Servants of the Wizard – 03

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  • Aros – Lightfoot Halfling, Rogue
  • Galiena Erenaeth – Half Elf, Celestial Warlock
  • Baldur – Human, Pack Chain Warlock (Spear)
  • Wickedstraza – Dragonborn (Bronze), Sorcerer (Draconic Bloodline) – Not present

As the party awakens from their short rest, they discover that Wickedstraza has been summoned away again by the evil wizard, Mordak. They know they can’t summon her back yet since Mordak may have her doing tasks. The party decides to proceed on and perhaps summon her later.

Despite what the party has learned from Ellana (the ghost trapped in the foyer), and even Dennin, Shorkil and Hellina – normally Lord Starfall could be heard upstairs – but the last few weeks he’s been eerily silent.

Galiena asks Hellina if there’s another set of stairs that go upstairs, since the ones that connect from the Foyer apparently to be battled rotted/damaged. Hellina explains that she’s never gone upstairs herself – she’s remained on the main floor, or down in the basement where the kitchen is kept. Her quarters, like Dennin’s and Shorkil’s are all on the main floor. Even as a wererat she was fearful of Lord Starfall’s wrath – and more so, fearing his new found silence. She admits that while she’s never gone upstairs and doesn’t know of any other staircase – she adds that the home seems to be littered with secret passages that allowed Lord Starfall to watch his guests – often listening and learning secrets no doubt, long ago. There may yet be more hidden passages that she’s not yet found.

Baldur tells Hellina that he would love to see her secret passages. Her cheeks flush red as Baldur flirts with her. He then asks her if she was watching them (and winking at her as she asks) and again she blushes and explains that she’s ashamed to say it’s true – she and Shorkil had been in a passage peering into the dining room – awaiting Dennin to appear to give you the spiked food that would have rendered you all unconscious. However, overhearing Aros and Galiena saying they would not partake – they knew that they would have to attack – and gathered Dennin and launched the attack that led to the demise of Dennin and Shorkil.

Aros asks to go down to the kitchen and Hellina shows them the two meat lockers – one that contains spiked meat (a concoction mixed by Shorkil’s herbalism skills) that can render people unconscious; and the other is normal meat – but Baldur is able to tell (Natural 20 on Nature Check!) – that in both cases, the meat hanging in the locker is human flesh (past victims of the trio of wererats). Baldur asks about any alcohol that they might have and Hellina shows them to a cabinet full of liquor composed of Vikaras – a strong alcohol derived from potatoes and barley from Shorkil’s gardens in the back. She then leads the group to the Foyer where she shows them one of the secret passages – through the grandfather clock – she turns it forward to 3pm – then forward to 5pm then backwards to 3pm – and there’s a sound of a click – and the back of the grandfather clock opens to reveal a thin 5′ passage way beyond the clock and into the walls.

The order into the secret passage is Baldur (who can’t see in the dark), followed by Hellina (holding his hand), followed by Aros (in case something needs to be disarmed) and Galiena taking up the rear (ironically the only one who can see in the dark due to her Darkvision as a Half-Elf, but placed in the back). Baldur takes out a torch and lights it – and due to it being so dusty inside the hidden passage, it’s easy to spot some foot traffic that appears to be human sized (undoubtedly from Hellina, Shorkil and Dennin, based on what she’d admitted to earlier). Baldur spots (Natural 20 Perception) that up ahead where the fireplace in the dining room is – a crack of light seems to be entering the secret passage.

