Adventure Notes – The Adventurers 84

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  • NPCs:
    • Disnarium – High Elf (Rune Knight, NPC)
    • Kraun Torodon – Tiefling (Businessman Rogue, NPC)
  • Spelljammer Crew:
    • Krelzor – Hadozee – Captain
      • Arch – Pseudodragon – Krelzor’s companion
    • Moozana – Plasmoid – Helm’s Man
    • Ter’nal’iz – Thri-Kreen – Cleric/Medic
    • Hookar – Plasmoid – Cook
    • Bliz – Hadozee – Navigator
    • Alsayaada – Gynosphinx spirit of the Spelljammer
  • As the party is towing the Githyanki ship they overtook (see Session 83), their own Spelljammer spirit, a gynosphinx name Alsayaada for the group’s own Spelljammer expresses discomfort of towing a Githyanki Spelljammer (DM Note – I know Korra will say that it’s another name that ends in ‘a’ – however, her name actually means “Huntress” in Arabic – according to google translate! Select English and put Huntress and you will see the Arabic writing but spoken as her name for pronunciation, I assume – and since the Spelljammers that were made by the Astral Elves were made to hunt down the Githyanki, it seemed like a good name when I needed one!)
  • Harakin explains that the passage to the Astral Elf home known as Barawaui should be fairly easy to get to; however, there is a large meteor belt that surrounds Barawaui as a defensive measure, preventing the Githyanki army of Spelljammers from being able to easily assault Barawaui
  • He does explain, towing a defunct Spelljammer through it might be difficult – and may require removal or magically pushing some of the smaller meteors to allow passage with the Githyanki spelljammer being towed
  • Buppido attunes to the party’s Spelljammer and hears Alsayaada‘s voice in his head
Roughly what the Spelljammer Helm looks like, except it would have the decorations of a female Sphinx and Sphinx wings on the back.
  • As Buppido tries to steer through; he gets to a portion where the meteor belt is extremely dense; and Harakin explains that the Githyanki have equipment that allow them to breathe in the Astral Plane for limited time. Adrian and Korra accept that they need to go out onto the meteors and crack some – to allow the ships to pass through.
  • Korra and Adrian suit up and prepare to leap from their spelljammer onto the nearest meteorite
Korra and Adrian suited up… or a wonderful screen shot from the game Mass Effect
  • As Adrian and Korra leap out, Korra is able to gracefully land on the nearby meteor, meanwhile, Adrian, not used to the clunky outfit stumbles and begins to float adrift in the Astral Plane. It’s only Korra’s quick reaction to grab him prevents Adrian from floating away by using Mage Hand to grab him by the ankle and yank him back.
  • As Korra and Adrian hammer away at one of the larger meteorites; it cracks open and liquid floats out – as they crack it further – suddenly a creature’s tentacles lunge out and inside they see a large, living plant
  • Korra seeing the massive plant, with a body inside of its mouth, lets out a scream in her helmet and stumbles backwards away from its vines and falls on her back (Critical Fail on Initiative)
  • Sensing that Korra has fallen, the creature’s vine lunges forward; but Adrian is able to use his Divine Allegiance to take the damage that the plant inflicts on Korra (which was a Natural 20!)
  • The creature then lashes around Adrian’s ankle, and despite Adrian’s attempt to escape, he’s unable to
  • Korra begins attacking it, to try and free Adrian
  • Don Kanin is forced to climb up into the Crow’s Nest of the Spelljammer to be able to see the creature, that otherwise had full cover
  • Hearing the commotion, Buppido asks Alsayaada if she’s capable of firing some form of magic missiles and she explains she can – but requires direction – bound to the Spelljammer’s Helm, Buppido is unable to see in which direction the creature is, so begins firing in random directions – which causes some fragments to collide and fly back and slightly damage the Spelljammer
  • Adrian is pulled into the creature’s mouth where the creature secretes acid all around him, burning him
  • Don sends Halia over to the meteorite to help get Adrian free of the beast
  • Buppido finally realizes after several rounds that he’s perhaps doing more damage to their Spelljammer than being useful – he takes off the Spelljammer helm and tells Alsayaada to control herself for a minute – and leans over the edge and casts Toll the Dead on the creature, which manages to land a hit
  • The plant creature is eventually defeated; and the party spends another seven hours, clearing meteorites; and once clear, Buppido slams on the “gas” – and just then everyone else yells – as a murder comet swings by – Buppido slams on the “brakes” – but the towed Spelljammer slams into the back of their Spelljammer (Failed Dexterity Check for driving)
  • One day worth of food spills out of the back, but the party is finally able to pass the clearing and make their way to Barawaui
  • Harakin observes the damage and agrees that the party can take 90%, as he’s positive that the Astral Elves will offer to repair the Spelljammer – and if there’s cleansing to be done of the Githyanki spelljammer, that will have additional costs – and by the time it’s all said and done, the Astral Elves will have recovered 20% of the gold (DM Note – This did not happen during the game; but a retcon – because originally the party agreed to take 80% and 20% to the Astral Elves; but I failed to remember that and made it party takes 90%, Astral Elves take 10% – so to fix that, I figured this is a nice adjustment).
