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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Morsus Firebeard (Hill Dwarf Cleric)
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric)
- Ragnaroc (Aasimar Warlock)
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger)
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue)
Current NPCs traveling with the party:
Connected Adventures: Adventure 14, Adventure 15, Adventure 16, Adventure 17, Adventure 18, Adventure 19, Adventure 20, Adventure 21, Adventure 22, Adventure 23, Adventure 24, Adventure 25 and Adventure 26.
- The party ventures out of the swamp and meets up with Pren, Gor, Bran and Dran who are excited to see them alive
- On the way there, they decide to camp and Don uses Pass Without Trace as the same (?) Ettin they saw before passes by, and thanks to the spell, the Ettin does not spot the party
- Together they decide to venture to Nor’Orn to drop off the components they’ve gathered to cure the poison since the last time they saw him

- While speaking with Nor’Orn they inquire about the Drow Priestess amulet (which Morsus is wearing, but don’t reveal he’s wearing) and ask if there’s a way to remove it
- Nor’Orn thinks and explains that decapitation is one route
- The party shows him the Drow Priestess helmet they got and he explains that he may be able to deconstruct the Helmet and see if he can figure out how the old magic works
- Nor’Orn explains that Priestesses would go into the slave pens and grab slaves who were disobedient, and grab them and teleport away. Those slaves were never seen again.
- Nor’Orn also explains that while he’s been hunting, flying on Glider, that he’s seen far more Drow activity
- The party reveals the Blade of Nak’ar which they got from the Commander that they had killed

- Nor’Orn recognizes the blade as to belonging to Commander Nak’ar
- The party explains that they encountered him and killed him and Nor’Orn explains that probably explains the elevated Drow activity
- Nor’Orn also identifies the Drow Poison daggers and how they work, and how they were the weapons often used by Drown Assassins
- The party thanks Nor’Orn and decides to use the short cut further south

- Adrian approaches the lake as they come and drinks from it
- It seems unusually crisp and clear and energizing
- He dumps the water in his vials and refills them
- At that moment, a Water Weird bursts from the water and attacks!

- The party rushes in to attack, including the dwarves
- The weapons don’t seem be doing as much damage as one would think
- Sephrenia casts Ray of Frost on it
- It attempts to constrict Adrian, but fails to do so
- Adrian notices when it lunges forward, it does not leave the body of water
- Ragnaroc blasts it for some heavy damage with Eldrich Blast
- Morsus finishes it off with Toll of the Dead
- Korra explains that this is a Water Weird – a creature from the Plane of Water
- Korra knows that the Drow are traveling through the Planes
- And she explains that the Drow had captured an Elder Air Elemental and brought it back
- Because of this, she believes they may have gone to the Plane of Water for something, and this may have followed it through
- Pren goes on to explain that he’s never seen such creatures before
- The party proceeds forward – after reaching the area mapped as a large cave, the four dwarves look nervous

- Pren explains that about fifty years ago, a giant green dragon came and attacked their kingdom – and proclaimed she was “evil born.”
- The party asks if they know the dragon’s name
- Pren explains it’s impossible to forget, because each time she took a breath, she proclaimed “I am Emereth – evil born!”
- Adrian, and the others know of Emereth, because of what he’d shared before
- Pren explains that Emereth is no longer there, but the land feels of great evil, undoubtedly tainted by the presence of Emereth for the years she’d remained there
- The party carries on and heads for the top marked “Down. Fire! Hot!” because this is where the Magimen are located
- As they venture downward, they can see the cavern is large; bats flutter about, spiders of every size; and even more unusual – a plant that is black in color has roots of it everywhere that seems to sense heat

- The party attempts to burn one of the roots – and are surprised to see that the other roots severe the burned root, which then thrashes around like a chicken without its head cut off, before finally stopping
- The party proceeds and reaches stairs down and sees what appears to be the main plant, which has clung to the walls

- Adrian looks over the ledge and sees that there’s stairs down and there’s also a body of water in the center
- Adrian commands his mount (Ms. Claws) to leap over the center to jump in the water to see if it’s safe; which she does and telepathically shares an image of a Water Weird that she’s encountered in the water below
- Korra ties her rope to a ledge and the party decides to climb down
- Everyone makes it down, except for Korra who slips and takes a fall (taking some damage as she hits the hard, cobble stone below)
- Adrian uses Lay on Hands to heal Korra’s wounds
- The Drow High Priestess attempts to locate Morsus, but he’s able to shut her out
- The party continues down and continues to see evidence of the unusual plant