Hellina explains that there is a secret passage at the fireplace, but they’ve always used the grandfather clock – which means someone – or something – else has used the secret passage at the fireplace. Baldur is quite excited as he believes it was undoubtedly Jauhk the Goblin (which would also explain how Hellina, Dennin and Shorkil heard the creaking of the door – but by the time they came up – no one was to be found). The party moves forward and sees that it is indeed the fireplace secret door that’s been left slightly ajar (opened about 2 inches) – as if someone came in and either lacked the strength to close it, or closed it just enough to not be found and moved on. They don’t see any goblin tracks and continue forward to what initially appears to be a dead end – but see slits in the wall to peer through. Baldur suggests that he and Galiena each peer through one eye – but Baldur realizes he’s using his right eye and needs to switch with Galiena. The view provides them a look to where Lord Starfall would sit at the dining room table – Aros tugs on their robes, whispering he heard something – something that sounded like the grandfather clock latch coming back from where they entered. This puts Galiena in the front as they make their way back and see a medium sized creature, bald headed, hunch over and pointed ears protruding from its head closing the grandfather clock door behind it as it enters the secret passage.

Aros passes the message back to Baldur who yells out, “Oh! You found him! Jauhk! We’re here to save you!” He then adds, “Kaka [mispronouncing Kra’krar‘s name – the goblin who had sent them into the manor to find Jauhk], sent us here to rescue you!” If the figure is Jauhk – Galiena sees it open the grandfather clock door and step back out into the Foyer (granted if it is Jauhk – having unfamiliar voices call your name in a creepy manor is probably unnerving). Galiena calls out for Jauhk to wait and begins giving chase, heading for the exit through the grandfather clock.

The party is surprised to see this “goblin” looks much different than the goblins they’ve known – and even encountered on the beach?

My, Jauhk – what big wings you have!

Despite the drastic difference of appearance, the party is convinced this is Jauhk – because who else would be in this creepy manor that Hellina doesn’t recognize? “Jauhk” turns and looks at the party, his odd voice asking, “What are you doing here?”

Galiena explains they’re looking for Jauhk – and Baldur adds, “Jauhk – it’s taken awhile to find you! Your friend Ka’ka sent us in here to find you! I knew you’d be fine!”

The creature replies, “I don’t know what you mean by Jauhk or why you keep calling me that.”

Baldur sighs and says, “Quit screwing around, Jauhk. We’ll get you out of here.”

Galiena turns to Hellina to ask if she’s ever seen this creature – and Hellina explains, “I’ve seen him – but only ever in my dreams when I sleep – I feel him prying in my memories, like a child looking for something in a toy chest.”

Galiena turns to the creature and asks, “If you’re not Jauhk, then who are you?”

The creature replies with a snarl, “My name is Burlap.”

Baldur does a self imposed Wisdom check to see if he believes the creature – and Critical Failed – so he still firmly believes this is Jauhk pulling off some kind of ruse. He then asks, “If you’re not Jauhk and you’re really – whatever you are – then what are you doing here?”

Burlap responds, “I came here because I sensed a great evil.”

Galiena asks, “What exactly do you want to do with this ‘great evil’?”

“I seek to bring it to my Master,” Burlap replies.

“Look, why don’t we work together – we find whatever this thing is – and you can take it and you help us out,” Baldur offers.

Burlap nods, a wide grin on his face, “Yes! Yes, you help me. That sounds good…”

Galiena asks, “Do you know where this great evil is?”

To which Burlap thinks about it for a moment, and answers, “Somewhere on this island. I poke at people’s dreams,” he gestures to Hellina, “as she said. But, something blocking me from seeing clearly…”

Aros offers Burlap some meat (the spiked meat), but Burlap assures him he feeds on souls. Galiena mutters that she likes where he soul is at currently. Burlap turns to her with a vicious, and sinister smile, and chuckles, “You had better do something about what’s inside of you then.”

Galiena asks, “I don’t suppose you know the cure?”

Burlap merely smiles and says, “If I did, I wouldn’t tell.”

Baldur tells Galiena to weigh her options – that Hellina being a wererat has allowed her to live over one hundred years. Galiena assures him that being a Half-Elf, she already has a long life span to look forward to – and doesn’t need Lycanthropy to add to it – to which she looks to Hellina and apologizes, “No offense, Hellina.”

