The Arrival – Adventure Notes 11

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  • Phalen and Alaric confirm that the magical swords that belonged to Martell are indeed cursed (“forged in the flames of Hell” according to the Cleric)
  • The caravan prepares to leave Ridgecrest and head for Lakefront
  • There are a few instances of trouble along the road; including Harpies; but concern is escalated when in the distance a large (hundreds of people) group can be seen shambling up the road not far from Lakefront
  • Talerien and Elly ride ahead to see what it is (expecting it to be a massive undead army of some kind)
  • They discover it’s survivors of Lakefront, most so badly wounded, it’s a surprise that they’re standing; many of them look burned
  • They explain that they never saw what hit them since it came at night; but there was definitely a loud roar
  • Several people on the caravan are concerned because they have family in Lakefront and ask the party to investigate
  • The party agrees and find the bodies of two people cut and torn to pieces displayed on the gate
  • They party then separates when they get there
    • Calliope and Phalan look for medical supplies for themselves and the survivors of of Lakefront
    • Twirpo and Elly look into a Wizard’s tower that collapsed in the attack
    • Alaric, Trogdorr, and Talerien look for the town’s bank
  • Calliope and Phalen find medical supplies after some extensive searching
  • Twirpo and Elly remove some rubble and find a stone passage that leads underground; a glowing sphere blocks their way which Elly uses a bag to ensnare and at that moment something begins burning in her bag; and the skull she had kept from the undead medic from the mine has come alive again
  • She attempts to destroy it but she nicks it (Critical Fail) which sends the skull bouncing down the stairs, far, far, far, far below
  • Trogdorr, Talerien and Alaric find the bank and crawl underneath and find some valuables; but the steel safe door is what’s holding up the enclosure
  • That’s when everyone hears a loud roar; and everyone in a building is forced to DEX save and escape the buildings they’re in before they collapse
  • All of them make it except Alaric who gets trapped under some stone and takes crushing damage every round
  • The source of the roar is an undead black dragon (Ebony) who has been resurrected with the staff given to Onyx (the other Black Dragon the party encountered)
  • Talerien fires off an arrow and draws the dragon’s attention (while trying to get everyone else’s attention)
  • Phalen casts a wall of air spell, which does damage until the dragon flies over it
  • The party knowing it’s the undead black dragon launches an attack
  • Twirpo uses a Slow speed, which the Dragon continues to fail repeatedly; but not after doing significant damage to several members of the party
  • The dragon launches it’s Dragon Breath (Acid) which everyone but Calliope saves against (everyone took 1/2 damage except Calliope who took full)
  • Though gravely wounded she stayed to fight, her sword glowing, and struck the killing blow, finally bringing down the undead black dragon

This adventures ties back to a previous adventure with the party, when the party had gone to the mining town and fought several undead, including the medic who had gotten a hold of an ancient staff from the Broken Lands that warped him and drove him mad. The party handed the staff (reluctantly) to a Black Dragon (Onyx) who swore they’d destroy it; instead Onyx resurrected his deceased brother (Ebony) who sought the two hunters (who were hinted at when the party first arrived at Spire’s Edge and Trogdorr had spoken to a tavern owner who had collected mounted heads of various beasts; but sold them for gold, to help fund the repairs in the city; one of those heads had been that of a Black Dragon, killed by two hunters). The two bodies on the front gate were the two hunters that had killed Ebony, that it tracked to Lakefront.