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There are thousands of creatures that wander the world of Kne’Urth, with new ones being discovered almost daily (usually at the cost of an adventurer’s life). Below are some of the monsters that are known to exist, and some who – right now – are just legends, said to exist.
Elemental, Air
An air elemental is a funneling cloud of swirling air with a contorted, vaguely humanoid face near the top. Air Elementals originated from the Plane of Air, however, when Porlen Hollowroot opened a portal to the Plane of Air, seeking the help of others to destroy the Orc “infestation” on Kne’Urth – Air Elementals both fell into the world, as well as some ventured forth out of curiosity of this new world suddenly being accessible to them. Although it’s most common form of attack is rushing across the ground and enveloping its targets within themselves, who they can both suffocate or be shredded by the debris in which they’ve swooped up as well. An Air Elemental can gain so much speed and size that it is capable of throwing large objects from within, slamming them into solid objects to further damage their intended targets. While not intelligent, Air Elementals, just like other Elementals, do not enjoy being summoned and controlled by another, and being forced to do that being’s bidding. If it is capable, it may make every effort to break free of the command, and seek revenge against those who dared to try and control them. On the Plane of Air, Air Elementals are seen everywhere, however they rarely wreak too much havoc and chaos on their own plane; rather they simply seem to move from area to area, observing the Plane and all things around them. It is speculated that those trapped on Kne’Urth tend to be more destructive because they’ve been cut off from their native plane.
Elemental, Earth
An earth elemental is a living, magical being made of stone with a contorted, vaguely humanoid face in the front. Earth Elementals originated from the Plane of Earth, however, when Porlen Hollowroot opened a portal to the Plane of Earth, seeking the help of others to destroy the Orc “infestation” on Kne’Urth – Earth Elementals both fell into the world, as well as some ventured forth out of curiosity of this new world suddenly being accessible to them. Despite their massive size and being made of stone, one would think that an Earth Elemental might slumber along; but when needed, they can move at incredible speeds, almost as if gliding on the very stone from which they are made. The pounding fury of an Earth Elemental’s slamming fists can crush bones to dust. While not intelligent, Earth Elementals, just like other Elementals, do not enjoy being summoned and controlled by another, and being forced to do that being’s bidding. If it is capable, it may make every effort to break free of the command, and seek revenge against those who dared to try and control them. On the Plane of Earth, Earth Elementals are seen everywhere, however they rarely wreak too much havoc and chaos on their own plane. Often times, large flocks of Earth Elementals will find an area and settle, and merely move around in small circles from the area they have settled in. It is speculated that those trapped on Kne’Urth tend to be more destructive because they’ve been cut off from their native plane.
Elemental, Fire
Fire elements are composed of living flame; where only in the deepest parts of the flame does the burning, humanoid visage emerge. Fire Elementals originated from the Plane of Fire, however, when Porlen Hollowroot opened a portal to the Plane of Fire, seeking the help of others to destroy the Orc “infestation” on Kne’Urth – Fire Elementals both fell into the world, as well as some ventured forth out of curiosity of this new world suddenly being accessible to them. On the Plane of Fire, Fire Elementals simply exist, moving through the burning terrain, consuming the flames to add onto their own. One Kne’Urth they discovered substances, such as wood and cloth, that was not native to their own plane and how these things burst into flame at the touch of a Fire Elemental. Because of this, Fire Elementals are known to wreak havoc on Kne’Urth – however, it is not their intention to burn everything; rather a curiosity of what burns on this world and what does not. While not intelligent, Fire Elementals, just like other Elementals, do not enjoy being summoned and controlled by another, and being forced to do that being’s bidding. If it is capable, it may make every effort to break free of the command, and seek revenge against those who dared to try and control them. On the Plane of Fire, Fire Elementals are seen everywhere, however they rarely wreak too much havoc and chaos on their own plane.
Elemental, Water
Water Elementals originated from the Plane of Water, however, when Porlen Hollowroot opened a portal to the Plane of Water, seeking the help of others to destroy the Orc “infestation” on Kne’Urth – Fire Elementals both fell into the world, as well as some ventured forth out of curiosity of this new world suddenly being accessible to them. Water Elementals can move through bodies of water, becoming one with the liquid around them, allowing them to cover great distances rapidly. Water Elementals in a body of water are often almost impossible to detect, as they appear as nothing more than rippling waves. When Water Elementals move on the ground, when moving rapidly, they appear like waves crashing on the ground, but once they reach their target, they will take the form of a large wave, whose humanoid-like face will twist and contort from the inside of the tide, appearing to be ripped apart as the body of water moves. Water Elementals often take down threatening targets by enveloping them within themselves and attempting to rapidly down them, or smash them on the ground when they take on a wave form. Since their arrival on Kne’Urth, powerful magic users have found ways to manipulate and control them – and often will use Water Elementals to track someone down to get rid of them since Water Elementals can squeeze into the smallest cracks and crevices, making escaping a Water Elemental very difficult. That said, Water Elementals, just like other Elementals, do not enjoy being summoned and controlled by another, and being forced to do that being’s bidding. If it is capable, it may make every effort to break free of the command, and seek revenge against those who dared to try and control them.
Elf, Dark
Sometimes called the “Drow” (which simply means ‘in favor of darkness’ in the ancient elven tongue), the Dark Elves were some of the first elves who had come to the world and had, at first, loyally served Nifika. However, they found that being bound to peaceful negotiations all the time was proving to be more and more difficult, as they sought a more assertive measure with dealing with the many threats in the world. This is when the evil goddess, Lakrona, whispered in their ears and lured them away – to come beneath the mountain and venture into the Shadow Vale. While there, they were told to subject themselves to a spider, whose smallest dosage of venom, could easily kill an ogre. Those that did so and believed that Lakrona would spare them from death survived; those with even the remotest of doubts found they suffered an agonizing death from the spider’s bite as their insides turned to acid, the venom devouring their organs from the inside out. The faithful to Lakrona who survived were not without their own suffering – the venom had changed them as well. Moving through their bloodstream even the survivors screamed in pain for hours; but when it was finally over, their skin had turn the dark color of shadow that they are known for now, an effect from the venom that had tampered with their organs. Lakrona explained that she heard their call for action; she needed to test them; those who believed survived and were stronger for it, both in body and faith. Lakrona told her followers that one day, she will not only rise against the gods of light, but she will sink her fangs into Thyamat and assume her position. Unfortunately, Thyamat would go on to learn of Lakrona’s plans and banished her, where she’d been banished for thousands of years, until her faithful Dark Elves discovered a ritual to bring her back and set her free. While the Priestess was ultimately defeated from also ascending (which would have allowed Lakrona to enter Kne’Urth as well), Lakrona was still able to escape her prison – and in doing so, killed eight of the various gods of light (one for each of her spidery legs). The Dark Elves learned that Lakrona was the twin sister of Nifika herself, and like her sister possessed incredible beauty; however, Lakrona’s lower torso is that of a giant spider. Her followers now cultivate the original venomous spider and even use magic to bond with them. Dark Elves are plentiful in the Shadow Vale. Their devotion to Lakrona runs so deep that if a Dark Elf believes they are about to be captured they will more often than not (if possible) bite down on a venom sack they keep in the back of their mouth that will work rapidly to kill them. Dark Elves typically do not seek to kill the foolish who venture beneath the mountain, but rather enslave them or feed them to the giant spiders which they employ. Dark Elves frequently find themselves fighting with Dwarves beneath the mountains, Illithid, and even Beholders; all of which, with their natural ties to magic they have done quite well against. In Drow society, women always hold the highest position in power (whether it be a temple or their Speaker).
Elf, Drider
In the Dark Elf society only females can “ascend” to becoming Driders. The most faithful Clerics are often selected by the Speaker to ascend as Driders. The female Dark Elves believe this is one of the highest blessings to be given the body that is similar to the very goddess in which they worship, Lakrona. Powerful female warriors are often ascended into becoming Driders as well. Driders report directly to the Speaker (the highest female in the Dark Elf society, or the Highest Priestess – who often times, is also the Speaker). Driders are considered the protectors of the Dark Elf society, with their natural ability to scale walls, hide in shadows, drop from high ceilings – or even cast from there. When a threat is detected, Driders are often dispatched – where they will move along the ceiling – then use their magic first – often times, Faerie Fire which comes in the form of glowing blue like webbing that clings to the target and illuminates them; then they follow up with dropping down and using melee weapons, or may even used ranged weapons. At times, they will have other Dark Elves in waiting who will rush in once the targets have been faerie fired. Driders are careful and calculating masters of the dark and will not make foolish mistakes. They are fanatical in their belief and will never betray the Dark Elves, or Lakrona. They’re known to specifically target “other elves” before others, in most cases, if it is not a foolish tactic.