Hellina smiles and says, “None taken.”

Baldur sighs and says, “Ok, well Hellina said she knows the downstairs area pretty well – and whatever this evil thing Burlap wants isn’t apparently down here – so we might as well try going upstairs and see if it’s up there. Also, we still need to find the real Jauhk,” Baldur adds, eyeing Burlap – still not fully convinced that Burlap isn’t Jauhk doing some kind of ruse.

Baldur with all of his confidence decides to try and go up the side of the stairs (the middle of the stairs are all caved in with the sides also broken and smashed, creating a dangerous situation of the stairs giving way). The stairs creak and sway – and Baldur is forced to jump and grab railings that give way – but he does make it to the top. Burlap flies to the top and perches himself on a railing, where Baldur proceeds to high five him (Burlap misunderstood and thought Baldur was about to hand him over something – since high fiving is not something they do in the Planes of the Damned).

Galiena turns to Hellina and asks, “Do you want to go next?”

Hellina pales at the thought and says, “I don’t feel comfortable going up there.”

Aros ties a rope around himself and scrambles up the side of the stairs easily; being a halfling, he’s much lighter – and much more skilled as a Rogue – to make it up. They throw the rope down to Galiena to help her up – and despite the assistance (and Advantage on the Dexterity Checks) – she barely makes it to the top – nearly falling when she reaches the top – if not for Baldur and Aros grabbing her before she plummeted through the hole in the stairs to the basement below. Her near fall causes ten of the top stairs to collapse down into the basement – creating a massive gap from the top from down to the next set of available stairs, ten feet down.

The party looks down the hall and sees what appears to be six rooms (that would be located over the dining room) – and one larger door at the far end.

Grey = downstairs, yellow = bed, dark brown =coffin, light brown=cabinets, blue things = webs, star = … Well, that would be telling.

Baldur kicks down the first door (even though it’s rotted and barely hanging on) and shatters it as he enters the room. He’s taken aback when he sees the room not only has a bed and tables and cabinets – but that there’s also a coffin in the room. Baldur approaches the coffin and swings it open – a mist exits the coffin and possesses a suit of armor and begins attacking!

An Undead Warriors is none too pleased with being disturbed!

In a hollow voice it growls, “What are you doing?”

And Initiative begins – and Baldur rolls a Natural 1. (See the House Rules page for more) The Animated Armor attempts to slam Baldur – missing him the first time, then critically failing on it’s second attack (damaging its own coffin).

Galiena asks, “Why are you so upset? Perhaps we can help you?”

He glares at her and growls from beneath the empty helmet, “Who dares disturb my slumber?”

She attempts to Sacred Flame, but the armored soul is able to avoid being hit. Aros raises his hands and shouts, “Calm down! I believe there’s been a misunderstanding! We’re armor cleaners to uh – polish your armor.”

The figure glares at him and hisses, “Die.”

Aros manages to pierce the spiritual armor with his dagger and inflict some damage. Baldur – caught flat footed (for the first round) – does notice a corpse in the coffin – a male, with their hands folded on their chest – and a sword, whose hilt bears a symbol like feathers. The spiritual armor slams into Baldur – inflicting maximum damage that dazes Baldur. The spiritual armor growls, “Why did you awaken me?”

Galiena, who continues to hope to rationalize with the spirit, calls out, “What’s your name?”

In a hollow voice, it pauses – as if to recollect it’s own name, and finally says, “Zakk. Zakk Darklight.”

“Zakk,” she calls out, “what can we do to return you to your peaceful slumber?”

“Return me and my grave back to the graveyard,” the spirit of Zakk says, his voice echoing from inside the empty animated helmet.

“If we can return you to your grave – would you agree to stopping your attack against us?” she asks.

Zakk, ceases his attack on Baldur and turns to Galiena and says, “Yes. Return me to my grave now.”

“Before we do so – can we ask you some questions?” Galiena asks, signalling the others to stop their attack.

