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- Aros – Lightfoot Halfling, Rogue
- Galiena Erenaeth – Half Elf, Celestial Warlock / Druid
- Dearbhán – NPC, Fairy Dragon (Galiena’s pet)
- Kavium – NPC, Tiefling Paladin (Oath of Conquest)
- Darko Wintersage – NPC, Undead Wizard (Flame Skull)
- Baldur – Human, Pack Chain Warlock (Spear) / Paladin – Absent this Session
- Hellina Kaitlyn Deramu – Human NPC, Wererat
- Kaitlyn comes out and demands Baldur’s attention and drags him back towards the Inn in Greenhaven (This was an easy way to take Baldur out of the game as he was going to miss this session; which is a fluff session, so that the whole party can continue the Oni story together next time, ideally!)
- Galiena chuckles while Kavium winks at Galiena and says, “You know, it’s not a bad idea…”
- Aros shakes his head
- But the three of them witness something they’ve seen before – the dark clouds that have remained above Eaglerock suddenly part – and the twin gaze of the moons momentarily breaks the darkness – and casts its gaze down upon the world; they know what that means – The Hollowing.
- Aros, Galiena and Kavium make their way into the Drunken Dragon (Though with more and more people on Eaglerock living longer, he was considering expanding and turning the tavern into an Inn as well – making it the Drunk Inn Dragon instead. He’d already converted some of his storage rooms into “inn” rooms)
- As the trio sit there, enjoying their cider drinks, a band of merchants stumble into the tavern, looking as if they’ve recently seen battle – and were on the losing side. They hear one of them growl, “It’s those damn gnomes! This is the second time they’ve attacked the caravan! The look in their eyes! All the blood! I’ve never seen such gnomes!”
- One of the other merchants, bandaging his arm snarls, “Well, with the curse on this island, there’s been some odd things afoot for … a long time now.”
- Aros looks at Galiena, “Didn’t someone talk to Baldur about gnomes attacking people coming here from Felhorn?” (DM Note – Indeed, near the tail end of the previous session – Session 28 – someone talked to Baldur about gnomes attacking merchants!)
- As the trio listen to the merchants, they hear two of them arguing.
- “There was a panther with them!” one of them was shouting. While the other merchant was contending, “What do you mean a panther? There was two of them! I saw them!” Two of the guards – just farmers with pitchforks and simple farm tools – added to the confusion by stating how nature itself seemed to bend and obey the whim of these blood thirsty gnomes and attacked the caravan as well
- The dramatics of the story seemed to continually escalate as the merchants and “guards” discussed amongst each other what they witnessed
- One of the patrons is seen speaking with the merchants and points to the trio at the table. The human merchant comes over and introduces himself as Igoss Glintsteel. He explains that one of the patrons had mentioned that the trio had been known to help around Greenhaven and Igoss recalls seeing Aros and Galiena together, back at Felhorn and knew Kavium by reputation. Igoss asks about their other companion – the “Fish House!” one – and they explain he is “busy entertaining his girlfriend.” Igoss nods and understands.
- Igoss goes on to explain that the last week or so, there’s been some – the best way he can describe it is – “demented gnomes” who have been attacking caravans – not even for theft or robbery like you’d expect from brigands – but for the sheer sake of murder. The gnomes clothing are drenched in blood and wear armor on their feet, Igoss explains
- “We should look into this,” Kavium mutters, “this can’t be good for trades between Felhorn and here.”
- “Exactly,” Igoss agrees, “we trade fish from Felhorn for fruits here in Greenhaven.”
- “We will look into it,” Galiena assures Igoss as the trio finish off their cider
- “There is the matter,” Kavium whispers, “of our armor still being fixed. You and I are still in this leather armor.” He looks her up and down. “On second thought, I like leather armor on you. More fitting. But, I will say, less in terms of protecting us from taking hits.” (DM Note – Their armor was damaged during the female pertyon, Bloodwing/Blood Wings in Session 28, and was with Crescent’s people getting fixed)
- “Should we get Baldur?” Aros asks
- Kavium shakes his head, “No. Let him celebrate Prena with his girlfriend.”
- Igoss explains, “Perfect. I… am too wounded to fight. But I would be glad to show you roughly where the ambush took place.”