Elf, Gith (Githyanki)
The Gith, or Githyanki, are some of the early Elves, who similar to the Dark Elves, broke away from Nifika’s blessing. These elves were tainted by something in them that told them that they were not to be slaves – that they had a much grander destiny. That whispering voice was from a demon lord, who had attempted, repeatedly, to ascend to godhood by the name of Nebakrau. Nebakrau is a giant serpent, whose “destiny” is to one day coil around the world and crush it between its powerful coils. In order to do so, it required followers – and so it reached out to both Elves and Humans; Elves for their power and magical abilities and humans for their population size. The Elves who followed Nebakrau underwent a ritual that changed their skin to appear serpentine; while many humans, who became Yuan-Ti also took on serpent like appearances. The Githyanki will typically only align with the Yuan-Ti and see everyone else before them as an enemy. The Gith were told of a powerful vessel known as a “Spelljammer” and ascended to the Astral Plane, commanded by Nebakrau where they learned to wreak havoc on the Planes while the Yuan-Ti remained on Kne’Urth. If there is one thing that all other elves, including Dark Elves, can agree on is that the Githyanki (which is Elvish for “Gith” meaning Eternally and “yanki” meaning banished) are always the enemy above all else, because they represent an abomination as their “deity.” Despite this transition to the Githyanki, they maintained their fey-like abilities and many of them wield powerful magic. There are a few of the Gith, who manage to break away from the hold of Nebakrau – but those Gith are often hunted down by their own kind, while the rest of the world also seeks to destroy them; so the few that tend to escape Nebakrau’s thrall, rarely survive long.
Empyreans were Immortals who lived in Aftgrand, as citizens of the Plane. They were similar to the gods, but lacked any powers, domains or followers. While in Aftgrand, they were Immortal and often the spouse of a Deity. In an effort to seal a breach that had been discovered by Grumthak, the gods of light (Circle of Light) sealed the portal between Aftgrand and Kne’Urth when the world was still young. In doing so, they trapped dozens of Immortals on Kne’Urth who then took on the name Empyrean (which in the ancient tongue meant ‘severed from home’ or ‘unable to go home’). Empyrean who were ‘watchers’ of the world, recording and watching specific events in the world, retreated to areas to avoid contact with mortals. As Empyreans had children over the years, they learned that not only had they begun to age (extremely slowly still), their children cut off from the magical properties that Empyreans once had access to in Aftgrand, had also changed. In the years that followed, the children of Empyrean were much shorter – where an Empyrean stood up to forty feet tall, their children were between thirty to twenty feet tall – and thus, the first “true giants” were born to the world. Depending on where the Empyrean seemed to home themselves, seemed to also influence the type of giants that were born. Empyrean will do everything they can to avoid contact with mortals, for the most part. Some, in a desperate attempt to regain their immortality, even dared enter Garengrand (The Fallen Plane) where they were corrupted and became “Demon Lords.” As many Empyreans were watchers of the world, if found and properly asked, they could provide wisdom to those they see worthy. The wrath of an Empyrean is like the wrath of a god.
Ettercaps were made by foul magics of the Dark Elves. Because of the Dark Elves dislike for light and finding a weakness in sunlight – the Dark Elves practiced dark rituals in order to find a way to strike at their surface dwelling Elven brethren which Lakrona despised, as they were a reflection of her twin sister’s beauty, Nifika. Through horrid testing done on human slaves, the Dark Elves had created a new creature – the Ettercap – with the genetics combined of human and spider – and one goal. To despoil any woods the creature can find. Hundreds of Ettercaps were released to the surface world and began descending on the woods throughout the world. Similar to spiders, when Ettercaps mate, hundreds of small eggs are hatched from the female. As they grow, they will feed on other Ettercaps eggs so only a few survive each batch; and the cycle continues. Ettercaps will often lay eggs aboard ships to help spread their kind all over the world to seek out more woods. Ettercaps will often also taken refuge in swamps and forests that have already been despoiled by the presence of another, more powerful creature, such as a Chromatic Dragon. The presence of an Ettercap is quite visible; as animals, humanoids and creatures of all sizes will be spun into webs and left dangling.
Ettins are said to be the result of a Hill Giant and Ogre mating; creating a towering, two headed, fierce, violent, species. Despite having two heads, each head has its own personality and it may be wildly different than the other head. It is speculated this is the result of a hill giant personality and an ogre personality in each head. This conflict in personality, with no way of escaping itself, often leads to the Ettin arguing with itself, which can usually be heard from quite a distance. A clever adventurer who has found themselves captured by an Ettin could, if they were clever, find a way for the two heads to argue amongst each other while they sought a way to escape. Despite this argumentative nature, when one of the Ettin heads falls asleep, the other is wide awake to ensure nothing happens to itself, making it next to impossible to sneak up on the paranoid Ettin. Ettins tend to be solitary, however, during mating season, two can be found together. The mating ritual of an Ettin is grotesque and violent, with the result sometimes leading to the death of one of the mates. Survival of a mating season will see the Ettins quickly parting ways again with mothers baring their children alone and the fathers never knowing their children. (This, unfortunately, has led to some inbreeding among Ettins). Ettins have been known to align themselves with others who promise chaos and destruction, an Ettin’s favorite things, other than nicely cooked halflings.
Faerie Dragon
Faerie Dragons, despite their name, bare no actual relation to dragons in any way, other than their appearance. Faerie Dragons are cat sized beasts who look like dragons with butterfly-like wings. In many ways, Faerie Dragons are much more like cats in their attitude, general mischief and personality and go as far as making purring (or coo’ing) sounds when they’re happy. They’re extremely friendly (especially to people whom they sense goodness within), but they’re natural tricksters as well. They enjoy using their limited magical abilities for mischief and fun. A faerie dragon’s age can be estimated by the color of their scales. from between the ages of one to five years, they tend to have blue scales with tints of red in them (especially around their head and down their spine). Between six and ten years, those red scales turn to a “sunset” orange color. From eleven to twenty years, those orange scales slowly turn to a bright yellow color. Beyond that age, those yellow scales evolve to blue, making the entire faerie dragon almost blue in color. Faerie Dragons that manage to live to the age of fifty will become violet in color. Faerie Dragons have the ability to communicate telepathically and are able to cast a limited amount of spells. One thing that the Faerie Dragon possesses that dragons do – is a breath weapon – which anyone who fails to get away from it will suffer a stupor of euphoria. This usually allows the Faerie Dragon to escape while their victim ponders the color of the leaves on the nearby roses.
These unusual creatures are one of the few known beings that have lived in the Shadow Vale for as long as they have and still be good. Chances are anyone who has traveled through the Shadow Vale has been seen by a Flumph, but they may never have seen the flumph themselves. These shy creatures (mostly because everything else in the Shadow Vale seems drenched in evil and out to kill) often hide among Shriekers, using their similar appearance with their domed heads to appear as mushrooms and using their eye stalks to observe those traveling about the Shadow Vale. Most know of Shriekers and know not to bother them, making them a safe haven for the Flumphs to hide among. Despite their simple appearance, Flumphs are powerful telepaths; undoubtedly as a means of survival since speaking could give away a Flumphs location, the ability to speak telepathically allows them to maintain their cover – a definite requirement in the Shadow Vale. These telepathic abilities make these creatures sensitive to the emotional states of nearby creatures it may be observing. If a creature’s thoughts suggest goodness, the flumph may seek them out; while anyone with thoughts of evil will make them flee or remain hidden. They feed by siphoning off mental energy from psionic creatures; so despite their fear of evil, they’re frequently found around Illithid establishments, siphoning off the psionic powers of Illithid. Because of their passive feeding, their victims rarely even notice. Being in close proximity with Illithid and beholders, flumphs often learn dark secrets – so when they seek out good hearted people, they share what they’ve learned in hopes that they take care of the evil around them, even if it means destroying the very things that the flumps may feed on
Galeb Duhr
According to legend (a legend, according to another legend, started by the Galeb Duhr themselves) – the Galeb Duhr’s origin trace back to the forging of the world. It has been said that when Jarisfargen, God of Earth and Stone, was forging the world, the fragments from his Life Forge fell onto the world below. These fragments of stone were infused with Life energy from the Life Forge and upon settling on the world began to rise up as living stones, known as the Galeb Duhr. The Galeb Duhr are all too frequently confused for being Earth Elementals, which they take great insult to. Unlike the Earth Elementals, the Galeb Duhr are rather intelligent and wise. They call themselves ‘Stone Speakers’ – as they are able to merge with the stone around them and hear the stories the stone has to say. (Naturally most of those stories aren’t very clear – they’re very basic phrases such as “big tall high up” might indicate there’s a giant on the mountain top that the mountain has shared with the Galeb Duhr). Over all the Galeb Duhr would much rather be left alone, and often remain hidden (which they’re almost impossible to detect against the stone which they can merge) unless there is someone or something harming the stone – in which the Galeb Duhr may turn to some passersby to seek their help.

