strong
But somehow it still took so long!
Wondered if you’d be like the rest and walk away!
Or if you’d continue to dig, and finally make your way!
Thought I heard those words of magic down the stairs
Finally, someone who cares!
So you’ve found me
But finding my master won’t be so easy!
- Sindri asks, “Would this master be Darius Blackmane? Is he still here?”
Oh, he’s here, he’s here!
That’s for sure!
He’s here! He’s here – he’s very near!
But first, you must find your way through the secret door!
- Sindri asks, “Where can we find this secret door?”
If I gave you the key
That would be much too easy!
But look just beyond me
And you will see.
- The party moves beyond the Spectator – and instantly all connection to magic ceases.
- Sindri knows there’s some form of incredible Dispel Magic in place that prevents magic from being used in this next room. Immediately noticeable is the tiled floor.
- Sindri sees the various patterns – and notes: Dragon, Sabretooth Tiger, Wolf, and Lion as the four symbols. Gazing across the floor and seeing all the doors, he warns the party that likely only one of those doors is the correct one. The others are there as traps and to make crossing the tiled floor more difficult since it’s not clear which door they need to get to. Sindri also notes that no magic works in this room. So there’s no magical means of crossing this room.
- Sindri walks back to the Spectator (Bob) and asks if there’s any clues to crossing the room…
My master, he’s a little crazy!
But he gave me the pass, because he’s also a little lazy!
Begin by lyin’ down, but don’t let it drag on!
Tooth and nail ahead, lie down again;
Gaze to the moon, before lyin’ down again!
Admire the moon and howl, it’s a cat and mouse game!
So step ahead and roar at the dragon below you!
Three fangs before you; before you can lie down again.
- It takes a few tries, with several of the party members stepping on the wrong tiles – but they get it after just a few tries – discovering the true path…

- When they enter the room – the room is cloaked in darkness – and the essence of magic returns – but even the Light spell on Arhian’s staff that Sindri casts seems to suffocate against the darkness pervading in the room
- The only thing visible is a five foot high – well of water. Sindri whispers to Avacyn, “Pick me up and let me see this thing.”
- Avacyn does so and as Sidri looks around the rim of this “well of water” – he notes several runes – and casts Detect Magic and once again senses Divination magic
- The very shadows themselves seem to take form and a voice asks, “What have you come here seeking?”
- Turning, the party is startled to see a humanoid shadow…

- Sindri recalls Taramar Kinfield telling him what happens to Wizards who “learn too much” – they become something known as Allips. (If you think I am lying, go on – check out Session 21 notes! The power of note taking and a solid website, I must say!)
- Sindri whispers, “Can you put me down Avacyn?” Avacyn does so and Sindri asks, “Pardon us, what is your name?”
- “Darius Blackmane,” the shadowy figure replies
- “Oh, you’re Darius!” Sindri seems delighted
- “Everything you imaged?” Twilight whispers sarcastically
- “A little more corporeal,” Sindri remarks back under his breath. “You’re popular in my circles,” Sindri says to Darius
- “I was a great wizard at one time,” Darius explains. “Perhaps one of the strongest. My passion for magic led me to Lakefront where I collected artifacts of power coming from Drastor. One such relic came into my possession… as I studied it… I heard it speaking to me… from my research, it seems to be the skull of a Priest of Drakenfiel… a favored priest… apparently Drakenfiel sensed his own demise when the Spider Queen ascended… and in his moment of death, tried to pass his wisdom to his favored High Priest… the High Priest went mad and tried to silence the voice by shoving a gem through his skull… then proceeded to tear his own flesh from his face, enveloped in the madness… those who wear or even touch this relic… will hear Drakenfiel’s neverending wisdom pouring into them… revealing powerful secrets… but the voice never stops… never… every thought you have as to why things happen they do… or what steel is made from… or how the weather works… everything minute thought, answered in crushing detail… you never stop thinking so it never stops speaking… and the wisdom flows deeper and deeper… and soon, you will be driven mad… it revealed many things to me… things no mortal should know… and this was my punishment… I have sent others after the relic in hopes of destroying it…” (See The Adventurers – Session 44)
- “Where is this relic now?” Sindri asks
- “In the Astral Plane,” Darius explains. “That’s why if you peered into the mirror it was focused on the Astral Plane. I am trying to track the movement of the others and the one who holds the relic now.”
