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- Arwynn Liadon (Half-Elf – Druid / Ranger)
- Rides Horse: Laska
- Pet: Mozilla (Fire Fox)
- Arrimar Oakroot (Wood Elf – Ranger)
- Rides Horse: Goliath
- Pet: Chrome (Silver Wolf)
- Briel Nailo (Half-Elf – Druid) – Has Not Special Guested Yet
Learn more about the origin of Shadow Island.

- The Sea Hag turns, sensing the commotion behind her, flesh of one of her victims still swaying in the water, caught between her vile, rotten teeth as she turns to face Arwynn, Arrimar, Sandwave, and the two Hippocampii – Undertow and Riptide; and combat immediately begins.
- The Hippocampus manages to ram the Sea Hag twice
- Arrimar fires the harpoon at the hag, finally getting a feel for how the weapon works beneath the water, further fueled by the disgusting sight before him – not only visually, but the sheer, raw dark magic emanating from the Sea Witch
- The Sea Witch looking in front of her turns her hatred to a figure she recognizes; the Merfolk, Sandwave and casts her deathly gaze towards him – unfortunately, Sandwave is unable to avoid the gaze; and slumps into a death-like state.
- The battle rages on, but it’s Arwynn who manages to deliver the killing blow against the Sea Witch
- However, it comes at a cost, as both she and Arrimar are very bloody by the time the fight has come to an end and Sandwave is barely alive (passed two Death Saves then was stabilized with a successful Medicine check from Arrimar). See the House Rules regarding Death Saves and Medicine Checks.
- Arwynn notices that as the Sea Witch fell forward, deceased, a small fragment fell out of the gap in the Sea Hag’s chest. Arwynn kneels down and picks it up and notices it seems to be some kind of stone roughly shaped in a triangle. She pockets it and telepathically tells Arrimar that they should ask Seatide if he knows about it.
- When they return to Seatide, Arwynn shows him the unusual stone and he nods and explains, “So it’s true – it’s a fragment of a fallen star. That means the other four must also each possess a piece. We must find them each – and destroy them – then find a way to destroy the stones – or else, each of them will be restored through the stones. The stones will act as what’s known as a phylactery.”
- Arwynn asks if she can just smash it and Seatide explains that the stone is from a fallen star and courses with magic; the stone too, will pull itself back together, if not properly destroyed.
- Arwynn asks how they go about finding out where the other four have gone or how to destroy these stones, and Seatide explains that a long time ago, on Shadow Island, there was a large town at the base of Orison Peak known as Stormthunder. Perhaps information could be found in its vast libraries, as powerful wizards, who once entertained the idea of reaching the peaks of Orison Peak – flocked here for the potential knowledge stored high ain those peaks.
- Arwynn explains that Stormthunder has been deserted for many, many, many years and has become a ghost town; and that she’s not even entirely certain it has any residents anymore. After it was learned how perilous the climb up Orison Peak was, with endless casualties, and people never returning; and how at a specific height, an anti-magic field operates, preventing from magically scaling or teleporting up the mountain, many people eventually left, leaving Stormthunder to fall into ruin.
- Seatide says that it’s unfortunate, and that perhaps the tomes from the libraries may still be there and provide some form of hint as to what must be done next.
- Arwynn and Arrimar agree that they need to investigate it and Undertow and Riptide give them a ride back to the beaches of Avador before departing again