Gargoyles are thought to be the essence of a Galeb Duhr’s energy extracted from their stone body and transferred into a grotesque; where they’re bound by magic to serve as guardians for powerful magic users. Gargoyles have the ability, similar to their former selves to essentially appear as nothing more than lifeless stone; so that many adventurers have foolishly believed they’re nothing more than statues. Twisted by the magic and servitude, Gargoyles are no longer similar to their former selves, of being Galeb Duhr, but rather become so twisted, that gargoyles have a reputation for being extremely cruel. And if a gargoyle ever manages to break free of their master’s hold, it will not stop until its killed the one that has enslaved them. If their master has died (either killed by a gargoyle, or by any other means), the gargoyle is free to roam and spread its evil and cruelty.

Genie, Dao
Like all genies, the Dao were brought into the world by the elf, Porlen (see Broken Lands Lore), who attempted to use these creatures against the war on Orcs, in other Planes. The Dao genies come from the Plane of Stone. However, the Dao were so vile that they turned against Porlen immediately. Unable to banish them back to the Plane of Stone, he released them to the mortal plane, where they have existed. The area, now known as The Broken Land, was once a emerald forest, with exotic flowers; but that Dao enslaved the people of the land. The forests were burned down by the Efreeti, that were brought into the world years later and waged war against the Dao. The resulting war destroyed the land, so that nature itself, has never recovered, and the area is known as The Broken Land, where unusual creatures have been seen to surface. The Dao refuse to serve anyone, and thrive on jewels and lavish life styles, and because of this lavish life style, they also seek to enslaved, more often than not, humans, whom they force to build lavish castles and homes for them.

