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- Arwynn Liadon (Half-Elf – Druid / Ranger)
- Rides Horse: Laska
- Pet: Mozilla (Fire Fox)
- Arrimar Oakroot (Wood Elf – Ranger)
- Rides Horse: Goliath
- Pet: Chrome (Silver Wolf)
Learn more about the origin of Shadow Island.
- From the cavern, Arwynn and Arrimar can see portions of Stormthunder, far in the distance; but a river and a field full of fog/marine layer stand between them.
- Arrimar and Arwynn try to determine the best path; whether it’s trying to find a way through the river/stream or go up north, following the stream on the eastern side closer to Orison Peak and see if thins out
- They decide to pull straws to see who will decide what path they take – and it’s Arwynn who pulls the largest straw and heaves a deep sigh
- She looks at Arrimar and says, “I guess we should try to get to Stormthunder as quickly as we can. We can see if we can find a place to cross the river/stream between us and Stormthunder, rather than wasting several hours going north, hoping there’s a thinner place near the base of the mountain.”
- The duo scale down the mountain side and reach the stream. (DM Note: I had Arwynn roll a D4 to determine the intensity of the water, 1 being calm – stream like, 4 being a river of rapids)
- Arwynn tries to swim across first but is caught in the current, in a state of panic, Arrimar tries to swim to her, but also gets caught in the current – washing them both 47 feet down the river before they’re able to reach the other side of the shore.

- Arwynn grumbles that she had it all under control and Arrimar made it worse. The marine front and chilling fog made it hard to see anything – and being soaked – yet again – the duo find it to be extremely cold.
- Despite no idea what might be in the field, the two cautiously proceed through the fog – and Arwynn pauses when she hears the sound of jackals. “Did you hear that,” she whispers as the fog wraps around them both.
- Arrimar confirms that he also hears the sound of jackals.
- She listens – and believes it to be about 2 or 3 jackals – she checks the ground for any prints in the moist soil, but can’t determine anything
- As they stealth through the field, moving ever so quietly, they begin to hear more jackals – it no longer sounds like one or two – now it sounds like several packs all around them. The intensity of the fog makes it difficult to see around them.

- Arwynn – while going through the field – nearly bumps into a humanoid. Arrimar grabs her and pulls her to the ground and points – and she sees a humanoid with two jackals and quickly recognizes it as a gnoll.
- She shoves Arrimar away and mutters, “I knew there were there. I had a plan.”
- “What was your plan?” Arrimar’s hiss whispers.
- The gnoll manages to spot the duo – and combat begins while he sends two jackals into the fight as well.
- Arrimar looks at Arwynn and mutters, “I hope your aim is better than your swimming.”
- Arwynn shakes her head and mutters, “Ha. Ha. Ha.”
- They make quick work of the gnoll and jackals but know the sounds of combat are bound to draw more attention so they quickly move towards Stormthunder and see that gnolls have overrun the town as several stand guard at the gates. “We will need to sneak in another way,” Arrimar whispers.
- “The sewers,” Arwynn points to the sewage gate that’s been left open.
- “Not my favorite choice, but you’re right,” Arrimar sighs.
- They two make their way through the sewers – and eventually encounter several goblins. One of them (Bootoor) mentions that as long as they’re not gnolls – only the gnolls are their enemy. Arwynn mentions they need to get to the library – and Bootoor explains that their King can help them with that.
- Arrimar and Arwynn exchange nervous glances at once another, about allowing themselves to walk into a den full of goblins; but realize they may have little choice.
- Self proclaimed “King Terralol” sits on a throne composed of trash, but most noticeable is a circular object next to him that is repeating, “Must fix what is broken.”
- Arwynn explains that she and Arrimar need to reach the library, because it may contain tomes that they need about a Coven of Hags. The goblin king explains that if they can help get rid of the gnoll chief, the other gnolls will fight amongst each other and the goblins could take advantage of it. Do so, and the Goblin King will grant them access to the library when the city is reclaimed for the goblins!