The hollow armor gazes at Galiena and asks, “What do you want?”

Galiena pauses and inquires, “Are you one of the Roc Riders?”

“I am,” he responds, “formerly in service to Starfall’s father when he and I were alive.”

“Do you know what happened to Lord Starfall? No one has seen him for hundreds of years,” she goes on to ask.

“He is responsible,” the animated armor hisses.

“For what?” Galiena asks.

“For bringing me here,” it replies.

“What do you mean ‘bringing you here’,” Galiena asks, seeking clarification.

The spirited armor sighs and says, matter-of-factly, “He brought my coffin up here.”

Aros and Galiena piece together – that’s probably what ruined the middle of the stairs – that Lord Starfall had dragged this Warrior’s grave up the stairs – and damaged, the already old, wooden stairs that caused them to collapse. Aros asks, “We’d be glad to help – but uh – do you know of another way down? Seems the stairs got really messed up when Starfall dragged your grave up here.”

The haunted armor simply growls, “Return me, or I attack.”

Aros sighs, “We can do that – but it’s going to be a really bumpy ride.”

Baldur stands up and looks at the armor, “Does it matter how may pieces at a time we get you down? Or if you break on the way down? As long as we get all the pieces and put you back in your grave?”

“My body must be in one piece,” the armor hisses.

“Maybe Hellina can get some pillows from downstairs?” Galiena asks.

Aros rubs his feet on the floor, hands behind his back as he whispers, “Listen… Zakk, was it? Really sorry about the arrow I hit you with – if I could get that back?”

“We can lower the coffin down on rope, like a crane,” Baldur shrugs. “When we do this – how do we know which gave is yours? There’s a lot of graves in that front yard.”

“My grave will be marked with my name, which I’ve already told you,” the spirit in the armor hisses.

Galiena asks, “Are you able to float downstairs while we move your casket?”

The armored spirit growls, “I will remain in this armor to ensure you move my coffin to my grave.”

Baldur begins tying his rope to one side of the coffin while Galiena begins tying her rope to the other side so that they can pull the coffin over the stair railing and lower it down. After tying the rope she calls for Hellina to find pillows and cushions that can be used at the base as a soft landing. Hellina is admittedly confused – having heard the sounds of combat briefly – she shakes her head and quickly begins gathering pillows to put at the base of the railing that over looks the foyer from the stairs.

When Galiena explains they’re going to lower a casket down – Hellina doesn’t know what to make of that – and isn’t clear why there’d be caskets upstairs in the manor. Galiena sees her concern (and confusion) and assures her, “We’re all OK. We ran into a ghost and we’re doing him a favor.”

This doesn’t comfort Hellina, as she recalls the female ghost in the foyer attacking Dennin when they were in wererat form. (See the previous adventure for more!) They asks the ghosts where Zakk’s grave is – and they explain – out front, in front of the home – to the right – his grave can be found as they learn all deceased Roc Riders are buried near the front of the home as protection against fouls spirits who may seek to gain entrance to the manor. Baldur asks if removing Zakk’s body while they lower the coffin would be fine; as it would make it light. Zakk agrees, but insists that he must be buried in the same grave with his weapon. Baldur is about to pick up the body when Galiena grabs him and reminds him, “He said his body needs to be in one piece. He looks fragile.”

Aros looks around the tattered bedroom and says, “We can put his body in a blanket.”

“We can just keep it in the coffin,” Baldur says, standing. “I think we – and by we – I mean you, Aros – can do this. We will each tie one side of the coffin and lower it over the railing to the foyer below. Should be fine.”

They tie a rope to each side of the coffin and heft it over the edge, slowly lowering it – however, the knot on one side begins to give as it becomes unbalanced and Aros isn’t able to evenly lower the casket down. The three are able to balance the casket – but have not managed to lower it yet – spending all of their time ensuring the casket is evenly balanced, rather than risking lowering it down.