Genie, Djinni
These genies were discovered by the elf Porlen (see Broken Lands Lore), after his failed attempt to enslave the Dao genies to fight against the Orcs. Unlike the Dao, the Djinni are of good alignment. These genies have been known to grant wishes to those that assist them in some means; typically when freeing them from any binds. The Djinni come from the Plane of the Air, and have light blue skin. They do love jewellery and can take on the disguise of a mortal, who lives in a lavish castle; they’re ancient and don’t care much for those who would interfere with them; so many of them have set up homes in the clouds.

Genie, Efreeti
These were the third genies pulled by the elf Porlen (see Broken Lands Lore). They come from the Plane of Fire. He had brought them into the world, despite their evil tendacies, to try and deal with the Dao who were running rampant. The end result was the sundering of the land, that left all life around it, void of any life for hundreds of years. The natural land in the area still has not recovered, even after thousands of years, and is now known as The Broken Lands. Because these Genies thrived on destruction, laying waste to population and nature alike, wanting the world to burn, similar to their home in the Plane of Fire, powerful magic users eventually came together and began imprisoning the Efreeti by any means necessary.

Genie, Marid
The Marid come from the Plane of Water, and were the last genies the elf Porlen (see Broken Lands Lore). He pulled them into the plane in hopes of waging war with the fire based Efreeti. The Marid served Porlen in this task, assisting mortal mages in capturing Efreeti, because the Marid sensed the evil in the Efreeti. However, once the Efreeti population was lowered, the Marid realized that Porlen was the one who brought the Efreeti in hopes of enslaving them to fight against the orcs and had tricked the Marid in being a part of Porlen’s war (and preservation of the demon lord’s ego). Once the Marid learned this, they broke all ties with Porlen.

Giant, Cloud
Like all giants, Cloud giants can wage a war with other clans or even other giants, but during the Echelon, in which all the giants gather at a designated spot, all disputes are put aside during this time and peace and honor among the giants is expected.
Cloud giants are said to be closest to their former Titan bloodline, the Empyrean, because of their desire to live in castles built on clouds or extremely high mountain tops covered by the clouds.
Cloud giants are also the most varied; there are some who tend to be good, but there are those who most would definitely consider “evil” and seek to manipulate mortals for their own amusement. Cloud giants thrive on wealth and treasure and often enjoy gloating or wearing expensive items in the presence of others.

Giant, Fire
Like all giants, Fire giants can wage a war with other clans or even other giants, but during the Echelon, in which all the giants gather at a designated spot, all disputes are put aside during this time and peace and honor among the giants is expected.
Fire Giants typically dwell deep beneath the mountains, usually near where Mountain Dwarves often call home, bringing Dwarf and Giant in constant conflict. The Fire Giants were said to once be a noble and kind race, however the never ending despite with the Dwarves had finally gotten to the giants, who suddenly felt they were superior to “mere mortals” and took a dark turn – swearing to kill dwarves and reclaim all beneath the mountain as their own.
Fire Giants, like their Dwarven enemies, are masters of their craft in making steel weapons and armor, able to use and manipulate the lava to heat their metal, often even managing to create giant weapons made of adamantine. Fire giants pride themselves on their smithing abilities and consider themselves warriors-born.