- “Who has the relic?” Sindri asks
- “A Beholder by the name of As’zar’vari’tium, though in Drastor, he’s also known as Ninesword because one of his eye-stalks had been cut off in a battle… and now has a mechanical eye stalk… but he always said, my nine eyes will cut down any enemy, as swiftly as a sword!“
- The party exchanges nervous glances, knowing the name of As’zar’vari’tium all too well. (Ready for yet another deep cut? We go all the way back to Session 01 of this group’s adventure!)
- Sindri sincerely apologizes to Darius and his fate as an Allip, when Darius explains others have come to try and destroy him but he is always reborn – and he suspects so long as the relic exists, he will never be able to leave the mortal plane.
- Sindri then asks about the magic well – and Darius explains it’s a scrying pool. It is more powerful than the mirror, but it drains magic out of a person each time it is used, so that it can only be used once per day, per person.
- Darius explains it will magically show any person or anything you at least have some kind of knowledge of. The more familiar you are with the target the more clear the scrying pool, similar to the Scrying spell – except the pool will pierce any attempts to hide magically – a gift from the relic before he was driven mad by it
- Arhian asks if she can use the scrying pool, and Darius nods – whispers some magical words which Sindri tries to remember – but the words flitter out of his brain far too quickly – as the runes on the well ignite. “Go forward Monk, place your index finger in the water, and begin to swirl three times, thinking of that which you seek.”
- Arhian closes her eyes and wonders where the body of Rak’Grum Bloodseed – the Orc King – whom Avacyn’s family is trying to resurrect is located. Arhian opens her eyes after twirling her finger in the cool waters three times – and she sees the waters shimmer – while the others simply see the rippling water – but for Arhian the images changes – and she sees the focus pull up from Darius’ wizard tower and begin crossing over the land – heading westward – crossing over red mountains – through the woods – and into a barren wasteland – where it stops for a moment – then pierces the sand and moves beneath – entering eventually a pyramid buried in the sand – it moves through the various halls and stops in a room where Arhian sees an all too familiar figure, her hand on a massive coffin that glows with magic – it’s Avacyn’s mother next to the coffin of Rak’Grum Bloodseed… They’ve found him. Suddenly the water goes back to normal and Arhian stumbles back, feeling physically drained as if she’d traveled the entire distance herself.
- “Now you see why it can only be used once a day,” Darius comments. Arhian nods.
- Arhian shares the news of what he saw – and the others are a little shocked – because they never saw the water change
- “Apparently all roads lead to Drastor,” Sindri comments
- Darius shares the following about Drastor and the ‘Broken Lands’ as they’re called – (DM Note – this lore can be found already on the site about The Broken Lands) –
The Broken Lands were once an area called Ilyx (which means “The Blessed Lands” in the Ancient Elven Tongue) and was a lush, green forest rule by Elves who proclaimed to be “The Children of Nifika” and the “First Comers.” They were said to be the caretakers of powerful magic that Nifika had entrusted to them. The forests of Ilyx were ruled by an elf by the name of Porlen Hollowroot.
The lands would be contested by an orc – one of the first, and perhaps most powerful, by the name of Rak’Grum Bloodseed. Legend states that Rak’Grum was touched by the Orc God, Grumthak himself, and blessed Rak’Grum. Some legends even proclaim that Rak’Grum was a demigod, half Orc, half Grumthak’s essence.
Rak’Grum led a massive army of orcs, like none had ever seen before (since Orcs often war, even among one another, to overpower one another’s tribes) called The Broken Hand. With this powerful force he was able to venture deep into the Ilyx woods. Still, the Elves of Ilyx had the advantage, and Rak’Grum was forced to retreat.
However, this would not be the end. Rak’Grum used his massive force to enslave and force other races to follow him; such as the Kobolds (to be used as scouts), Goblins (for the grunt work and building), large, lumbering Ogres were the front line brute strength, Bugbears to control the animistic trolls, Gnolls for the assassins, and eventually even the powerful Hobgoblins were forced into servitude under Rak’Grum’s rule.