Galiena calls out for Hellina to get some more cushions to put at the base so that when they lower the casket it will land softly. Hellina runs around – getting more cushions and placing them below where she anticipates the coffin to slowly be descended on. After quite a bit of struggling, the party finally manages to get the casket down.

Aros heaves a deep sigh of relief and smiles, “See, I told you my strength was OK.”

The three look over the railing and now realize, they must make their way down the rope to carry the casket outside to bury it. Aros ties one side of the rope to the bed leg from the bedroom with the hopes if it’s too much – the bed will hit the doorway – and stop. Aros and Baldur try to make it their way down, Galiena however, despite being a half-elf is not very graceful, and falls onto the bed. She blows her hair out of her face and smiles, “That could have gone better.”

They recompose themselves and designate where they should stand to get a better standing of how to carry the casket outside. Aros expresses his discomfort of being the one out there to check because they’d encountered a zombie out there before. Galiena says that they need to go out and scout the grave – then bring it back. Baldur explains that he’s not feeling well (having taken damage), so both males look at Galiena expectantly.

Galiena sighs and shakes her head. She creaks the door open and looks around and quickly goes into the front yard and finds Zakk Darklight‘s grave – and she notices several other graves that are unearthed next to Zakk’s. She quickly scampers back and reports what she saw outside – not only did she find Zakk’s grave – but finds several other graves. “There’s five other graves besides Zakk’s that look to be dug up.”

Baldur thinks about the upstairs, “Wait, there was also five more doors upstairs. You don’t suppose…”

“I do,” Galiena says.

“Wait,” Aros finally catches on. “You mean to tell me each of those rooms has a grave in there?”

“I think so,” Galiena nods.

“We need to all carry the casket,” Galiena looks at Aros.

Aros sighs, and agrees, and carry the grave of Zakk Darklight out, and quickly use their feet to put dirt over Zakk’s grave. As they re-enter the manor, Hellina says, “Someone’s upstairs! I just saw someone – something – run by.”

Baldur growls, “It better not be the suit of armor.”

Galiena says, “No, it was probably Burlap.”

The party decides to climb back up the rope (DC 11), and Galiena yet again, struggles, and falls on the bedding again. “My arms are so tired,” she complains. Aros also falls due to Galiena leaving Baldur at the top.

Baldur calls out, “Tie the rope around your waist and I will pull you up.”

Galiena, somehow (despite being at Advantage) manages to fall, yet again, while Aros makes it up. This time Aros and Baldur try to pull her up, but are unable to, and she plummets to the floor yet again. Baldur shouts, “Just… hang onto the damn rope and let us pull you up instead of us being your weight to keep you.” Baldur gives her a tug and she slams into the wall, rendering her unconscious (Non fatal damage has been happening every time she fell). The party eventually manages to pull up Galiena to the top and pull her over the railing and lay her down.

“I could use a rest,” Aros mutters, and he looks over at Galiena who has a large bump on her forehead and says, “And I think she does too.”

Burlap looks on from the railing, amused by what he’s witnessing.

The party looks down at Hellina and Galiena asks, “Do you have any healing potion?”

Hellina shakes her head and explains, “Shorkil made potions. But he never labeled them because he knew what they were. So there may be healing potions in his garden shack.”

Galiena isn’t comfortable with that – so the party heads into the second room on the floor and into the second room – and sure enough, as they suspected – there’s a coffin inside the bedroom that’s been dragged here. Baldur cautions, “I think we should wake them up slowly.”

Baldur approaches the coffin and gently knocks, and the coffin creaks up as a skeletal warrior, with a sword with a eagle emblem sits up and hauntingly asks, “What are you doing here?”