Giant, Fomorian
When a group of giants dare to defy the Echelon and seek to overthrow and murder the current Giant High King; they were captured, beaten, and a curse most foul placed upon them. Rather than be killed, which most of the giants believed they deserved, these giants were cursed to be disfigured and released; a reminder to all the giants in future generations, what would happen if one dares defy the Echelon.
The Fomorian Giants disfigured bodies can not be healed of their curse and suffer as a constant reminder of their heinous crime, their bodies were deformed; and each of their offspring will be born with the similar ugliness so that they are always reminded, throughout their long lives. Fomorian Giants are disfigured in the way that some have extra limbs, eyes that are not on their head, mis-sized limbs, excessive flesh, warts; only to name a few of the side effects of being a Fomorian. The Fomorian are not reclusive like other giants, and seek to wage war on anything and everyone they come across.

Giant, Frost
Like all giants, Frost giants can wage a war with other clans or even other giants, but during the Echelon, in which all the giants gather at a designated spot, all disputes are put aside during this time and peace and honor among the giants is expected.
Like other giants, Frost giants tend to be reclusive and avoid contact with mortals. However, if mortals dare tread where a Frost giant has called home, they will find that the frost giant is not one to hear out excuses and reasons; and will attack any who dare tread on their land.
Frost giants make their home high in the mountains or deep in frozen caves. A sure way to know a frost giant is around is if large polar bears are spotted near a cave entrance. They are the first warning that one should not venture any closer.
Frost giants were the only giants that made an effort to subdue (white) dragons and force the dragons to serve the giants. This often came up during the Echelon meetings that this behavior was dangerous and could attract the wrath of the dragons on the giants; but the Frost giants firmly believe that the strong should conquer the weak. Frost giants enjoy their privacy and store all of their riches – and meat – in frozen walls.

Giant, Hill
Like all giants, Hill giants can wage a war with other clans or even other giants, but during the Echelon, in which all the giants gather at a designated spot, all disputes are put aside during this time and peace and honor among the giants is expected. Usually. Hill Giants are often short tempered and may cause problems, but never rebel against the Echelon, because despite their low wisdom and intelligence, one thing they can all remember clearly is the Fomorian.
Unlike other giants, Hill Giants do not have a problem making their presence known to mortals – as a matter of fact the most “common” giant (simply because of the frequency in which they’re seen) is the Hill Giant. Hill Giants have a ravenous craving for food and often times, fighting (sometimes unaware when the odds are clearly stacked against them). They’re simplistic and primitive. Hill Giants are even known to align themselves with Ogres and Orcs, for the sheer joy of destruction.

Giant, Stone
Like all giants, Frost giants can wage a war with other clans or even other giants, but during the Echelon, in which all the giants gather at a designated spot, all disputes are put aside during this time and peace and honor among the giants is expected.
Stone Giants live in the middle of the mountains; if one were to cut it into slices with Frost Giants above and Fire Giants below. They often create incredible mazes in the mountains as a means of ensuring their privacy, lining these mazes with lethal traps – the unwanted will typically meet an ending most gruesome if they are not expected guests of the Stone giants.
Where Fire Giants are master crafters with steel, the Stone Giant is a master crafter with stone and are considered one of the most incredible at masonry. They often carve incredibly detailed images on the walls of their tunnels that tell of incredible stories forever etched in stone as a means to keep the history recorded.
Stone giants generally believe that they will all one day be returned to the heavens and among their giant brethren often considered “the dreamers.”

Giant, Storm
Like all giants, Storm giants can wage a war with other clans or even other giants, but during the Echelon, in which all the giants gather at a designated spot, all disputes are put aside during this time and peace and honor among the giants is expected.
Storm giants are considered the most powerful among the giant-kin, born with incredible strength and powers. This often lends to them being the High King during the Echelon.
Storm giants have found their homes floating in castles on clouds, similar to Cloud Giants; as well as the highest Mountain Peaks, and even in the ocean (often being confused for the lesser known Sea Giants).
Storm giants, much like their name sake, can often rage very quickly when angered and unleash their incredible power.

These horrors were created by followers of Razataun, who sought to become what they believe is the next step – forming their bodies into one, unified, slime. Unfortunately, the results rarely turned out as expected; while some do gain Razataun’s favor, and turned into a form of slime; some do not and get turned into a gibbermouth, which then goes out to see to devour anything and everything. Flesh that is consumed by the gibbermouth, adds to its mass; and the mind keeps its memories of its life before being consumed; which it shares with all the other minds, causing further insanity for those unfortunate enough to be devoured by these foul creatures.

The origin of the gnolls comes from their god; Yeegowhen, who is known as “The Mad God.” Having originally been nothing more than a hyena that supposedly fed on the fallen arm of Skortaurian after Valingard had severed it with his father’s Honor Sword; Yeegowhen rapidly evolved as the most savage of the hyena pack, changed by the dark magic that flowed through the severed arm. Yeegowhen was driven insane by the magic that changed him. The spite that flowed through him, carried over by Skortaurian’s own spite, filled Yeegowhen. Yeegowhen cut his palm and let the other hyenas of his pack drink from him, and found that their bodies began to change too, evolving into gnolls. Gnolls hate everything, and try to rule over them. A gnoll’s ravenous appetite is never satisfied; and they will kill and eat anything.

Gnome, Deep
If there’s anything to say about a Gnome’s spirit; it’s their unbreakable spirit. Gnomes that were exposed to the same process that created the Duergar. A group of gnomes, curious about the types of precious stones in the Shadow Stones had accompanied the first group of Dwarves who would become the ill fated Duergar. The bands of gnomes was likewise changed, their skin, a deep charcoal color, their eye colors a dull grey; but where the Duergar suffered mentally and changed their perception, the Gnomes; now called Deep Gnomes, barely seemed changed. Over all, they still believe in all things good, but seem a little detached. While they may not care, one way or the other, over all; the Deep Gnomes will always side with good, if it comes down to it. The one thing they have all lost, is their desire to tinker.