Porlen was desperate to drive Rak’Grum’s forces back – so he tapped into the magic sphere that Nifika had entrusted to him. His first attempt – he opened The Plane of Stone, and sought the help of the Dao (Genies) – however, almost immediately he lost control of the Dao, which attacked Elf and Orc alike in an attempt to conquer this new realm. He turned to the Plane of Air and summoned Djinni who at least attempted to stop the Rak’Grum’s rampage (sensing his evil), but did not help against the Dao. So he would then turn to the Plane of Fire and bartered with the Efreeti, who were enemies of the Dao – which the Efreeti did – but at tremendous consequence to the lands themselves. Desperate, he turnd the the Plane of Water and called forth Marid (Genies) to help against the rampaging Efreeti and the damage they’d caused. The Marid helped, but were furious that Porlen brought this upon himself.
Staring at his ravaged lands – Porlen was desperate and turned to his closest friend, and fellow Elven Mage – Ashen’Var. Ashen’Var had told Porlen all along that the only way to win this was was to think like the Orcs – and murder them by any means possible.
Ashen’Var used his magic to get close to Rak’Grum and murdered him in his sleep. When his body was discovered, this created a power vacuum among the orcs as to who should rule in his place; and it was enough to allow the Elves of Ilyx to gain the advantage and drive them back – but by the time the war was over, the Genies all banished back to their planes – the land was completely ravaged. Over 90% of the woods had been burned down, cut down, or otherwise destroyed.
There are several versions of the story what happened next. Some claim that the Elven Goddess of Magic, Nifika saw what happened and was so ashamed – she wiped the lands, and the forests were wiped away, leaving only sand. This is why, some claim that Elves are no longer immortal.
Another version of the story s that Porlen himself was so ashamed, that he used the remaining magic to bury the shame – and brought sand to the lands.
For hundreds of years, the Ilyx remained abandoned. However, over time; humans began populating the lands and building around the area. As the years passed, each of them seemed to be consumed with rage and madness; and soon they all heard the name “Kryton” whispered in their minds. A demon lord named Kryton, who’d come through one of Prolen’s portals now had a hold of the humans – and every lunar cycle, he demanded human sacrifices. For years, his cult thrived – luring people into the endless dunes to be captured and sacrificed.
Large temples were erected in the name of Kryton where sacrifices were made as the pull of the magic that once existed here lured great wizards and caravans of people. Legends speak that it was a gnome by the name of Enidda Pleasantleaf who managed to find Kryton there in the broken lands and summoned him – and banished him to Garengrand. However, the resulting battle brought upon a powerful sandstorm that buried the temples that were built in Kryton’s honor. Enidda Pleasantleaf, and her magical staff, Ellaros’ Gift, were said to have also been lost and buried.
As the years passed, civilization began to build itself around the area. But these were hardened humans, many of whom had at one time been servants to Kryton. Harsh laws for harsh lands by hardened people formed these new lands often called “The Broken Lands” – though most natives also call it “The Gold Coast” for its endless sands.
- Sindri is astonished to hear about Enidda Pleasantleaf and Ellaros’ Gift. He looks at Darius, “May I?” as he looks at the pool. Once again, Darius whispers the spidery words of magic, that again, somehow Sindri can not focus and remember. Avacyn picks up Sindri as he places his index finger in the water, twirling it three times, thinking of Ellaros’ Gift.
- The view lifts up from the Wizard’s tower – and begins moving westward – crossing over red mountains, through a forest, and into a desert – it moves through the barren wasteland – through the desert – and stops – where there is a monument of a beautiful forest gnome – both of her hands raised above her head – and battlecry on her face, forever frozen in time – at the base – there is an area where it looks like a staff may have been placed – the view freezes here – as if confused – before moving downward into the sand – where in the depts of the sand – a staff can be seen… grass, despite the terrain of barren sand, has grown all around the staff, as if protecting it. When the view stops, Sindri feels as if he ran the entire distance himself and shakes his head as Avacyn sets him down. “The staff,” Sindri whispers. “It really is in Drastor. There’s a monument of Enidda … that’s partially sunk into the sand.”