Earl Crownstar, one of the Eight Rock Riders
  • Baldur says, “We’re here you to return you to your grave. We just took Zakk back to his grave. But it took a lot of effort – if you wouldn’t mind keeping an eye on us – and make sure this guy,” Baldur points to Burlap, “doesn’t do anything. We just need a rest.”
  • Earl Crownstar stands and says, “I never sleep – so I can keep watch.”
  • “We know where your grave is,” Galiena assures him.
  • Earl stands at the door and keeps an eye on Burlap (or Jauhk the Goblin, as Baldur believes)
  • The party gets a successful long rest
  • Baldur unpacks his bag the following morning and says, “I have some hammer and pitons so we can use this to climb back up later.”
  • Baldur offers to help lower the grave of Earl, and manage to successfully get the casket down on the first try
  • As the party descends down the ropes, they hammer the pitons into the wall
  • The party pick up the casket (DC 10 to carry – all three fail) – Aros uses his inspiration, still fails, Baldur uses his inspiration and makes it, and Galiena uses hers and succeeds
  • The party drags the casket out to the grave and buries him
  • Galiena asks Hellina if she heard anything while they were burying Earl. And Hellina says she saw something again on the second floor.
  • Baldur says it’s probably Jauhk the Goblin, and points to Burlap sitting perched on the stair railing.
  • Galiena shakes her head, “He hasn’t moved. Hellina, did it have wings? The thing you saw?”
  • Hellina shrugs, uncertain.
  • The party climbs up the pitons back up to the second floor; except for Galiena who somehow (DC 9) fails to climb up and falls on the cushions below
  • Burlap and Aros stare at her, flabbergasted. Aros shouts, “You can do it this!”
  • Galiena tries again, and finally manages to make it over the railing
  • The party decides to avoid the other rooms for now, as they suddenly hear screaming coming from room 5
  • The party rushes down to room 5 and sees a small, green humanoid entangled in a living shadow
  • Baldur yells out, “Hello, spirit – if you let him go – we will return you to your grave!”
  • The living shadow releases the the green humanoid who tumbles in front of the party
  • Galiena asks, “Jauhk?”
  • The thankful goblin nods, “Yes! Yes! Wait – how did you know my name?”
  • Galiena says, “Your friend Ka’ka sent us to get you.”

The goblin looks, “Oh, you mean Kra’krar!”

Galiena nods, since the names sound similar. Baldur asks, “Did you find anything interesting in here?”

The goblin nervously giggles, “Well, I found the door kicked down here – and saw the grave – and took the eagle dagger – but then that… that shadow thing… came out.”

Baldur cautions, “Return the dagger or it will kill you.”

Jauhk the Goblin sighs wistfully and throws the dagger (from a distance) back into the casket.

The spirit turns to the party, “Now keep your promise and return me to my grave.”

Galiena nods, “To ensure we return you to the correct grave, roc rider, what is your name?”

The shadowy spirit answers, “Dorik Damstorm.

Galiena asks, “Why did Lord Starfall bring you all up here?”

Dorik answers, his voice sounding watery, “Lord Starfall suspected… something was coming… madness consumed him… and he took us from our graves… and used magic that would… awaken us… should a great evil enter and come for him…”

Galiena asks, “What drove him mad?”

“He grieves for what he has done… his heart is missing… the loss of a loved one… deceived by demons and lies…” Dorik whispers.

Galiena asks, “Wait – his heart is missing? Is it physically missing?”

Dorik answers, “Yes… something… someone… came… cursed him… took his heart… for reasons unknown to this one…”

Galiena turns to Burlap, “Is that what you seek?”

Burlap smiles, “Yes. Yes. That does sound like what the master may be after.”

Galiena turns back to Dorik, “Is there a way to bring peace to Lord Starfall?”

Dorik simply answers, “You must find proof of the one who stole his heart.”

“How do we find that proof? Where do we bring it?” Galiena asks.

Dorik shimmers, “This one does not know where to find it – but a spirit can never rest until it knows that what it has done can be forgiven. Bring the proof to his room.”