Barawaui – home of the Astral Elves
  • As Buppido begins to bring the ship down for a landing, Don Kanin, who is still in the Crow’s Nest can see he’s bringing it in too fast and shouts about how if he loses anymore Highland Shaggy Cow meat, Don will kill him himself (Don Kanin used the last charge he had on the Amulet of Inspiration to prevent Buppido’s Critical Fail – allowing him to inspire Buppido who rolled much better on the second roll!)
  • Harakin takes the party to Councilor Estel and explains what had happened to him and how the party was attacked by the Githyanki and defeated it; and the ship that they’re towing is the Githyanki ship. He also explains that the party saved him – and he explains that 90% of the treasure belongs to the party, and that the party has agreed that the Astral Elves can take 10% of the gold to use towards the rebellion
  • Councilor Estel explains to soldiers that they are to document everything in the Githyanki storage thoroughly to ensure that the the party is not cheated of their treasure. Councilor Estel then asks if there’s anything the party needs.
  • Adrian asks if there’s anywhere he can bathe, as he had recently found himself inside a man-eating plant; Councilor Estel offers the party to use the West Wing of his home to use as if it were their own home.
  • Buppido asks about getting a spirit inside of the Githyanki spelljammer.
  • Councilor Estel explains that it would be possible – but first they’d need to purify the Spelljammer and remove the Githyanki runes to “convince” a non-Gith spirit to enter. Councilor Estel explains that often times, the spirit of a wandering, recently deceased Solar Dragon has been convinced to spirit Spelljammers that the Astral Elves have used. Councilor Estel explains that it would take some time to remove the Githyanki runes, by using magic; and then a ritual that is costly, to try and reach out to a Solar Dragon spirit and commune with it, to enter the Spelljammer – and just reaching out to it – does not mean that it will convince it to enter. He explains the spirit will want to hear from those who control the Spelljammer to see whether or not it would be willing to “partner” with them. Councilor Estel offers to have his soldiers repair the back of their Spelljammer that had been rear ended by the Githyanki spelljammer coming out of the meteor belt. Buppido asks how much it will cost and Councilor Estel estimates between labor and supplies, it would be around 200 gold to repair. Buppido agrees to the cost.
  • Buppido enters the ship and checks on Dusk; and discovers he’d been knocked out during the impact of the Spelljammer being rear-ended and was lying on his bedroom floor; shrugging, he turns and checks on Sephrenia and finds her in her room studying. He asks her to meet with Councilor Estel‘s men as they divey up the gold and keep an eye on them; and explains that Dusk is lying on the floor in his room. He then exits the ship and waits for Councilor Estel to summon some clerics. Councilor Estel explains that it’s going to take time to gather the proper Clerics of power to cleanse the Githyanki Spelljammer and that Buppido should go enjoy himself in the city or at Councilor Estel‘s West Wing Manor. However, Buppido decides to hang out with Councilor Estel.
  • Adrian and Korra, both agree after the fight with the Githyanki, that they could go for a massage. So while at the west wing of Councilor Estel‘s manor, they ask the servant there if there’s anywhere that they can go for a massage. The servant bows his head and summons a wagon to take Korra and Adrian to a nearby massage parlor.
  • Meanwhile Don hangs out in his room with his drake, Halia, and spends time bonding with her; to which she responds like a cat, chasing things around the room (unaware of her size, and knocking things down) and purring (though more guttural sounding) like a cat.
  • It’s not long before an alarm sounds – and suddenly people are either running back to their homes, or the soldiers are lining up row after row at the front gates preparing for what has come to their gates. It sounds like thunder slamming into the walls.
  • Don, from his room is able to peer out the window and see it first – it’s a creature that towers in size, and like nothing he’s ever seen before
  • Don looks down and sees Buppido, smaller than the Astral Elves, struggling to run towards the gate and he sends Halia down to help Buppido; who leaps on the drake’s back and yells, “Dragon! Ride!” The Astral Elves, seeing a blue dragon in their midst, and knowing that historically blue dragons are evil; don’t seem phased, as Buppido is riding it and they know he was one of the people who recently arrived on the damaged Spelljammer
  • Don runs along the ramparts and take position above where the front gate opens
  • Korra and Adrian join the ranks and quickly spot Buppido still sitting on Halia
  • The gates open – and there are three of these large monstrosities pounding on the gate, trying to smash their way through
  • The party focuses on the center one while the soldiers flank around it and the other two large creatures
  • The party discovers that these creatures have a magical ability to create a protective shield around themselves making it increasingly difficult to hit the beast
  • The beast lands a critical strike against Adrian; and thankfully Adrian’s adamantine armor spares him some additional damage; but even the core damage is significant
  • Not to be out done, the party is able to still land some critical strikes against the creature, which its shield can not protect itself from
  • The creature then resorts to its acidic breath, which hits all who are close to it
  • The creature is however, finally brought down thanks to Faerie Fire – which gives Korra the ability to strike it with Advantage – and she lands a Critical Strike.