Adventure Notes 15

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The party ventured up the long, winding path of Rockhome, watched by the dwarves, along the stone towers. When they arrived in Rockhome, they found themselves greeted by the Dwarven Militia. When questioned why they were greeted by the militia, they discovered it was because the Dwarves had spotted Omen, a Dark Elf, an an enemy to all Elves. The party would have also been arrested, if not for Bodrag, who was the son of a highly respected Smith within Rockhome. The party tried to explain that Omen had escaped the Mind Rippers and was found, and essentially raised by humans at Guardstone; but the Dwarves would not have it. The party tried to explain that they were all there to kill a long time enemy of the Dwarves, a fire giant named Branstone. Still, the Dwarven Militia would not have it. Omen surrendered himself to the Dwarves, where he was told that he would be put on trial for the actions of his people (not even for anything he had done himself). Bodrag sought his father’s help to fix the rune sword, which he had previously shattered; but his father sensed great evil within the metal and magic and had the fragments destroyed. His father instead forged him a new, magical sword; and that if it was true what they had wanted to do; he enhanced it so it was more effective against giants.

Tenjii had managed to find an organization of dwarven rogues that operated within the kingdom, and explained the situation to them. They explained that they had a guard on the inside, and that there was a secret passage that would allow them to help Omen and the others escape; but the result of the escape route would be less than favorable, as it exited into the sewer system of the Dwarven Kingdom.

Tenjii returned to the party, after finding them scattered throughout the Dwarven Kingdom, and returned to the Dwarven Jail Cell when the rogue’s inside man was on guard. Using the escape through the back of the cell, the party found themselves dropping into a steel pipe, that was filled with a constant flowing of sewage. After a few members of the party became physically ill and vomited, the party continued down the steel pipe until it emptied out into a massive pool of sewage below.

After escaping some form of jelly creature in the sewage pool, the party continued through the cavern where they encountered some lower caste members of the Dwarven Society whose job was to ensure that the sewage remained functional. Bodrag, of higher caste, convinced the workers that they were doing inspections and continued on. They discovered a secret passage that led to a room that had been caved in, and at one time, a church of the dwarves; who Bodrag learned, had collapsed the church intentionally when the Dark Elves rose up to try and enslave dwarves through a tunnel. Argo was able to find a lot of foot traffic in the dusty room, and tracked it to another secret door. Bodrag led the way in and suddenly found, two trolls that had been chained to the wall, lunging forward. One had managed to grip him, and bite deeply into his face. The rest of the party quickly engaged the trolls, and after a long battle, and some fire, had managed to defeat the trolls once and for all, but Bodrag earned a scar from the battle.

Further down, Tenjii, while trying to disarm the alarm, had failed to do so and triggered it; bringing down upon them, several Duergar – dark dwarves, changed by the foul magics of the Dark Elves. After another battle, the party continued down the tunnel further, and came to a large room. Giant stairs led down, and the party slowly made their way down, knowing now they were in giant territory.

They found a fire giant in the room and formed an attack plan; and moved in quickly to attack the Fire Giant. The Fire Giant, who held a large, magical staff with a gem on it, fought back hard, damaging several party members with an onslaught of magic. The party successfully defeated the Fire Giant and gathered the stone; but ‘Free’ the slave, whom they had rescued, noted that it was not the correct stone. At that moment, another Fire Giant entered the room, and demanded to know what happened to his brother, and immediately attacked the party. Though wounded and low on spells, the party had managed to defeat the giant as well, and found the stone they were searching for was embedded within the giant’s sword. Quickly removing it, the party made their way back up and presented their discovery – and victory – to the Dwarven King, who was eternally grateful for the removal of Branstone, the Fire Giant.