Baldur looks at Dorik, “Is this goblin the great evil that awoke you?”

Dorik replies, “He awoke me – but not because he’s a great evil – he’s just a thief.”

Jauhk mutters, “I prefer the term ‘rogue.’ Thief just sounds so…”

Dorik continues, “I sense evil all about – thick in the air.”

Jauhk mutters, “That’s the scary lady downstairs.”

Baldur shakes his head, “No – that was a misunderstanding. The other two – the men that were with her – they were the misunderstanding.”

Jauhk mentions, “I will go down there with her – these scary undead are not for Jauhk.”

Jauhk makes his way down the rope and stands next to Hellina, tugging on her blouse when the shimmering image of Ellana Treeglade appears in the foyer, watching all of this unfold. Hellina is also uneasy by Ellana Treeglade’s appearance, having seen the spirit try to attack Shorkil and Dennin.

Upstairs, Baldur says, “I have a plan,” while he looks at Galiena, “so we don’t have to keep climbing up and down – why don’t we go into each room – talk to each spirit – and promise to lower them down? But we will lower them all down into the foyer – before we go bury them – so we need to only go down there once – bury them all – and climb back up here?”

Baldur points out that Hellina can untie the ropes, after they’ve been lowered.

The party agrees and moves into room 3 where they release Tharn Cloudrider, another of the Chosen Roc Riders – and with the promise to return him to his grave. The party questions Tharn – and the only thing they’re able to ascertain is that that Lord Starfall brought them all up here to protect him – and that his life had been extended somehow. He was alive, but not alive in the proper sense.

Aros mentions that the he’d heard if the curse is broken, that the Rocs may return to the island again – but how would they be able to use it? Tharn explains that only the Starfall bloodline has been able to command the Rocs – and that there is a staff called The Staff of Eagle Rock – which bares a large talon at the top – a gift from the first Roc saved during a battle by the Starfall bloodline swearing its allegiance to it forever – through its bloodline extended to his.

Galiena asks, “Do you know where the staff is?”

And Tharn confirms that he can not sense the staff in the house.

The party then proceeds to take the casket and lower it down to the foyer where Hellina and Jauhk untie it and the party pulls the rope up. They look among one another, “Next room?”

“Next room,” Aros confirms.

The party makes their way to room – and stop at room 4. Baldur looks at Galiena, “Want to do this one?”

She nods, “Sure. We are the caretakers! We’re here to put you back to your grave! We’ve done it for other companions of yours – we just need some information. First we need your name so we can make sure we get you in the right grave.”

The spiritual warrior replies, “Brien Delvar.

Galiena says, “We’ve heard that you were all brought out of your graves here – while he was out of his mind… We’ve learned his heart was taken… was he mad or crazy before then…?”

Brien explains, “When we he dug us up… we only saw him for seven nights, then silence.”

“Were you recently moved up here?” Galiena asks.

“Death sees no concept of time,” Brien replies.

“Do you know what type of magic Lord Starfall did?” Baldur asks.

“He was born a Knight, like his father before him,” Brien explains.

(The party learns that Lord Starfall is either an Oath Breaker or a Death Knight)

Galiena asks, “Do you know who is responsible with Ellana’s murder?”

“I can sense the same darkness that surrounds Ellana’s restless spirit that I feel around me,” Brien replies. “It may not be what killed her, but the dark fates and magics, are woven together like a tightly bound knot.”

Aros asks, “Did he have any enemies?”

Brien explains, “He made many enemies… he was powerful… and many were envious…”

Aros asks, “Do you know about Lord Starfall’s supposed fling? With Layna Ollarina?” Aros asks.

Brien pauses, “We were at the White Fang Inn and Tavern celebrating a great trade,” he recalls, pausing again, as if his undead mind were replaying that day again, “I did see him disappear with Layna after being approached by the wizard…”

He pauses for a moment, “None of the Chosen Eight Roc Riders believe he did anything with her… something… was amiss… but the way he appeared… an hour later… it was hard to deny… something happened…”

Galiena asks, “How did Ellana hear about this?”