- As the trio finish off their cider, Igoss runs out to get his wagon and bring it around to the front of the Drunken Dragon
- Galiena and Aros both note the damage to the wagon has made it so some of the wheels creak loudly; Aros runs inside, asks the cook at the Drunken Dragon for some bacon grease, and runs back out and applies it to the wheels which surprisingly works out
- Galiena climbs up from to sit with Igoss and Aros hides under a blanket in the back of the wagon, Kavium sits on the back with his legs dangling, keeping an eye behind them

- As the wagon rolls along, Aros hides inside of a empty wheat bag, but peaks out from time to time and his eyes go wide, as he swears he sees something that looks like a shadow following them just off the path, stalking them
- Aros whispers, “I see something. There’s something maintaining… and keeping pace us!”
- Igoss shrugs it off, “On this night, odd things like that will play tricks on the mind. We’re still a ways away from the ambush site.”
- Galiena peers into the shadows as the wagon continues to move; then she too sees it; a large, cat sized creature, seemingly made of shadows, stalking along side the wagon, however, as it leaps over bushes and lands, it seems to make no noise what so ever, as if truly composed of shadows and darkness
- As Galiena tries to identify it when it suddenly veers away deeper into the woods and she loses sight of it
- The wagon comes to a halt roughly fifteen minutes later and Igoss explains, “This is where it is – just up ahead.”
- Kavium slides off the wagon and walks up a little and can see signs of a battle – and blood. Lots of blood. Igoss explains that two of the merchants were murdered and dragged into the woods. Igoss explains, “They were dragged in that direction,” and he points in a similar direction that the “shadow cat” disappeared to
- “I don’t know what I saw,” Galiena mutters, “but it went in the same direction as these ‘murderous gnomes’ apparently.”
- As they begin to move into the woods, Kavium grab’s Galiena’s wrist gently and places his finger to his lips and points into the woods
- Galiena listens closely and can hear voices somewhere up ahead speaking in Sylvan
- Galiena strains to hear them and hears several voices, “Why did we listen to Krysinda? She promised us murder and mayhem! But now we’re stuck here on this island!” “We shouldn’t have listened to her! She promised us this – and then disappeared!” “We don’t even know where she is! Is she on the island? Or has she somehow escaped?”
- Galiena focuses on the name; Krysinda. She’s heard it before; she’s certain of it but she can’t recall where. She repeats what she heard to Aros and Kavium
- Aros shakes his head, “Oh damn it. Remember the ghost at Kaltore, what was his name – Zedvar Rainscribe? He mentioned Krysinda. He mentioned she was the one that awakened the twisted treant, Dalasmon!” (Back in Session 18!)
- “That’s right,” Kavium nods. “She awakened the treant that feeds on blood.” (The party found out back in Session 19!) “We spotted her – and she did not look the least bit human…” Kavium adds grimly. (She was spotted at the end of Session 20, fleeing after spying on the party!)
- Galiena suddenly hears the voices ahead say, “Ah, look, here comes Luntra.” “Excellent!” another voice says, all still speaking in Sylvan. “Tell us what you heard or saw?” There is the sounds of what seems like a loud feline – like a panther or lion roar, but at controlled tones. So it was some kind of large feline I saw! Galiena thinks to herself
- She hears one of the voices say, “The merchant’s come back? With two others? Well, looks like we get more blood tonight to sedate our hunger!”
- Galiena looks back at Kavium and whispers, “I feel like this could go bad for us.”
- “What did they say?” Kavium whispers back.
- “Something about blood, and they know we’re here pretty much,” she shrugs. “The thing I saw in the woods is some kind of ‘shadow cat’ thing.”
- “Shadow cat thing,” Kavium mutters, “aren’t you a druid? Shouldn’t you know what these animals that live in a forest are called?”
- “It wasn’t a natural animal,” Galiena snarls beneath her breath
- “That’s not comforting,” Kavium sighs and slowly draws his weapon
- Aros spots very, very deep footprints in the mud; they do appear to be roughly gnomish size; if not slightly larger
- Aros recalls that Igoss specifically pointed out that the gnomes had armor on their feet; but Igoss didn’t mention armor anywhere else; which, in hindsight, seems odd, and should have probably been asked about…
- Aros shares what he’s found and Galiena kneels down to examine the footprints. She looks up, her expression dark. “I know what these are,” her voice says, trembling. “My patron is from the Fey Realm… and shared knowledge of these vicious creatures… they’re known as Red Caps…in order to survive, they must kill someone everyone twenty four hours, and they douse their caps with the blood of their victims, thus earning their name. They wear iron boots that make them easier to hear… but if they run up and kick you, they do immense damage and can knock you prone, making you much easier to attack with their sickles that they often use.”
