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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Morsus Firebeard (Hill Dwarf Cleric)
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric)
- Ragnaroc (Aasimar Warlock)
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger)
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue)
Current NPCs traveling with the party:
Connected Adventures: Adventure 14, Adventure 15, Adventure 16, Adventure 17, Adventure 18, Adventure 19, Adventure 20, Adventure 21, Adventure 22, Adventure 23, Adventure 24, Adventure 25, Adventure 26, Adventure 27 and Adventure 28.
- The party gathers with the Azer in the abandoned throne room
- Krom arrives with the others, bringing with him Ragnaroc who seems to have snapped out of his trance
- Adrian shares with Amer and Krom that when they were on their way down, from the abandoned Great Library they had found four closed portals (to Air, Fire, Water and Earth)
- Amer explains that once his father Krom opens the portal, they will be able to get elixirs that can be used as explosives to shut down that secret passage; and that’s clearly how the Alchemist was summoning and capturing Elementals to send against the Azer
- As they’re standing there, discussing things; Ragnaroc – perhaps as a Warlock, senses some unusual magic and turns and sees an unusual Drow standing next to the throne who appears through a shimmering portal and says, “So my Queen was right. You’re in the throne room and killed the Fire Giant prince. A shame.”

- He gestures and opens three portals from which three vicious looking Driders emerge, before he leaves by stepping away through another portal

- Ragnaroc quickly points to the Driders and a fight begins!
- Some of the party recognize the Driders from visions of having touched the Blade of Nak’ar (the Captain’s blade that they’d killed)
- Ragnaroc launches Eldritch Blast but both blasts miss
- The Drider in the back begins casting (with Morsus, Adrian and Korra – though she’s hiding) standing relatively close – casting Faerie Fire
- Both Morsus and Korra are able to avoid it, but Adrian begins glowing purple
- The one who cast easily begins scaling the wall while the other two launch an attack, focusing their longbow fire on Adrian since he’s illuminated
- Adrian gets hit with several arrows, since the Driders have multiattack, and quickly discovers that the arrows are also poisoned
- The Azer rush forward, with Adrian mounting his Raptor (Mrs. Claws) and rush towards the Driders and casts Shield of Faith on himself
- Morsus launches a Fireball towards the two on the ground, and they fail to move out of the way taking some fire damage
- Sephrenia tries to spot the one on the ceiling, who is stealthing in the shadows and spots her (Natural 20!) and she fires Guiding Bolt and hitting for some tremendous damage
- The Drider on the ceiling managed to keep her Concentration on the Faerie Fire, keeping Adrian aglow in purple
- Sephrenia also casts Healing Word on Adrian, giving him some health back
- Korra fires her bow at the Drider on the ceiling, since Guiding Bolt gave her advantage and manages to land a hard hit as a Sneak Attack
- Ragnaroc hexes the Drider on the floor, on the left, and blasts him with Eldritch Blast
- The Driders attack Adrian again, with arrows – and Adrian directs the damage to his Raptor mount, who takes enough damage to disappear, forcing Adrian to try and land – and doesn’t do so gracefully, slightly twisting his ankle for minor damage
- He then begins to Channel Divinity
- The Azer try to attack the Driders, but the agile Driders easily avoid their attacks
- Sephrenia tries to hit the one on the ceiling with Guiding Bolt again, but fails to hit
- She does then summon a Spiritual Hammer which manages to hit the one on the ceiling
- Korra fires at the Drider on the ceiling and manages to land another Sneak Attack
- The Drider, yet again, manages to keep her Concentration despite the heavy damage she’d taken
- The Driders launch another volley of arrows at Adrian, hitting him again
- Don arrives from scouting and sees the two Drow by the throne, but fails to see the one on the ceiling
- Morsus casts Healing Word on Adrian, giving him some health back
- Sephrenia hits the one on the ceiling with Sacred Flame hitting it
- Then casts Healing Word on Adrian
- Korra tries to spot the one on the ceiling but can’t see it (blinded by Sephrenia’s Sacred Flame – Critical Fail on Perception)
- She then decides to fire on the Drider by the throne, focusing on the one on the left that Ragnaroc had been firing on
- Don fires two shots to the one on the left, but both arrows narrowly miss
- Ragnaroc fires on the one on the left and hits, dealing damage as well as the Hex damage
- Morsus fires three blasts of Scorching Ray with one hitting, one missing, and one a critical fail, hitting Don for trivial damage
- While Don fails to spot the one on the ceiling, he does spot drops of blood on the floor coming from her (she’s bloodied) and able to fire off a shot that manages to hit her (even though it was at disadvantage)
- The Azer finally land some hits, and manage to help kill the one on the left
- Ragnaroc tries to spot the one on the ceiling but fails – so he casts Shatter on the ceiling, roughly where he thinks she is
- This shatters the ceiling, which is old and abandoned – and fails to hold together – the Drider takes the damage from the spell, but dies, after falling 60′ feet
- Unfortunately, the old cavern also begins to cave in around them in that area, and Morsus, Sephrenia and Ragnaroc all fail to dodge the falling stones, taking some damage
- The Drider to the right, also perished in the cave in
- Krom states that he has to start the portal opening all over again and after awhile is able to open the portal to the Plane of Fire
- Some of the Azer merchants come over and the party is able to trade the three armor the Driders were wearing (which, Pren who was off doing his own thing) comes back to tell the party that they undersold the armor value – since it was laced with Adamantine; undoubtedly the Drow Queen had Dwarven slaves make it for her trusted Driders
- The party manages to get: two Goggles of Night (Korra and Morsus), ten Greater Healing Potions (dived up between the party), two Dust of Disappearance (Korra) by bartering some of the rubies that Sephrenia has (since gold is of no use in their kingdom)
- Adrian also asks about enchanting his armor and sword, which they’re able to do if someone has crystals from the crystal cavern – which Adrian has three of – and they explain one goes to the sword, and one for the top of the armor, one for the bottom
- They enchant his longsword to become a +1 Longsword and his armor to be +1.
- The Azer and Pren discuss the Dwarves returning to this section of the Kingdom and rebuilding it now that the dragon is gone
- Pren mentions there’s an area of it that still “gives off an unusual feeling” (marked as Bone Cave! Big Cave! Danger! on the map) and until that’s cleared out (which is where Emereth called her home after slaughtering many of the dwarves here), it’s unlikely the King (Thariak Froststorm) will agree to come back (and that is, first resolving the issue with Thariak Froststorm aligning himself with the Drow)

- After the fight, the party decides to rest, believing that the Drow probably will not attack for awhile, assuming the Driders had taken out the party.