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Aside from the main continents (detailed below) – the islands of interest are:
- Eagle Rock
- Feylinar
- Komarach
- Mystery Island
- Seven Kingdoms of Utsukkuen
- Shadow Island
- Thalaustrea
- The Island of Chuul
Additional information about various towns can be found below the maps.
Continent of Tawaim of Kne’Urth:
Click for full size.

Explorers have drafted this far more crude map, which is full of incorrect locations and information; but generally accepted by the general populace.
Note: There are a number of additional mountains, rivers, towns, lakes. The ones noted on the map are the major ones.
- The Plains of Terran. These plains are where most of the human settlement dwells, spanning over several hundred miles in every direction. There are large cities, towns, villages, even hamlets, scattered all throughout this area. The roads are typically well worn from all the travelers and merchants moving from town to town.
- Skytree Forest. This area is the main home of the High Elves. Skytree Forest is named after the towering trees that reach heights of 300 feet tall in many cases (resembling the Redwood trees). High among those towering treetops, the Elves have built their homes, far above the ground.
- Evergreen. This is the area that is mostly occupied by Halfmen. Hobgoblins, usually storming down from Stonepass (see area 6), frequently raid the villages of the Halfmen. This area is extremely lush and plentiful when it comes to growing plants.
- The Sinking Sands. These marshlands are dominated by goblins and their ilk. Passing into or through these marshes is typically avoided at all costs. The goblins sometimes “team up” with the Hobgoblins and raid the Halfmen villages, and by “team up” – it’s more to the fact that the goblins will raid after the Hobgoblins are done, and pick off whatever they can, before returning back to the marshy swamps that they call home.
- The Poisoned Lake. Despite its notorious name, the lake is actually not poisoned. The water is completely filthy, and drinking from it may make one sick, if they do not properly boil the water. The lake became tainted due to the goblins being completely unhealthy. This lake once housed an assortment of aquatic wildlife, all of which has died, or been hunted to extinction by the goblins.
- Stonepass. These mountains, beneath it, are home to the majority of the Mountain Dwarves on the continent. Unfortunately, unsavory creatures, such as Hobgoblins, call it their home in the mountains, and around the base of the mountain, waiting to ambush unsuspecting travelers and merchants. Stonepass was named, because of the large division in the mountain that grants access to the Eastern Lands. Beneath Stonepass, in the Mountain Dwarf home, is a massive, magnificent stone forged home, with towering statues, massive chains, and lava, to power the forges. (The irony that they build such large things, as small people, is not lost on the Dwarves; they just don’t find it funny).
- The Golden Sea. This massive desert is home to many nomadic human tribes that have found comfort away from everyone else. The Golden Sea is also home to a roaming band of nomadic goblins that call themselves “The Bloodspear.” The Golden Sea reaches heats of anywhere up to 120 to 125 degrees Fahrenheit. It does not take long, for unskilled travelers, to become disoriented and perish in the seemingly endless dunes of the Golden Sea. The Golden Sean frequently has dunes that are 50 to 60 feet in height, appearing to be golden waves, frozen in time (and thus how it earned its name). Every day, the harsh sands and winds, blow over and cover another victim, who has fallen to the desert’s extreme heats and disorienting effects.
- The Sun Sea. This area of the desert is much like The Golden Sea (see Area 7), in that it can reach 120 to 125 degrees, during the day, however, it does not have towering dunes, like the Golden Sea. The dunes of the Sun Sea are never taller than about 20 feet. While it does not seem as dangerous as the Golden Sea, the Sun Sea is actually home to a number of reported, extremely lethal animals and vegetation that is absent in the Golden Sea.
- Forest of Ruin. The name of the forest is misleading. The name comes from the number of ruins that have been discovered in this forest/jungle. The area is home to normal forest trees, but also tangles into a jungle like atmosphere (and humidity) near the southern border of the forest (that touches along with The Death Marsh, see Area 11). Many have reported finding the tops of buildings and ruins, now buried by layers of mud, trees, and forest land. Small caverns have been discovered, that lead beneath ground and into these ruins.
- One of the notable locations in Forest of Ruin is a small, forest gnome dwelling called Pleasantleaf, named after Enidda Pleasantleaf, who as a mage, had received a direct message from Ellaros, God of Root and Nature, to leave Rockhome and settle in the Forest of Ruin. She’d done so, bringing others with her – and eventually formed Pleasantleaf. After the small village became self sufficient, Enidda remained for awhile, before departing again, seeking something else in the world.
- Rainfall. These plains are extremely lush with plant life. Storms blowing up from the Southern Wastelands, drop large amounts of cool water. Most of this water runs down, feeding the land. But much of that water stops in the area to the southeast, where the land is lower than the sea level, creating the Death Marsh (see Area 11).
- The Death Marsh. The Death Marsh is below sea level, and thus when the chilling storms from the Southern Wastelands blow across the oceans, and drop their rain fall, much of that rain bogs down the land in this area, creating a heavy, thick marsh, with extreme humidity. The humidity in the Death Marsh makes traveling through it, almost unbearable. If that were not enough, the Death Marsh is plagued with lethal animals of all kinds.