- “That sounds horrible,” Kavium mutters. “Damn the Fey Realm and all the madness that place contains.”
- Aros, who is hidden inside the bush, sticks his hand out and gestures, as if slitting the bushes throat
- Galiena and Kavium struggle to figure out what Aros is trying to indicate
- “I think he’s saying he needs to trim his bush,” Kavium shrugs
- Aros sticks his hand out and gestures “no” with his hands; then does a stabbing motion
- “Definitely trimming his bushes,” Kavium smirks. “Odd time.” He leans close to Aros’ bush and whispers, “Just let us know when you’re done.”
- Aros squeezes Rubber Ducky and Kavium’s eyes go wide as he looks at Galiena, “I think he’s doing something with his Rubber Ducky… and I am… not one to judge… but I think Prenah is happy with whatever he’s doing right now.”
- Aros leaps out of the bush and explains he is ready to kill is what he was trying to say. He scampers up the tree and explains that he will scout from there.
- As the party begins following the footprints in the forest – Kavium looks down and sees the vines reacting – and looks around as the vines wrap around themselves and take on a humanoid form, “More Fey?” he growls over his shoulder at Galiena
- “No,” Galiena yells as it begins to wrap around her staff. “They existed here too. But yes,” she mutters, “they’re in the Fey too.” She considers it, “To be honest I am not sure where it originated!”
- Aros quickly leaps down to help and discovers himself entangled, but he’s able to quickly sever the blight
- In the heat of battle, one of the Twig Blights grapples Galiena as she lets out a muffled cry for help; seeing his love interest in jeopardy, Kavium brings down his magical axe, however, as Galiena struggles, she’s hit instead (Critical Fail on Kavium’s behalf!)
- Galiena casts Primal Savagery on herself which works – but the Hollowing has an additional effect that she feels glowing around her (DM Note – She rolled an 18 on the chart which is: 18 The fates smile! Any hit against you – melee or magical – is forced to be rerolled for 2d4 rounds! See the spell effects below – note – only 1 spell effect can be active at a time; if a new spell is cast and it triggers an effect, the new effect would override the old effect, unless otherwise noted.)
- Even as the trio finish off the blights, the sound has attracted the ‘shadow cat’ that Galiena had spotted; which immediately leaps into battle
- While Aros is able to land a critical strike against the creature, the creature is able to lash out at Galiena and also deliver a critical strike
- The shadow cat shifts targets – and begins focusing on Kavium, as Kavium keeps striking the mystical feline twice per round, disrupting its shimmering effect, allowing Aros to strike from the shadows without worrying about the disadvantage the shimmering does; claws and tentacles begin tearing through Kavium who is only wearing leather armor, as he begins to complain that he’s not feeling great, as blood oozes from all his wounds
- “You may need to touch yourself,” Galiena calls out, “I am not sure I can get over to you to heal,” she explains.
- “All I do is touch myself,” Kavium manages to smirk, “Praise Prenah!”
- Kavium does manage to bring the killing blow to the beast
- After the beast is slain, Aros mentions that he’s heard of people who skin these “Displacer Beasts” and tan their hides to create a magical Cloak of Displacement
- Galiena casts Guidance which has the side effect of mentally enslaving Darko under her command (DM Note – She rolled a 31, see the Chart below!)
- With the Guidance spell in place (roll a 4 on that, then 10 on Nature), Galiena is able to successfully skin the shadow cat
- Kavium, afterwards uses Lay On Hands to restore some of Galiena’s health from the hits she’d taken from both the Vine Blights as well as the Shadow Cat
- After giving the skinned shadow cat pelt to Aros, the party continues along the way and finds what appears to be a small cave that leads underground

- Stepping inside, the party finds the cave slopes downward and before any of them can do anything about it, they all find that the cavern floor is extremely slippery and slip and slide, colliding into one another, tumbling and sliding down 40′ into the cave (DM Note – Everyone failed their Dexterity Save!)
