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- Calliope Laurelleaf – Halfling Bard
- Ellyjobell – Gnome Ranger/Rogue
- Phalen – High Elf Cleric
- Talerien – Wood Elf Ranger (Not Present)
- Trogdorr – Dragonborn Barbarian
- Twirpo – Hill Dwarf Wizard
- Alaric Lysane – Human Fighter/Paladin
After the party returns the children to their parents, they see the Caravan is ready to leave. Everyone is paid out the first leg of their journey (1d10 + CHR Modifer x 10, Talerien since you weren’t there!) and the Caravan grows from four to twelve. (Many of the original Caravan from Ivory Coast to Ridgecrest to Lakefront, remained in Lakefront to help rebuild the city that had been attacked by the Undead Black Dragon Ebony – see Adventure 11, 12 and 13 for more). Alaric through all of this has found divine hope and has dipped into becoming a Paladin.

One of the caravans – one with an assortment of elaborate decorations belongs to a wealthy human by the name of Courtel Barrowspear who is a politician hoping to make connections in the Broken Lands, having heard that there was all kinds of ancient relics being found there. His brown eyes and brown hair put him in his early thirties, possibly. He makes it very clear that he does not trust the party (having heard an assortment of things; such as they’d been responsible for releasing a fallen angel who was wreaking havoc to the west, in the Broken Lands, jeopardizing Courtel’s chances of making connections). He also questions why they ride with a Red Dragonborn; as the Metallic Dragons, especially the Red Dragons, are known to be evil. He’s also heard that their Cleric, Phalen has equipped an ancient gauntlet of terrible and evil power and “claims” she can be freed of it. And according to one eye witness, the party was seen giving an ancient relic, known to raise the dead to a Black Dragon – only to have an undead Black Dragon destroy Lakefront. This knowledge comes from his deep pockets and connections throughout the Eastern side of the Ivory Vale continent.
Because of his lack of trust of the “most well versed heroes protecting the caravan” – Courtel has employed his own protection. This includes:
- Half-Orc Barbarian (F)
- Brakara Durastorm
- Aasimar Paladin (F)
- Haylen Farstar
- Elf Druid (F)
- Yellena Fallmoon
- Halfling Rogue (M)
- Bren Barrelforge
- Monk Half-Elf (M)
- Nourn Blackmane
- Ranger Half-Elf (M)
- Dourn Blackmane
- Warlock Tiefling (M)
- Lren Tornsoul
The caravan comes to a stop at the base of the Longstone Mountain Range where many caravans often stop before the long and treacherous trek up through the Longstone Mountain Range. The site is essentially a common camp site for caravans, where caravans who have just come down make a stop after the long trek, and those about to make the long trek often trade, gather information about the road and conditions ahead, and often way for daylight. While at the campsite, Talerien goes in search for food and scouts the surrounding area for danger.
The campsite hosts games of Pit Fighting and Gambling, and Trogdorr decides to go into the ring against Brakara Durastorm. Both Calliope and Phalen use their magic to enhance his chances. He manages to win two of the three rounds. During the pit fighting, Elly notices that only the Paladin (Haylen Farstar) and the Warlock (Lren Tornsoul) seem to be guarding Courtel’s cart. She disguises herself as a drunken dwarf and wanders near the wagon to try and peek inside, but is caught by Haylen who pushes her away. Elly is next and goes against Haylen Farstar, and once again Calliope and Phalen use their magic to enhance their chances and wins all three rounds.