- Darius nods to Sindri and waves his hand, making some gesture – and unbeknownst to Sindri (mostly because as the DM I forgot to mention this!), Darius has gifted his fellow wizard some scrolls (Scroll of Protection (from Aberrations), Scroll of Acid Splash, Scroll of Burning Hands, Scroll of Color Spray, Scroll of Grease, Scroll of Sleep, Scroll of Invisibility, Scroll of Mirror Image, Scroll of See Invisibility, Scroll of Phantom Steed)
- Hartmut approaches next, and this time, when Darius whispers the words of magic to activate the well, Sindri doesn’t bother trying to catch them
- Hartmut places his finger inside the well’s cool waters, and spins it three times as he thinks of the Balance…
- The vision seems to travel back in time, moving from the Wizard’s tower, up the Path of Enlightenment, where the Master of the Path of Enlightenment – where Hartmut remembers he was in human form – it is a gold dragon form he sees speaking – realizing the Well is showing Shujin Gorudo‘s true form, piercing the magic he used to disguise himself. Next to him are the Couatl, Slyver, and the Ki-Rin, Kalaris. In his dragon form, Hartmut relives hearing Shujin explain that the Hobgoblins – lead by a powerful Hobgoblin Priest – have taken the two Cestus’ – the Cestus of Kyoaku-Sei and the Cestus of Seikaku-Sa (The Violence and the Peace, respectively). And that when someone wears one on each hand – they wear The Balance which the Hobgoblin Priest somehow knew about. (DM Note – A retelling of Session 15). It then moves to when Arhian and Hartmut found the Cestus’ – and each unlocked the power – seeing the Astral Plane and immense power from beyond. (DM Note – A retelling of Session 17). It now pulls away – and moves towards Ridgecrest – where it quickly jaunts through the streets and into the Great Library of High Ridge, where Hartmut recognizes the next scene playing out before him. He watches as the party settles inside the Mage Tower, in awe of what they see – Heima’s eyes focus on Hartmut’s necklace. “I noticed your necklace when I first entered the room and saw you and your mage friend. The necklace is familiar to me.” Snapping his fingers, a book several stories up suddenly drifts downward to rest, levitating before Heima – he stares and the book opens and pages turn. “I am from Utsukkuen as well,” he admits, “and there is a story of a man named Baransu… people called him The Balance… as he always seemed to float between dark and light, reason and anger…The story is that the Illithid – the Mind Rippers – came to the surface one night, during the Hollowing to raid the towns as they’d done before, in hopes of gathering more slaves and food. Baransu‘s wife and son had been taken while Baransu had been out on the field fighting the Illithid armies. When Baransu learned this, he forged a cestus – one for light and compassion – Cestus of Seikaku-Sa and one for darkness and fury known as Cestus of Kyoaku-Sei. He had managed to return with his son, but when his daughter saw the state of his mind… his mind was broken. It is said, on his dying bed he gave his son the pendant he wore, which his wife had made for him. She’d said it would always guard his heart. When he passed away, the story is – his daughter took her brother who was barely six months old and dropped him off at some monastery. She then vanished into the night. No one knows what became of her, though the stories say she ventured into the deep realms of the Illithid to seek revenge.” Heima looks at Harmut’s fist – and notes the Cestus of Kyoaku-Sei and smiles, “Found your way to the shadow, have you.” Heima’s eyes drift to Arhian and he sees the Cestus of Seikaku-Sa, “And the open hand that welcomes is your path.”
- The vision seems to pause here – as if searching – waiting – then suddenly it begins moving back through the streets of Ridgecrest, moving rapidly – so quickly that things are a blur as it moves out of the city – then, slowing down – it crosses westward, passing over red mountains and through a lush forest, before reaching a barren wasteland. From here it continues moving westward – stopping in a large city that looks to be in disarray – then suddenly jaunts northward. It goes until it reaches the face of a cliff side where an ornate temple has been built. It moves inside – and it’s clear that this is a monastery of some kind. It continues to move through it – but unlike the other areas such as Ridgecrest and Drastor – this monastery is empty. It comes to stop at a statue in what appears to be a meditation chamber. It then slowly makes its way inside of the statue – and to Hartmut’s shock – inside the statue is bones! As it pulls out of the statue, Hartmut sees a female elf, kneeling, channeling Ki, that had not been there before. Her head bowed, it’s impossible to see her face – but what catches the candlelight can not be mistake – it’s a medallion exactly like his.
- When the vision ends, Hartmut nearly collapses forward into the pool – Arhian manages to grab him and Darius looks at Harmut and nods.