- When they eventually stop and brush themselves off, they see it leads to a wide lake
- Aros sees a small passage along the right side of the lake that seems to have some usage and the footprints go along the path
- As they look at the water, they call Darko over to help light up the darkness in the cavern to see if there is any wild life to be concerned about in the lake

- As Kavium steps into the lake to check the depth, he finds his legs is attack by small, quick, fish known as Quipper Fish, which are known to live in underground caves and lakes, praying on those who fall into the waters in the dark

- Aros ties a rope around his waist and makes his way along the right side of the edge, with the idea that when he gets to the other side, they can tie it to the rocks – and slide across the rope since both she and Kavium are not wearing any heavy armor (for once, this should finally benefit them on this adventure, right?)
- Aros makes it to the other side and ties the side tied to him around a rope, and Kavium and Galiena secure the side of the rope they were holding onto a rock on their side

- Aros knows there’s a danger to the next thing – since they’re chasing these “murder gnomes” called “Red Caps” and he’s alone on that side, where the passage continues, but he knows that Kavium hasn’t been with them all the time; so he calls out, “Make sure to keep an eye on her! Historically she can’t climb anything!”
- “Yes,” Kavium calls back, “how can I forget out ‘first date’ trying to climb that blasted giant turtle?” (DM Note – All the way back in Session 15!)
- As Galiena begins to shimmy across, she gets about eight feet before plummeting into the water; without hesitation, Kavium quickly jumps into the water and helps her get back to shore, but both she and he are bitten by the now frenzied quipper fish
- Galiena finally manages to make it across and Kavium follows behind her successfully making it; and Darko flies across
- As Kavium is examining Galiena’s wounds a Dark Mantle drops from above him but misses, and begins making its way up the wall
- The party decides to leave the Dark Mantle alone since they’re pretty beat up and know they still have the Red Caps to contend with
- As they make their way into the cavern on the other side – three figures spring out from the darkness – The Redcaps!
- Very early on the Redcaps show how they’ve earned their name as murderous gnomes…
- Galiena is forced to cast Cure Wounds – which also triggers off a spell effect – a fireball centered on her – forcing her companions to try and avoid it – which they all successfully do – however, most of the Red Caps fail to do so, taking full damage (DM Note – She rolled a 68 on the chart below)
- As the Red Caps continue their assault, Kavium goes down; then Galiena goes down, leaving it to Aros; who by this time, it is down to him and one Red Cap – and they’re both very bloody
- Recalling the Dark Mantle, Aros devises a plan and lures the remaining Red Cap out, and dodges out of the way of the Dark Mantle, which then successfully lands on the Red Cap, crushing the remainder of his murderous life from his body, as the Dark Mantle slowly feeds
- Aros rushes back and tends to Galiena and Kavium, so that they’re both conscious again, wounded badly and out of magic and out of potions
- Aros looks around and finds a map on one of the Red Caps
- He shows it to Galiena, who recognizes it as Shadow Island, recalling reading about it; as Marduk (who she now knows is also Razathorn) had shown great interest in it, and forced her to document a number of his findings about the island

- The party opts to do a long rest here…
The Hollowing Effects –
Dice Roll | All Spells Go Off When Cast, Unless Otherwise Noted Below |
#1 | You grow an extra leg! Your movement is increased by 20′ |
#2 | One person in your party grows an extra leg! (Randomly select) Their movement speed is increased 20′ |
#3 | Fairie Fire for all (within 60′ range of you)! No Save! Lasts for 1d4 rounds, then wears off of everyone. |
#4 | Both of your arms turn invisible for 2d4 rounds! |
#5 | One of your party members turns invisible (Randomly select) for 2d4 rounds! |
#6 | Silence! You are silenced for 1d4 rounds! |
#7 | Nothing happens. Spell goes off normally. No side effect. |
#8 | Panic! You run in a random direction at full speed! (d4 = 1 North, 2 South, 3 West, 4 East) |
#9 | A Faerie Dragon appears and breathes upon the enemy! (See Faerie Dragon) It disappears after breathing. |
#10 | For 3d4 rounds, any melee attack you make deals an extra 2d4 damage! |