- Rockhome. This mountain area is home to the gnome, who live beneath ground. The entire area that the gnomes occupy is run completely on steam. Gnomes have developed a number of contraptions (some of them not fully tested, by any means!), almost all exclusively powered by steam. Breathing in Rockhome is difficult, if one is not acclimated to the amount of steam that pushes through the caverns.
- Rippling Lake. This massive lake is named after the small waves that hit all sides of the shore. The center of the lake seems to be the epicenter of what triggers the small waves in a circular direction. The lake is over five hundred feet in depth, according to what Excavation Mages have determined. It hosts a set of unique animal and plant life, found only at the Rippling Lake. The cause of the ripples from the epicenter remains unknown, and several small fishing towns along the Rippling Lake have a variety of theories, rumors and stories.
- The Sunken City. This lake is named The Sunken City because of the tops of several ruins that peek out from the top of the lake, indicating at one time, long, long ago, a magnificent city once sat where the lake now resides. The city, seemingly sank directly into the lake, leaving the structure of the city, nearly untouched and undamaged. Now, over the many, many years, life within the lake has taken over the city below. Still, many swim into the depths of the lake, looking for treasures within this once magnificent city. The lake’s waters are remarkably clear, allowing those from above, to stare down into the lake and see the city’s remains resting peacefully on the bottom of this enormous lake. Stories, rumors and speculation are in the thousands, as to what happened to this city, who lived in it, and why it’s gone undamaged after it fell into the lake.
- Stonepass River. This river runs from the Stonepass Mountains. It begins at a breathtaking waterfall, that begins over 200 feet into the mountain and snakes its way down. The rivers have drawn the attention of many, who have claimed that flecks of gold (clearly from Stonepass) has been found and mined from the rivers. This created a “gold rush” that spawned a number of small villages all along the river, down to the coast.
- Shadow Light River. This river is named Shadow Light, because it’s two rivers – one from the Forest of Ruin and one from The Death Marsh – one river, clean (from the forest), the other full of mud (from the Death Marsh), coming together to form one river that dumps into the coastline.
- Rockhome River. This river exits from the base of the Rockhome Mountains and runs along until it collides with the river exiting the Forest of Ruin. Heavy rains from the Southern Wasteland have flooded this river, which caused a smaller river to form, when it backed up. The main river cuts through a large portion of the land, providing healthy, clean water for plants and animals alike. Several small towns have sprung up along the river.
Forbidden Island. The island is named as such, because of the massive, jagged walls that surround the island. No one has successfully been able to approach the island without their ships going under; and those who have tried to swim to it, have been cut to pieces by the coral beneath the water. What, if anything, that is on that island, remains a complete mystery.
Faye Island. Though Faye Island is shown on the map, it has been known to somehow “move” all along the Western Shore. Few are ever accepted onto Faye Island, and most who are, never return.
Isle of Horns. This island was once dominated by Ogres, who enslaved the second most popular race – the Minotaur. The Minotaurs eventually rebelled and over threw their oppressors and slaughtered each and every Ogre on the island. The Minotaurs believe that this is their destined home, due to the two northern mountains that peak out from the sea like a set of horns. Minotaurs are well versed sailors, and have the most magnificent ships of all the known races of KneUrth. Their city structure resembles many of the ancient ruins found on KneUrth, in that there are massive stone stadiums, many of their buildings have enormous columns, there are towering statues of Minotaurs in war gear throughout their cities. The largest such city, sits on the northern portion of the island called ‘Starhome.’ This is where the largest church of the Minotaurs is, facing the mountains that poke out from the sea to the north. The Minotaurs worship Valingard, though they believe, according to their mythology, that he has the appearance of a midnight black Minotaur.
The Jagged Coast. This area of the coast earned its name, due to the unforgiving coral reef that surrounds the shores. These coral reefs grow extremely fast, and are capable of tearing into the most sturdy of ships. It is highly discouraged to swim in this area, because of these coral reefs.
The Broken Bay. This bay earned its name because it is a graveyard of ancient ships. Throughout the entire bay, there are remains of ships so old and ancient, that the sea life has over taken them. People, to this day, still attempt to find treasures within the ruins of these ships. Where they came from, why they’re there, all remains completely unknown.
Northern/Southern Wastelands. Both of these regions are covered in snow. Most storms come from these regions, bringing with them massive amounts of torrential rain, which is what has created The Sinking Sands (Area 4) and The Death Marshes, due to excessive flooding and those lands being below sea level.
The Ivory Vale (also called “Vareen” – meaning ‘the new home’ in Elvish)

The Ivory Vale is primarily all fairly unexplored. This Continent was discovered about 100 years ago. The Ivory Coast fishing village is a mixture of a number of races, who have learned to live with one another. Many of them fled the main continent looking to start a new life, or escape the war that had broken out during the Age of Exploration. There is a large farming community beyond the gated walls of the Ivory Coast. Several smaller cities have begun to get populated, though many have no pushed far into the lands beyond. Several explorers have reported unusual forests made of towering mushrooms, an unusually high amount of Fae creatures such as sprites, pixies, and an assortment of previously unseen animals. The content of the Ivory Coast has plenty of potential to uncover hundreds of secrets, adventures, and coin – for those that are brave – or perhaps, foolish – enough.