- Twilight gets Darius’ permission next – and places her index finger inside the cool waters and twirls it three times and thinks of Severin Goldenharp – she watches as the view pulls away from the Wizard’s tower – and begins moving westward – it moves through the land – stopping at various small towns along the way – like a dog, on a scent – before coming to stop in a town up against a mountain with red stones – and there, it moves through – and makes it’s way to an inn called The Nightshade. It’s there, that it moves slowly inside – and on the stage is Severin Goldenharp playing. Twilight sees that he’s constructed himself another hurdy-gurdy as he plays. His human voice is magical to listen to – as he’s mastered the ability known as overtone singing – a technique where one person sings two notes at the same time. This is accomplished by manipulating the placement of your tongue and the shape of your mouth. The image lingers on him as he sings his song…
My heart beats, remembering your name
Dusk to daylight, somewhere beyond
Just beyond my grasp, at the edge of twilight
I wonder if you’re feeling the same
This ocean is larger than any pond
When all I want is to be there tonight.
I could see your heart was closed and afraid
I don’t know the secrets you kept locked away
But the moments with you are the ones that never fade
If I only had decided to stay…
At the edge of twilight
I reach out to you
I want to make things right
That’s all I want to do…
At the edge of twilight.
When we parted ways, and I had to go
I wanted you to stop me, to ask me to stay
To catch my hand, in the afterglow
Of the fading day
As I sailed away, I looked back to see if you were there
As the sails filled with air
Taking me further and further away
Into the fading light of day
You were nowhere to be found
And now, I am here, just dreaming of you, playing this sound…
At the edge of twilight
I reach out to you
I want to make things right
That’s all I want to do…
At the edge of twilight.
- As the song concludes, the vision begins to pull away even as Twilight reaches into the pool. She looks at Darius and remembers how he said each person can only use it once per day; and as the rush fades, she feels how drained she’s become, as if she’d traveled the distance herself.
- Avacyn asks Darius – who then activates the well again – Avacyn places her index finger in the cool waters, twirls it three times – thinking of her human mother – and the vision, at first is an exact copy of Arhian’s vision – the focus pull up from Darius’ wizard tower and begin crossing over the land – heading westward – crossing over red mountains – through the woods – and into a barren wasteland – where it stops for a moment – then pierces the sand and moves beneath – entering eventually a pyramid buried in the sand – it moves through the various halls and stops in a room where Arhian sees an all too familiar figure, her hand on a massive coffin that glows with magic – it’s Avacyn’s mother next to the coffin of Rak’Grum Bloodseed… They’ve found him. But then the vision follows Avacyn’s mother, Jacqueline, into a room where she runs her hand on a mirror whispering words of magic – and the mirror shimmers – and a visage appears on the other side. A large demon can now be seen. Avacyn had seen this demon before – before leaving her clan – she saw this demon in one of her mother’s books. The demon is Belaros, whom Avacyn knows to be one of the most common demon lords whom Warlocks and Witches turn to. He promises them endless power, at a very small cost – the soul of their first born child – which would be Avacyn, in this case – and if they do not have a child within a year of the promise made, he claims their soul instead. However, Avacyn’s mother seems calm as Belaros scolds her. “I can not keep sending my demon souls into your willing orc subjects. How can this one daughter of yours continue to elude you? Find her. Do what you must do to appease the deal we’ve created. Or I will come after you next.” The vision then pulls away.
- As the weariness of using the well overcomes Avacyn; she now realizes, that is why those orcs they’d just fought had a demonic appearance. (See Session 32)
- With everyone in the party having used the pool, Sindri looks at Darius. “Is there anything else in Lakefront that we should be looking into or could help us on our quest?”
- Darius looks at Sindri, his haunting voice says, “Something here is evil… it has newly arrived…”
- Sindri does a side glance at Avacyn, before continuing to listen to Darius
- “I fear the people of Lakefront may be in great danger… I sense it all around… find it and help the people of Lakefront as I have helped you this day,” Darius says. Sindri realizes though Darius was known as being reclusive and caring only for magic – the wizard truly cares about the people of Lakefront, even in this new form he’s in now.
- As the party begins to leave the room, Sindri pauses, “Should we seal the passage on our way out?”
- “It would be for the best,” Darius remarks. “I know people assume it’s haunted down here… and if they saw the Spectator… they would fear it was a Beholder… most of the relics I’ve acquired have long since been sent to the Great Library in Ridgecrest, so there’s very little danger of anyone finding anything…” Sindri nods.
- As they exit the tower, they seal it behind them, using the rubble again – with Avacyn helping Arhian
- As the party is heading for the Seahaven, still hearing the sounds of cheering – Sindri spots something moving on the rooftops – walking along side the same direction – at first glance he thinks it’s a gargoyle when it stops moving – and believes he was imagining things – but he sees one of the wings flutter – and as he looks again – he sees the same goblin with wings creature they’d spotted before. (Natural 20!)