#11 | For 1d4 rounds, a random person in your party has fists of fire (randomly select) dealing an extra 2d4 fire damage! |
#12 | Stirges! Stirges appear and magically drawn to attack (only) you for 2d4 rounds! Each time one is destroyed another magically takes it’s place! |
#13 | You are teleported d100 feet away from your current location (d4 = 1 North, 2 South, 3 West, 4 East) |
#14 | You become lucky for 2d4 rounds! You can reroll any 1’s (hits, damage, saves, etc.) |
#15 | Nothing happens. Spell goes off normally. No side effect. |
#16 | You make someone lucky (randomly selected from part) for 1d4 rounds (they can reroll any 1’s – hits, damage, saves) |
#17 | Everyone’s hair around you grows magically 1d4 feet in length! |
#18 | The fates smile! Any hit against you – melee or magical – is forced to be rerolled for 2d4 rounds! |
#19 | You suddenly begin to levitate 2d4 feet in the air! You movement reduced to half speed. This lasts 2d4 rounds. |
#20 | One of your party members begins to levitate (randomly selected)! Their movement is reduced to half speed! This lasts 1d4 rounds. |
#21 | Your Mind is protected! You’re immune to all psychic damage for 1d4 rounds! |
#22 | Your gender is swapped for 1d4 days! |
#23 | The gender of a party member (randomly selected) is swapped for 2d8 hours. |
#24 | You cast the spell – but the spell never happens – the spell slot however is used. |
#25 | Any melee attack by you heals for 1d10 damage. This lasts 2d4 rounds. |
#26 | Any melee attack by someone in your party heals for 1d10 damage. This lasts for 2d4 rounds. |
#27 | Your spell – if it does any form of damage – is a critical hit – doing maximum damage in addition to the rolled damage. |
#28 | Your body hair grows 2d20 inches! |
#29 | The body hair of everyone who is friendly to you grows 3d10 inches! |
#30 | Turn of luck! Any critical fail (Natural 1) becomes a Natural 20! This lasts for 2d4 rounds. |
#31 | Friendly Mental Enslavement! One of the party members of the party is forced to listen to your every command (except self harm) for 1d4 rounds! Randomly selected! |
#32 | A pair of shoes materialize around your feet – binding you there for 2d4 Rounds! |
#33 | All forms of metal around you (weapons and armor) gain a +1 ability for 2d4 rounds. |
#34 | All forms of metal around you (weapons and armor) disappear for 2d4 rounds! |
#35 | You grow an extra arm! You gain one additional melee/ranged attack! This lasts for 2d4 rounds! |
#36 | One of your party members (random selected) grows an extra arm! They gain an extra melee/ranged attack! This lasts for 1d4 rounds! |
#37 | You cast the spell – but the spell never happens – and somehow two spell slots were used! |
#38 | With a quickness! Your mind flows! You can cast two spells as single action! This lasts 1d4 rounds. (It uses a spell slot for each spell) |
#39 | Roll a D20 each round! Any time you roll less than a 8, you take 1d8 psychic damage! This lasts for 2d4 rounds. |
#40 | Your skin grows copper scales! This lasts for 4d10 days! |
#41 | Your skin grows silver scales! This lasts for 4d10 days! |
#42 | Your skin grows brass scales! This lasts for 4d10 days! |
#43 | Your skin grows platinum scales! This lasts for 4d10 days! |
#44 | Your skin grows bronze scales! This lasts 4d10 days! |
#45 | You realize if you spend an action vomiting you can cast Magic Missile as projectile vomit at Level 1. This lasts 1d4 rounds. |
#46 | Nothing Happens |
#47 | You magically grow 1d4 feet! This last for 4d10 days! All melee damage does an additional d4. |
#48 | One of your companions, randomly selected, grows 1d4 feet, for 1d10 days! All melee damage does an additional d4 damage. |
#49 | You shrink down 1d4 feet! All melee damage is reduced by d4. This lasts 2d4 rounds. |
#50 | You shrink down one of your companions 1d4 feet! All melee damage from them is reduced by d4. This lasts 2d4 rounds. |
#51 | Your words breathe fire! You can cast cone of fire once, in a 15′ cone, doing 2d4 fire damage! |
#52 | You smell like a blooming flower patch for 4d10 days. |
#53 | You smell like rotten sewage for 4d10 days. All social checks are at disadvantage. |
#54 | You grow 1d4 eyes on your face. You can not be surprised. This lasts 4d10 days. Any social checks are at disadvantage. |
#55 | You spell goes off normal – but flowers fall from some portal above you, raining down in a 60′ radius centered on you. |
#56 | Betrayal! You decide to target any harmful spell towards a companion (randomly selected) and any useful spell towards an enemy (randomly selected) for 1 round. |
