
Tabaxi: Tabaxi are originally from a small, yet lethal island known as Feylinar. The Tabaxi were found and brought to the main continent, initially sold (despite their protests) as “exotic pets.” Many of the (filthy) rich had Tabaxi chained in their homes to show off their status. People revolted and helped free the Tabaxi from their chains, and now Tabaxi are a rare sight on the main continents of Kne’Urth. Some seek passage back to their home land, but some decide to remain on the continent (having been unaware that a world existed beyond their treacherous home island of Feylinar).

Tabaxi’s appearance is as varied as their attitudes. Some tabaxi have features or patterning in their fur like tigers, jaguars, or other big cats, while others have appearances more like a house cat. Still others have unique patterns or might style their fur to their preferences—or might even be hairless!