- As the party continues down the hall, a few of the members spot an unusual green, membrane liquid on the floor
- The party tries to ignite it to see if it’s flammable and it’s not
- After some discussion the party decides to move forward
- The hall eventually leads into a large room that appears to have – at one time – been a great library
- The library is covered in webbing

- Morsus spots several books and finds books that have Drow writings – and he also finds books that show dissections of humanoids and mentions gross experiments
- The party surmises that this is one of Goarus Doomsilk‘s chambers
- Korra looks around to see if there’s spiders, but Morsus calling out the books distracts her (Critical fail on Perception)
- Adrian spots two giant spiders sitting at the very top ceiling – both appear alive but don’t seem interested in ensnaring the party members
- At that moment, a creature bursts from behind one of the book shelves, knocking it over

- Fearing the giant spiders might drop down, Morsus takes a step backwards onto the stairs – and misfires his Faerie Fire (Gibbering Mouther saved!)
- Sephrenia hits it with Ray of Frost
- Everyone else moves back onto the stairs to avoid the danger of the spiders dropping directly down on them during the fight
- However, as Ragnaroc does – he accidentally trips and slips on some of the slime from the Gibbering Mouth on the stairs – and one of his Eldrich Blasts strikes Morsus
- The Gibbering Mouth gets close enough – so that the sound of it’s many mouths pierces the minds of the party
- Adrian fails (and can not make any Reactions this round)
- Sephrenia fails – draws her Mace and strikes a random target (hitting Morsus with her mace)
- Ragnaroc fails and flees back out the hallways, using all of his movements
- The Gibbering Mouth that spits green slime right between them all (since everyone backed it up to the stairs), however everyone is able to avoid the blinding flash of the green slime’s explosive contact
- It also manages to bite Sephrenia delivering some damage
- It tries to draw her in, but she breaks free of its grapple
- Korra tries to stab the Gibbering Mouth with her newly poisoned daggers, but accidentally stabs herself (Critical Fail)
- She knows not to draw the Dagger out or else it will trigger the poison
- Morsus uses Scorching Ray and one of them does a Critical Fail striking Ragnaroc as he re-enters the room
- They finally kill the Gibbering Mouth
- Adrian uses his Lay on Hands to counteract the poison of Korra’s dagger which allows her to pull it out safely (just taking the damage from the stab and not the injected poison)
- Which then triggers the two giant spiders who drop down to attack the party
- The giant spiders, however, are easily dispatched
- The Drow High Priestess attempts to locate Morsus, but he’s able to shut her out
- The party finds evidence in the books that the Gibbering Mouth was a result some failed experiments done by Goarus Doomsilk
- Don and Morsus look around the room and find a creature standing by a bookshelf in front of a wall

- Adrian finally decides to approach it and speaks with it, which seems to finally trigger the creature which simply states, “Guard.”
- Adrian tries to talk – but all it seems to say is “Guard”
- Looking past the Flesh Golem – they notice a wall that may be a door, but there’s no visible handle
- Morsus finally finds commands in one of the books and tells it to “Move”
- Korra decides to examine the door – and spots not one but two traps
- (Rolling Natural 20)
- She realizes the first trap is an obvious trap – clearly meant to think someone that’s the only trap on the door
- She then notices the second trap would prove lethal if it’s triggered
- She manages to remove both traps successfully
- The party travels down – and Korra spots four portals – one portal for each realm (Fire, Earth, Water, Air)

- All four portals are closed
- The party hears combat further down and heads down and finds Azer fighting a large water elemental

- The party recognizes the Azer, knowing from the Dwarves that they’d traded with the Azer and could prove to be powerful allies in their war against the Drow
- They get into the fight, siding with the Azer
- As as Sephrenia summons her Spiritual Weapon, and Morsus steps in front of it as she sends it towards the Water Elemental (she rolled a Critical Fail, hitting Morsus)
- The Water Elemental having felt the blasts of Eldrich Blasts – slamming into Ragnaroc for some heavy damage (17 points of damage!), but on its second attack, Critical Fails and hits itself inflicting some damage to itself
- Adrian delivers the killing blow using Demonbane and expending a Divine Smite

- Krom explains that the Magmen have allied themselves with the Drow
- And the Drow have used Water Elementals to keep the Azer at bay
- The party agrees to help because they need to defeat the Magmen and also have to stop the Drow
- Krom welcomes the party to a small encampment they’ve put together