#57 | You grow a beard! If you already have one, it grows an additional 2d4 feet! |
#58 | Your ears turn into elf-like ears! If you are already an elf-kin, your ears grow 3d4 inches in size for 4 days. |
#59 | You magically heal to full! |
#60 | You magically heal 10 points! |
#61 | You magically heal one of your companions (randomly selected) for 10 points! |
#62 | Your left foot grows to be the size of an ogre’s foot. Your movement is reduced to half speed. This lasts 2 rounds. |
#63 | Bodily gas! You can’t control your gas! Stinking Cloud centers on you, but you are immune to its damage – anyone within 20′ of you takes 3d6 psychic damage. This lasts 3 rounds. |
#64 | You polymorph into a sheep for 1 round. |
#65 | Species shift! Your body changes! 1 = Elf, 2 = Human, 3 = Gnome, 4 = Goblin, 5 = Dwarf, 6 = Halfling, 7 = Aasimar, 8 = Tiefling. This lasts for 2d4 days. |
#66 | You magically recover all spell slots! |
#67 | Magic trick! A hat appears at your feet – and a glowing blue rabbit leaps out from it! |
#68 | Fireball centered on you – everyone within 60′ of you must make a DC 13 Dexterity Check or take 3d10 fire damage. Successful save with half the damage. |
#69 | You froth at the mouth for no good reason. This lasts 4d10 days. |
#70 | Fey Dance! Fairies appear around you, or one of your companions (randomly selected) and dance. You are forced to stop doing what you’re doing and dance for 1d4 rounds. |
#71 | You drop to your knees and howl like a wolf – selecting one companion to mark as your territory by urinating on them. This lasts 1 round. |
#72 | You turn into a majestic peacock. This lasts 1 round. |
#73 | Ghostly figure! You become completely corporeal for 1d4 rounds! Physical attacks against you do no harm. |
#74 | A large squid appears on your head. It disappears after 2 rounds. |
#75 | The spell wears you out. You gain one level of exhaustion. This stacks with any other exhaustion you’ve earned. |
#76 | Your eyes merge into one – and you have a cyclops like eye for 4d10 days! |
#77 | You’re fighter, not a caster! For 1d4 rounds you can only make melee attacks! |
#78 | You grow a piglet’s tail on your rear end! This lasts for 4d10 days! |
#79 | Double Vision! A doppleganger of you appears and fights you – trying to take your place (it has no magical abilities however – see Doppleganger) |
#80 | The sound of a Pixie’s voice is centered inside your ear, distracting you. All Saves and Ability Checks are at Disadvantage. |
#81 | Your nose sparks randomly – creating tiny fireworks that are loud and noticeable. This lasts 1d4 days. |
#82 | Death has come for you. Make a DC 13 Constitution check. Failure reduces you to 0 Hit Points. |
#83 | Uncontrollable sweat. You begin to sweat wildly and the odor is atrocious. This lasts for 2d10 days. |
#84 | Every word you say sounds like you’re a frog. Spells that deal damage are reduced to half damage. This lasts for 2d4 rounds. |
#85 | You legs turn into frog legs! You can leap 30′ as an action. This lasts 1d4 rounds. |
#86 | Backed up! You’re constipated for 2d10 days. You suffer the Poisoned effect during this time. |
#87 | Can’t hold it in! You’re unable to control your bowel movements, releasing everything inside of you as soon as you eat. This lasts 2d10 days. |
#88 | You grow animal fur over 100% of your body. This lasts for 4d10 days. |
#89 | Nothing happens. Spell goes off normally. No side effect. |
#90 | You draw magic from one of your companions! If there is another spell cast (randomly selected) – they lose a spell slot, but your spell did not cost one. |
#91 | A Succubus/Incubus appears – seeking to please you. It will constantly plead to please you for 1d4 rounds, before departing. |
#92 | You hate clothing. You strip down. This lasts for 1d4 rounds. |
#93 | All your companions are teleported to be standing right next to you. |
#94 | Fleas! You’ve got fleas! You’re bit and scratch yourself for 2d4 points of damage! The fleas leave after 1 round. |
#95 | Your body turns to liquid for 2 rounds. During this time you can move half speed, but can not talk, attack, etc. |
#96 | Misty Step! For 4 rounds, you can Misty Step 20′ as a bonus action. |
#97 | A large nude painting of you, suddenly appears and floats in the air following you around for 4d10 days. Any damage is instantly restored to the painting. |
#98 | You suddenly find yourself bound in a rope! It would take an action to get out of it. You are considered grappled. |
#99 | Roll again, twice – taking both effects. |
#100 | Roll again, three times – taking all three effects. |