Created by the god, Maglubier – Goblins populate like rabbits, meaning there’s hundreds of thousands of them in any given mountain. They are the bane of every dwarven society, and any village that neighbors a mountain infested with goblins. Among the goblins, there’s typically one leader (usually a Hobgoblin). They are known to align themselves with other evil races, if they see some benefit for themselves. Goblins are easily swayed by shiny objects and take great pleasure in the torture of other creatures. Goblins have a unique ability to communicate with rats, and use them to pass and gather information. (This is believed to come down from Maglubier’s ability to listen when he does not appear to be, and bestowing his race to gather information in a similar fashion). Goblins also are known to ride worgs, which are similar to large wolves, that make their homes deep in the caves.

Golem, Clay
Golems were first discovered when a Necromancer tapped into the Plane of Fire. They had grabbed a young Fire Elemental and used it, in hopes of igniting life inside a statue, similar to how Gargoyles were sparked from the souls of Galeb Duhr. The Clay Golem was the first type of golem that was successfully made. Clay Golems are made from clay, as the name states, and shaped into humanoid statues. They are often used as guardians by all Magic Users who seek to guard their tomes of knowledge. Of all the Golems the Clay golem is the weakest of them; but the one that is also the least likely to break free of its master’s hold.

Golem, Flesh
Golems were first discovered when a Necromancer tapped into the Plane of Fire. They had grabbed a young Fire Elemental and used it, in hopes of igniting life inside a statue, similar to how Gargoyles were sparked from the souls of Galeb Duhr. Flesh Golems were made by Necromancers, who took the theory of Clay Golems and tried to use the young Fire Elemental to be the flame of life that would bring the body of a recently deceased, back to life. It did not turn out to be that way; and the ending result was a powerful golem that turned on its masters. Over the years, the art of creating flesh golems has been mastered; however, is illegal. Flesh Golems are composed from the limbs and flesh of one to many recently deceased. The creation of flesh golems also protects their decaying flesh from rotting, and has a side effect of sometimes also providing magical protection. Young fire elementals trapped inside Flesh Golems have found it easier to break free, than from a Clay Golem, because the Flesh Golem is composed of different and dying body parts, which gives the fire elemental a better hold at breaking free of its constraints.

Golem, Iron
Golems were first discovered when a Necromancer tapped into the Plane of Fire. They had grabbed a young Fire Elemental and used it, in hopes of igniting life inside a statue, similar to how Gargoyles were sparked from the souls of Galeb Duhr. Of all of the golems, the Iron Golem is without a doubt, the most powerful of them. An Iron Golem’s shape can be shaped into any form, contained within the iron armor that traps the young fire elemental host. Because of the magic required to trap a fire elemental into the form of an Iron Golem, these massive golems are lethal. They hose great power, and their iron hides are magically enhanced. Fire elementals rarely break free of the hold inside the Iron Golem; but when they do, they are unable to escape their iron prison; but rather simply use their new bodies to wreak havoc, chaos, death and destruction.

Golem, Stone
Golems were first discovered when a Necromancer tapped into the Plane of Fire. They had grabbed a young Fire Elemental and used it, in hopes of igniting life inside a statue, similar to how Gargoyles were sparked from the souls of Galeb Duhr. The Stone Golem was the second type of Golem ever made. With the success of the Clay Golem, powerful magic users sought a sturdier substance and imbued stone with the spirit of a young Fire elemental, which created a Stone Elemental. These became the favored guardians of the magic users who needed powerful guards to stand by their tomes of magic. They were stronger than Clay Golems, and more reliable than Flesh Golems, and had the same resistances to magic as the Iron Golems, without requiring all the effort, cost and spell components of their more powerful iron counterparts.

These ferocious creatures emerged from the Broken Land, after the War of Genies took place, that ravaged and drastically altered the very fabric of the land and magic in that area. It is believed that the Gao Genies, who come from the Plane of Stone, converted normal bulls into these enchanted creatures, to help ravage the land. These magical creatures have flesh made of stone (though some have seen these creatures with skin made of steel as well), whose very breath is so noxious and magical in nature that it can turn flesh to stone. While they are primarily found around the Broken Lands, they have been spotted all throughout the land over the years.

The origins of the Grell vary; but some say that a giant eagle was dragged into the Shadow Stone where some form of creature (perhaps the Mind Rippers) created them through vile experiments. Whether this is true or not, remains unknown; but now the grell populate the Shadow Stone quite heavily. Some have been spotted outside of the Shadow Stone, but always in similar, dark, dank, forlorn areas (like dungeons of an abandoned castle) where they feed on the unwary. Grell appear to be a giant brain, with a giant peak, and tentacles that are known to have a paralyzing toxin.

Grick primarily lived in the Shadow Stone; until the passage between the Shadow Stone and the rest of the world was broken open. Ever hungry, the Grick eventually wandered out into the areas ruled by Dwarves and wreaked havoc on the dwarven communities, until they were either killed, driven back to the Shadow Stone, or escaped by other means, leaking out into the rest of the world, where they look for prey constantly. Grick thrive in abandoned castles, because there are few things that bother them; and they’re happy feasting on rats and other small animals, until an unaware adventurer takes cover in the abandoned castle and becomes the grick’s next meal.

These ferocious creatures are unaligned. They’re aggressive hunters whose lower torso is that of a magnificent lion, and their upper half is that of a giant eagle. A griffon is strong enough to lift a war house, effortlessly, as horses are oftentimes the primary food source of griffons. They’ve also been used as mounts, by both those of good and evil alignment. Once a griffon is trained as a mount (which it must be done at a very young age), it will continue to serve its trainer, so long as it is constantly fed. Once food supplies stop or slow down, a griffon is likely to turn on their trainer and seek freedom where it can continue it’s large diet. Griffons have been known to feed on hippogriffs as well, causing a distinct hatred and distrust between the two, large, avian creatures.