- The creature realizes it’s been spotted and stays on the roof while saying, “Funny running into you again here, where there’s evil…” (DM Note – the party ran into this same creature back in Session 17 and Session 18 – and critical failed the Arcana check, believing it to be some kind of goblin with wings).
- Sindri shouts to the creature named Burlap. “What do you sense or know about this evil?”
- Burlap smiles, “Oh, I sense them… they walk among us… but they’re from oceans deep… from the ocean’s grave where all the dead fishies sleep…”
- Sindri suddenly blurts, “It’s the survivors!”
- Burlap leans forward. “Survivors? Survivors? Where? Where are they? I can sense it… but a magic veil… covers this damn town… I can’t pinpoint them…”
- Sindri realizes, Darius must have a magical spell that protects the town of Lakefront… whether it’s to protect the town… or to stop others from scrying what he is doing is unclear…
- Sindri, without giving it much thought, explains to Burlap that several days ago, four ‘survivors’ of a shipwreck came back to Lakefront… the rest of the crew were thought to be lost… but these survivors claim there’s a small… not even an island… but small land mass where they saw other survivors…
- At that moment, several patrons walking past the heroes, as the party goes silent and Burlap becomes very still, once again, resembling a gargoyle perched on the roof, overhear these former patrons of the Seahaven, talking about how tomorrow at noon, they’re all going to board a ship and sail out to this land mass and seek out the other survivors these four spotted…
- “Something’s up,” Sindri remarks once the drunken patrons have walked by. “Something is definitely up.”
- “And we may not have much time to figure it out,” Arhian adds
- As they rush back to the Seahaven – they see the four survivors, still recanting their tale of survival – and the audience around them still seems enthralled. Sindri makes his way into the tavern again and looks around – trying to see if magic is being used – but can’t see anything out of place. Sindri’s aware of how the Illithid can influence the mind… and there’s creatures known as Doppelgangers that can take on the appearance, voice, and even memories of a person – but then why make them sail? And how would Doppelgangers keep the patrons enthralled? Sindri looks for the tavern keeper – but even he is drinking and raising his mug to the survivors. Sindri realizes that everyone in the tavern seems intoxicated and getting information out of them is going to be of no use.
- Sindri comes out and shakes his head. “They look like they’ve been out at sea, their clothes are torn and everything… but getting anything from anyone inside there? It’s going to be useless. Most of them are too caught up in the ‘festivities’ and drinking.”
- Twilight nods, “I will be right back.”
- She heads back towards the Wizard’s tower, and scans around the pier. It doesn’t take long until she spots Frel “Lucky” Horseshoe, leaning against one of the wooden placements at the pier, flipping a gold coin in the air. She approaches him and asks, “What can you tell me about the four survivors everyone’s so excited about?”
- Frel stops flipping his coin and looks at Twilight. “Something’s wrong with the lot of them,” he says, “I can tell you that much. I know all four of them – they’re sailors, and I… hang out at the dock in case anything… interesting… comes in. And I can tell you – their voices sound like them, their clothes look like them, but their mannerism? Not like any of them.”
- He looks, “I am sure you know who Kin Ravenclaw is,” he nods, and Twilight acknowledges the name, knowing that he’s the thieves guild leader in Lake Front, “he’s got some resources all checking into – checking back at Kingshill Landing, where the lot of them first ‘washed ashore’… and so far, their story is lining up… but it’s them… they… they don’t seem right somehow. When they got here, with the four others from Kingshill Landing who brought them back here… the four survivors immediately went back to Seahaven and became… being very loud about their survival… and let me tell you, one might chalk it up for rallying up the others to go get or find these other survivors they swear they saw… but I don’t believe it… not with how long they keep going on about it… like they need to keep everyone listening…”
- Twilight returns back and shares what she spoke to Frel about
- Sindri shakes his head, “We gotta move fast. We should start planting seeds about their changed behavior… see if we can get people to question them…”
- Hartmut then recommends, “Frel said they’d go back to their homes after their dock work or sailing… we should find out what family they have and talk to them as well. See if they too notice the strange behavior.”
- The party decides – the ones planting the seeds of doubt will be: Sindri, Twilight and Avacyn
- While the monks: Arhian and Hartmut will chase down where the family members are and question them.
- And where is Rettniss in all this? Still outside…
To Be Continued.