The party then decides to rest around a campfire when they observe a larger sized (as in girth) human pulling a sleigh down the mountain pass. The sleigh seems to be pulled by reindeer. Strangely enough, no one else in the caravan seems to react to this unusual sight as the man, a human with frosty white hair and beard spots the party and smiles, as if he knows them and approaches them. He sits comfortably next to them, his sleigh behind him and his reindeer looking around, and asks the party for their help. He explains that brigands have robbed him of his Bag of Holding, which contains endless amounts of gifts for children, and his Rudy of Levitation. He said that he knows the main brigand, a man who used to be human named Ga’rich. The mysterious figure explains that he believes Ga’rich may have perhaps found the castle that was rumored to have crashed somewhere in the Longstone Mountain Range and that may be where he got his newfound magical abilities. He explains that Ga’rich was a hard working human who came to the Ivory Coast in hopes of making something of a name for himself; but he was always nothing more than a servant to everyone he came to work with, and grew extremely envious and jealous, so much so he began to despise people, and would venomously insult them at every chance – Clerics banished him and cursed him, preventing him from returning to the Ivory Vale. He went into hiding, searching for a way to extract his revenge. The mysterious figure asks the party to subdue – not kill – Ga’rich, then show him the magical mirror that they’re handed. This will keep him subdued by seeing the truth of what he’s become.
The party agrees to help the mysterious figure and begin to make their way up the mountain. About 30′ up the trail, the party realizes someone is moving behind them and see Courtel’s seven guards watching them at the foot of the path. Going up a little more, the party senses something and looks behind them and sees only six members of Courtel’s guards now. Peering through the fog they’re able to determine that the Halfling Rogue has gone missing and surmise that he’s stealthily behind them now. Elly and Calliope decide to leave the halfling a message in Thieves Cant that reads: I know you’re behind us – If you can make it to the top without me spotting you, I owe you a drink.
The party begins to make their way up the path again, looking out for a specific cave that the mysterious figure had mentioned; they hear the thunderous approach of a large figure and Phalen quickly casts Pass Without Trace to quietly get past the Ettin and continue up the path. It’s further up where Trogdorr and Phalen hear creatures speaking Draconic – they seem to be arguing about having gone the wrong way. Trogdorr continues ahead and sees two batches of Kobolds – eight in total – two that seem to have wooden cages on their back, and six others who seem to have functional wings of some kind. Trogdorr, a Red Dragonborn, slams his heavy axe on the ground and demands to know what the Kobolds are doing. They explain that they’re looking for the castle that crashed somewhere in the mountain range and they need to get the treasure back to the Cult of the Dragons so raise the Goddess, Tyhamat. Trogdorr tells them that he has another mission for them and that he was sent by the Cult of the Dragons. The Kobolds drop to their knees and wholeheartedly agree (Natural 20!) to assist Trogdorr and his companions (whom he tells the Kobolds are also members of the Cult of Dragons). He learns that the two with cages on their backs are inventors, while the other six are sorcerers. Trogdorr manages to convince one of the Sorcerers “Sorcerer Number 6” (named Be’jchark) to scout ahead. Be’jchark does so and upon stepping inside the cave – a few moments later, lets out a scream that’s cut short.
Elly scouts ahead and sees two Red Guard Drakes – one of which, finishes consuming Be’jchark who probably assumed these Guard Drakes might be friendly to him because of their shared “Draconic Heritage.” Elly stealths back to report what she saw, which sends Trogdorr forward who demands that the Guard Drakes stand down for her and his companions (Natural 20!). The party enters and moves past the Guard Drakes where further down the hall they’re surprised to see the walls come alive – and Galeb Duhr – people made of stone! – warn them that the Ga’rich has many guards down below, and would like the party to remove them and Ga’rich because he taints their land. The party asks about Ga’rich and the Galeb Duhr tell them that Ga’rich also has a violet dragon with him. The party is stunned – unsure what a violet dragon is. The party moves a little ahead with Elly checking for traps. Phalen continues to concentrate on the Pass Without Trace having roughly 30 more minutes of it, but Trogdorr and Elly have both stepped out of the range. As the party moves on they hear sounds – no one is able to distinguish what language is being spoke. Trogdorr turns towards “Kobold Inventor #2” (named Lefar) and asks if he can make an invention to understand languages. The party looks around as Lefar looks through his items and constructs something and hands it to Trogdorr proudly. Trogdorr in turn hands it to Elly. Elly puts it over her ear – the device clamps down on her ear (causing 4 damage) and Elly lets out a scream in pain (failing her Constitution Save). This alerts the creatures below – which the party has now determined is Hobgoblins (by the words that Elly is now able to understand telling them “to get ready”).