Grimlocks are humans who have lived in the Shadow Stone for thousands of years, and never evolved. Their origins trace back several thousand years ago, when the Mind Rippers ruled the Shadow Stone, and they were fanatic worshipers of the Mind Rippers and their powers. During one of the wars in the Shadow Stone, of which there is little to no documentation about, the empire of the Mind Rippers collapsed under the might of the Beholders. With the Mind Ripper empire in ruins, the Grimlocks found that their “gods” were not so mighty after all, and factions of Grimlocks evolved from the chaos that followed. Now, these blind, primitive hunters are constantly at war with one another and attack anything that they come into contact with.

Hag, Green
All hags trace back to a Faye connection; and some even speculate that Hags trace back to actually Dryads who had become corrupt and evil. A hag lives for thousands of years, and while they all hate hags of their same or differing kinds – they all maintain a strict code when entering another hag’s territory and will not break any vows made to the hag. They also all remain in constant communication, despite their mutual hatred for one another, to keep each other knowledgeable about events happening in their region. It is not unlikely that a hag might know each person who has entered their territory because of this shared communication between hags. All hags belong to Covens, to which they meet at during specific times and share any knowledge or magic they’ve learned. The Green Hag dwells in lonely, haunted, forests and swamps. Green Hags thrive on deception and can change their appearance as needed, and frequently do, to toy with those that enter a green hag’s territory. When a green hag has finished toying with the unfortunate fools who have not realized the danger they’re in, a green hag will do everything it can to capture and torture their victims for years to come.

Hag, Night
All hags trace back to a Faye connection; and some even speculate that Hags trace back to actually Dryads who had become corrupt and evil. A hag lives for thousands of years, and while they all hate hags of their same or differing kinds – they all maintain a strict code when entering another hag’s territory and will not break any vows made to the hag. They also all remain in constant communication, despite their mutual hatred for one another, to keep each other knowledgeable about events happening in their region. It is not unlikely that a hag might know each person who has entered their territory because of this shared communication between hags. All hags belong to Covens, to which they meet at during specific times and share any knowledge or magic they’ve learned. Night hags thrive on sleeping victims. They travel ethereally and straddle their victims while they sleep; instilling fears and doubts into their victim’s mind (whether this is a fear or doubt that one of their own party members seeks to kill them; or a doubt that they’re not good enough and need to do, bigger, badder things, or a variation there in) – the Night Hag, on each visit takes another piece of the victim’s soul; until the person is driven to a point of madness. Once they commit a vile act of evil, the Night Hag is able to ensnare their soul within the Soul Pouch, where they will torment the soul for all eternity. A person killed, with their soul ensnared by a Night Hag can not be resurrected until the Night Hag is slain, and the soul pouch opened, to release the captured souls.

Hag, Sea
All hags trace back to a Faye connection; and some even speculate that Hags trace back to actually Dryads who had become corrupt and evil. A hag lives for thousands of years, and while they all hate hags of their same or differing kinds – they all maintain a strict code when entering another hag’s territory and will not break any vows made to the hag. They also all remain in constant communication, despite their mutual hatred for one another, to keep each other knowledgeable about events happening in their region. It is not unlikely that a hag might know each person who has entered their territory because of this shared communication between hags. All hags belong to Covens, to which they meet at during specific times and share any knowledge or magic they’ve learned. There is a tragic story that the first Sea Hag was a Dryad who had fallen in love with a sailor. She had tried to follow the sailor when he left, and so desperate to love him, drowned in the open sea. Her body bloated, and her love brought her back – but when she saw her disfigured body, she grew furious – and now strikes to destroy anything good, hopeful, and especially anything beautiful. The story goes that this first Dryad, turned Sea Hag, would in turn, find beautiful women aboard ships, and drown them, and use its magic to bring them back to life, and make them like her; creating spawns of sea hags. A sea hag’s appearance is so dreadful now, that it can cause death simply by meeting its gaze.

The story of the Harpy creation comes from a moment of jealousy, felt by Nifika, the goddess of Elves and Magic. It is said, that a thousand years ago, at a temple where Nifika was worshiped; several of the female High Elves dared to say that they thought they were as beautiful as the goddess herself. The story goes that Nifika’s statue became animated and spoke to them, cursing them forever. The women were turned into Harpies; elves with wings of an eagle, hands and feet with talons. Nifika banished them to solitude, where the harpies made their homes along the shorelines. Desperate for company, the Harpies sang woeful songs of apologies to the goddess, who had turned her back on them. Those songs, however, had a charming effect on anyone who heard them. Desperate, the harpies used their music to charm people. However, the people were so horrified by the appearance of the harpies, they fled; until the Harpies learned that they could use their songs to actually charm them, so they did so; often enslaving men, as companions, until the need to feast on them drove them further insane. Harpies who mate with any other specifies always bare female harpy children, as a constant reminder of their slight against the goddess.

Hell Hound
Servants of demon lords, Hell Hounds were used to track down those who had made deals with demons and demon lords and rescinded on their pack. The Hell Hound would kill the mortal, and drag their souls back to Hades. Some Hell Hounds, granted by demons and demon lords, allow some who are powerful and faithful, to use Hell Hounds as guardians and trackers for evil mortals. Hell Hounds have the ability to breathe fire, and that fire in them consumes all that they devour, generating a perpetual endless hunger for the Hell Hound to try and quench. Hell Hounds are evil to the core, and know nothing but evil and the sheer enjoyment it brings to kill and murder and destroy, by any means necessary. Hell Hounds are natural enemies of Blink Dogs, who can see Hell Hounds when they travel invisibly, and often seek to save those condemned to die at the hands of the vicious creature.