“One of Lord Starfall’s Knights must have said something… to assure her… if she heard rumors that they were not true,” Brien replies.

Aros asks, “Do you know where Layna lives?”

“She dwells in the town known as Fellhorn, to the west of the manor,” Brien replies.

The party thanks him and takes his casket to lower him.

The party goes to Room 6 and meet the spirit of Jon Brightstone – and ask him to remain to answer some questions while they examine Lord Starfall’s room.

DM Note – In the recording, Room 6 was actually never explored. This was probably an oversight on my behalf miscounting the original rooms that had been explored.

Baldur goes to kick the door down at room 7 and Aros stops him and says, “Let me check for traps!”

Aros spots a trap – but it looks like it’s barely hanging on – and undoubtedly may not work, since it looks broken. He successfully manages to disable the trap.

Inside the room, many large webs are woven everywhere; large spiders scuttle about on their web as the door opens for the first time in a very long time.

Lord Starfall’s Room

Something that catches the attention is the statue of a figure reaching out – a hold where the heart should be.

Lord Starfall.

Lord Starfall, turned to stone; hole in chest

Baldur mentions that it’s odd that whoever turned him to stone; when it seemed that clues suggested it happened outside of the manor.

Jon explains, his voice distant, “This is his body… his soul is trapped between here… and something… somewhere else…”

“If we break his body would that free him?” Baldur asks.

“No, that would make matters worse,” Jon hauntingly replies. “His soul would not have the proper release from the body… whatever curse has befallen Lord Starfall must be found… and broken in order for his soul to truly be free. His body will be the anchor that brings his soul back … and to be free from…”

The party decides to investigate the room; but find nothing (Investigation Rolls were 1 by Baldur, 6 by Galiena, and 7 by Aros).

Galiena begins going through the bookshelves in the room; and notices one near Lord Starfall’s desk that’s still open. She takes it and it talks about various trades being made; the penmanship is clean; but as the entries continue, it becomes less about the trades, and the penmanship begins looking like scribbled fanatical writing that almost becomes impossible to read at certain parts; however, it begins talking about how he doesn’t know what happened… he doesn’t remember… his memory is blank… Ellana found out about some affair… he can’t remember… can’t confirm… the other woman also doesn’t remember… it then goes on to talk about “I’ve met the wizard, he’s told me a potion can be made for her to forget and to love me again”… it goes on to talk about “I need to undo this… this isn’t right… she isn’t herself… I need to find a way to free her from what I’ve done….” and it goes on to say “The wizard has given me a book… it feels… cold… wrong… but if it frees her…” The rest of the writing becomes illegible and ends shortly after that.

Galiena looks through the book and notices a name scribbled on the side, “Razathorn”

Baldur turns to Jon. “We found this book. And the things it mentions. Did Lord Starfall kill Ellana?”

The spirit is silent for a long moment. “It’s true. He drew the blade that took her life. But he’s not truly responsible. There is deception and darkness that clouds the truth.”

The party realizes that the statue of Lord Starfall’s statue is too heavy. The party climbs back down and Baldur does a Minor Illusion to show what Lord Starfall looks like to Ellana, and explains, “He’s been turned to stone. He’s too heavy to bring down here to you.”

Ellana whispers in a haunting voice, that sends shivers down their spine, “I can not rest until he stands before me – body and soul.”

“Body and soul,” Aros sighs. “That’s going to be a bigger problem from what we’ve heard.”

Galiena asks Ellana, “Who told you about this supposed affair Lord Starfall had?”

“The Wizard,” Ellana replies.

“The Wizard…” Galiena repeats. “Was it Razathorn?”

“That is the name I knew him by,” Ellana answers.

The pieces were slowly beginning to come together – but the why and how – still remained.