Trogdorr and Elly hide while Phalen guides the others, continuing to use Pass Without a Trace to sneak through the dark cavern. They see eight Hobgoblin archers lined against the wall waiting for someone to walk through; and one who appears to be a mage. Trogdorr and Elly in the meantime hear the same thunderous sound they heard before marking the Ettin’s return; wondering if the Ettin was a part of this, they soon discover the Ettin passes the Guard Drakes and enters the cave freely. Elly tries to throw a trap down for the Ettin, but the Ettin’s perception due to it’s multiple heads easily spots Elly now and a fight between Elly, Trogdorr and the Ettin begins. Elly manages to get the first attack and does considerable damage before sprinting away. The Ettin seeing the threat of Trogdorr manages to hit him with his axe but not his morning star, doing some damage. The Hobgoblins hearing the Ettin engaged in battle assume that he’s fighting who they heard and step into the cavern and launch a volley of arrows, with only two hitting Trogdorr. The rest of the party behind the Hobgoblins now launches their attack as the Kobolds listen to Trogdorr’s commands – Kunta, one of the Inventors throws centipedes on the Ettin while Lefar tosses some alchemist fire down at the Hobgoblins. Twirpo unleashes a fireball finishing off all the Hobgoblins while Calliope rushes up and attacks the Ettin. Alric is behind her, attacking the Ettin as well, and together bring the massive beast down.
Once past the burning decay of Hobgoblins, Trogdorr convinces Kunta, the Kobold Inventor to scout ahead. He comes back and reports it’s just Ga’rich inside – and that he’s talking to himself while holding a red gem, and there’s a big back, and a violet dragon. Elly scouts inside and confirms – but sees the violet dragon is actually a small dragon, no bigger than a foot that Ga’rich uses to squeeze for euphoria to “unlock” his mind so that he can try to figure out the magic words to unlock the power of the gem. Calliope casts a spell to subdue him, and due to his recent ingestion of Faerie Dragon Euphoria he rolls at Disadvantage (Natural 1!) and quickly succumbs to fits of laughter. Elly and Calliope quickly run in and tie him up and Elly reveals the mirror to Ga’rich who stops in his tracks seeing the truth of what he’s become. Twirpo then uses Mage Hand to hold the mirror as they begin to escort Ga’rich – however, the Guard Drakes seeing their master tied up react poorly – Elly calls for the Galeb Duhr who appear and snap the Guard Drake’s necks, allowing the party to pass, and returning the home to the Galeb Duhr.
The party successfully escorts Ga’rich to the bottom where Elly spots a note where she’d left hers in Thieves Cant that reads: You owe me a drink. Elly and Calliope laugh. They reach the bottom and immediately draw everyone’s attention because with them are seven kobolds! This only feeds Courtel’s suspicion about the party. The party convinces some of the merchants that they had rescued them from the Cult of the Dragon. Elly buys a drink and takes it to Bren Barrelforge who happily takes the drink with a clank of the mug, smiling smugly. They bring Ga’Rich to the mysterious figure who puts him on his Sleigh – opens the bag of holding to ensure the gifts are there. He places the red ruby sphere of levitation on the first reindeer’s nose and takes off into the dark, night sky. The party realizes they got no reward, when suddenly their pouches grew heavier – and the party realizes the mysterious figure has awarded them all 1,000 gold as his laughter echos into the night!
(Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!)

The Remaining Kobolds are:
- Kunta (Inventor) – Male
- Lefar (Inventor) – Male
- Bou’tin (Sorcerer) – Female
- Kella (Sorcerer) – Female
- Etor (Sorcerer) – Male
- Grissy (Sorcerer) – Female
- Lismar (Sorcerer) – Male
Video of giving out the gifts is here!