Helmed Horror
Helmed Horrors are created through the dark art of necromancy. A recently slain soul is captured and imbued into the armor; the spell breaks the will of the person’s soul, so that they are blindly loyal to their creator. Unlike most constructs the Helmed Horror will continue to do its assigned task, even after its creator has died. For example, if a Helmed Horror was created to guard a tomb, and thousands of years go by, and its creator has been dead for centuries, the Helmed Horror will continue to stand guard over that tomb to continue its designated task. A Helmed Horror is also very intelligent and can not be deceived, and will not take commands other than from its creator (so someone saying that the creator had sent them down and it was okay to get out of the way, will not work with a helmed horror). The creation process of creating this guardian also creates an assortment of other benefits (often random) for the Helmed Horror, making each one encountered, possibly very different, in terms of magical defenses, than the last.

Hippogriffs were mounts used by High Elves since recorded history. Hippogriffs have a front torso that resembles that of a giant, white plumed hawk; while their rear torso is that of a horse. These creatures are a magnificent sight to behold, but the origin of the creation remains cloaked in mystery. Despite their front torso having a bird-like appearance, Hippogriffs do not lay eggs, but rather give birth to live young. They’re hunted by dragons, griffons and wyverns, all of which have a taste for hippogriff meat. Like griffons, Hippogriffs can be trained to be used as mounts; and are the most loyal once they’re bound to an owner.

Created by the god, Maglubier – Hoboblins are taller, sturdier, and more intelligent versions of their goblin cousins. Hailing from the large island of Utsukkuen, Hobgoblins were feared. Maglubier, their god, after seeing goblins being driven into slavery by orcs, decided he wanted to create a larger breed and used the blood of humans to create Hobgoblins. Hobgoblins became militant leaders of the goblins, liberating them from servitude of orcs. Hobgoblins also learned the ability to channel magic, blessed by their god. Goblins have learned from their Hobgoblin cousins, but are not as intelligent as Hobgoblins, and thus do not have the ability to cast complicated spells. Driven by a message from their god, Hobgoblins soon developed the ability to build sturdy ships and sail across the oceans, sinking their swords into other nearby continents. Hobgoblins who lead a tribe of goblins will allow themselves to be aligned with other evil races, if they see some benefit for themselves. Hobgoblins, unlike their smaller cousins, do not have the ability to communicate with rats; but they are able to communicate with worgs, and command them to guard a prisoner or patrol their camp to alert them of trouble. Hobgoblins are also known to train and use beasts of burden (such as ox and mules) to transport goods over long distances. A hobgoblin will always fight to the death, because it is their belief that if they die in battle, they will be reborn again, to continue their war in the name of their god.

Hook Horror
These creatures were once dwellers of the Shadow Stone, but after the Sundering – the spilled into the world and have become the thing of horrors, for which they were given their name. Their dark colored exterior shell makes them virtually impossible to see in the dark; and because they are cold blooded, enhanced sight such as infravision does not give off any reading, making them perfect hunters. While they mainly feed on on fungi and plants, they will not hesitate to eat anything they can catch – whether it be beast or humanoid. The Hook Horror society is a complicated one as studies have found that they communicate by tapping their massive hooks against the stone walls of the caverns they dwell in, or on their shells; and it’s actually a form of communication. Studies also discovered that Hook Horrors hunt in pacts and live in dedicated clans, ruled by the eldest female Hook Horror in the clan.

Like the Basilisk and Behir before it, the Hydra was the next step in Terrorskew’s creation of “The God Killer.” Legend states that Terrorskew stole the blood of Tyhamat and combined it with a Behir – and in doing so, created the Hydra. The Hydra has the magical ability to regrow any head that’s been severed from its body; and all Hydras have five heads, though because of their healing ability, some have mutated, during the regrowth of a head, to gain additional heads (but when severed, would not grow back more than the five it originally had). A hydra’s hunger is insatiable; forcing them to constantly always need to feed. If a hydra has eaten all the food in an area (and anything else has wisely fled), and it’s unable to find more food within a few hours, it may potentially turn on itself and began attacking itself to feast on itself. A hydra can never be surprised, through normal means, because when it does sleep – one head always remains awake. Hydras primarily dwell in watery areas (lakes, riverbeds, swamps, bogs), but have been known to take up residence in a ruined castle, knowing that creature will often seek shelter there.

Intellect Devourer
These horrors were created by the Mind Rippers. The Intellect Devourer is created when a Mind Ripper removes the brain of a victim and exposes it a dark ritual. The brain grows in size (to that of a medium dog) and sprouts four clawed legs. The Intellect Devourer can detected anything alive around it that has a low based intelligence or higher – and track it down, like a dog who has a scent. The foul creature can then use its psionic ability to attack the victim’s mind; and if it successfully does enough damage, it devours the mind and gains all the knowledge and abilities of their victim and seizes control of that person’s body. There are rumors of ways that this bond can be broken – but because of the mental damage done by the Intellect Devourer, the body dies because the mind has been destroyed – and it requires great magic to restore a person who has had their mind destroyed by these foul creatures. Thankfully, these beasts are only known to dwell in the Shadow Stone with their Mind Ripper creators.

Invisible Stalker
Invisible Stalkers are summoned from the Plane of Air and transformed into these new beasts through powerful magic. They are often used by powerful wizards who seek to track down someone who has stolen something of great value from them; or to track down an item that might be in someone’s possession. Invisible Stalkers are bound to their masters to complete the task that’s given to them and will be forced to do so, with no will to fight against the command. The order given to the Invisible Stalker must be given within 24 hours, or the Invisible Stalker returns to the Plane of Air. Once the command is given, the Invisible Stalker can take as long as it takes to complete the task – and once completed, returns to the one who summoned them – and gives them whatever was needed (the head of someone the summoner wanted killed, a magical weapon it wanted retrieved, etc.) and once completed, the Invisible Stalker returns to the Plane of Air.