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The Seven Kingdoms of Utsukkuen:
- Grey – Sensji – War
- Purple – Heiwakun – Peace
- Red – Shizukji – Tranquility
- Orange – Seishinni – Spirit
- Dark Blue – Baranochi – Balance
- Light Blue – Kensonni – Humility
- Yellow – Meiyoji – Honor
Utsukkuen is broken up into seven kingdoms named after the seven qualities of humans – War, Peace, Tranquility, Spirit, Balance, Humility and Honor. The people of Utsukkuen will put aside their differences, because they understand that banding together against a common foe, will make them stronger. If anyone attempts to invade Utsukkuen, all parties will put aside their differences, even ceasing wars that have been going on for years, even if it’s against the very people they’re at war against, to ensure that Utsukkuen is never taken by outsiders. So for example, if a providence in Kensonni was at war with a providence in Meiyoji – and outsiders invaded Meiyoji – the Kensonni would cease their war and come to the aid of Meiyoji, for the greater good of Utsukkuen. Also, it would be dishonorable for Kensonni to capitalize on attacks to Meiyoji, while Meiyoji was fighting another. The Providences all believe to show true strength and honor, all sides must be focused on a single enemy to prove their strength.
All seven Kingdoms are ruled by a single Emperor. Each Kingdom then has their own ruler, which is a Shogun. From there, each providence within that kingdom has a Daimyos. The Daimyos appoint Samurais to guard them – Samurais always come from honorable families who are well respected in that providence. Everyone who is not of royalty, whether male or female, aspires to become a Samurai, as that will bring great honor to their family and the Daimyos always ensures the family is taken care of.
- Note: Only Shizukji has only the main Emperor, and a Shogun assigned. The Shogun selects the Samuaris in Shizukji.
There are those who are known as Ronin, which are those who fight for a providence as a warrior, but do not have honor to their family. This could be because they were once a Samurai and brought dishonor to their family.
The rest of Utsukkuen society is broken down into four other classes –
Peasants are those who are considered the lowest of the low. They do not have honor in their family name, they do not own a business, they are always the ones who are employeed or even jobless or homeless.
Vendors are just above Peasants, but only barely. Vendors are often those who sell items that they’ve not made themselves. Note, Vendors are different than Crafters, who often sell their own wares.
Artisans are above peasants, and are typically made up of “lesser” physical jobs, such as musicians, actors, entertainers, singers, painters, and sculptors. Though, some artisans with great skill can bring honor to their family if a Daimyos or above employs them.
Above Artisans are Crafters; these are often people who create things with their hands (often in wood or stone work or metal smithing). Like Artisans, most Crafters do not have much honor to their name, unless they’ve garnered the attention of a Daimyos or above who employs them for work. Crafters often sell their own work or will sell it to Vendors to sell for them.
Notes about Utsukkuen –
Creatures –
- Barghest – These creatures originated in Sensji.
- Bodak – These creatures originated in Seishinni.
- Doppelgangers – These humanoids originated in Utsukkuen; it’s unknown where or how they may have first come to be.
- Dragons, Gold – Gold Dragons first appeared in Utsukkuen (in written history).
- Faerie Dragons – These creatures first originated in Seishinni through the Fey Wild.
- Hag, Night – Night Hags first originated in Seishinni through the Fey Wild.
- Hobgoblins – Hobgoblins originated in Sensji. The Hobgoblin Iron Shadow was one of the most feared Hobgoblins because of their abilities.
- Ki-Rin – These magnificent beasts originated in Shizukji.
- Sahuagin – The Sahuagin were first recorded throughout Utsukkuen’s waters.
- Turtle, Dragon – These creatures were first noted in Utsukkuen’s waters.
- Yeth Hound – These were first seen in Seishinni through the Fey Wild.
- Honor is everything.
- Monks originated in Utsukkuen and learned to channel an energy in the world called Ki.
- Samurais originated in Utsukkuen, and currently only exist there.
- Classes by names: Common fighters are called Bushi. Honorable fighters (without family honor, but fight with honor – often Paladins are called this) are called Kensai. Rogues who specialize in assassination are called Ninja. Adventuring Priests are called Shukenja. Warrior trained Monks who remain to protect the monastery are often called Sohei. Sorcerers are called Wu Jen. Mercenaries are called Yakuza. Wizards are often called Kotodama. Warlocks are called Majutsu.
- Murder is absolutely never tolerated and will bring great dishonor to a family. Anyone who is caught in the act of murder is to be killed instantly and without question. If someone is accused of murder, they are brought before the Shogun who will determine their fate.
- The ruling Emperor – a new Emperor is selected from the next region if an Emperor dies of natural causes, most often the Shogun is promoted to Emperor. The rotation of ruling Emperors goes from: Sensji to Heiwakun to Shizukji to Seishinni to Baranochi to Kensonni to Meiyoji then repeat again. So for example if the current Emperor is from Heiwakun, and he passes of natural causes, the next ruling emperor is often the Shogun of Shizukji who then becomes Emperor and assigns a new Shogun as his replacement for his Kingdom. If an Emperor is murdered/assassinated, the Seven kingdoms come together, with the Shogun of the murdered Emperor speaking for him, to ensure it was not a power play to remove the current Emperor.
- The people of Utsukkuen all speak a unique language called Eibrikku (also known as Ka’larian in some regions)
The Arrival of the Ki-Rin, roughly the year 125.
A Ki-Rin appears before each of the Shoguns and warns them that they must put their warring ways aside and prepare for a greater battle that is coming. Within months of the warning, a green dragon named Emereth emerged. The Seven Kingdoms, led by the seven Ki-Rin launched a united attack at Emereth – and though the ancient green dragon destroyed much of Kensonni, before she was driven off – the people of Utsukkuen adopted the Ki-Rin as their symbol. Each of the Kingdom bears their own marking that has the Ki-Rin as a part – and each providence has their own symbol, with their Kingdom’s symbol as a part of it as well.
The Ki-Rin all departed into the heavens after the battle with Emereth, but do appear from time to time to offer advice or warnings to the people of Utsukkuen.
The Order of Monks, roughly the year 130.
The people of Shizukji learn to harness a power called Ki that can be found in the world. At first, the Magi seem to think this is nonsense – but the amazing feats that the Order of Monks is able to do by channeling this mysterious Ki energy removes all doubt. The Ki energy is described as “The essence of all living things; the potential of peak perfection within everything from humans to trees to do all that it can with the life essence it has been given. It is all around us, surrounding us, swimming through us. It is the energy that binds us all together.” – Master Sim Wat.
The Enemy Within, roughly the year 140.
Chen Bo, the Shogun of Baranochi abducts the daughter of Allkan Den, the Shogun of Seishinni and accuses him of an affair with his wife and that he will have Allkan’s daughter as a slave as retribution. Allkan Den swears he did no such thing and proof is given by several of his trusted Samurai. Chen Bo says that it’s obvious that the Samurai loyal to Allkan would provide an alibi. Chen Bo explains that he has witnesses that say Allkan. The two begin a bloody feud that lasts nearly six years. It is not until Allkan is spotted again, this time in Meiyoji – though he was also in his own kingdom.
He is arrested in Meiyoji – and sent back to Seishinni. He is slain – and discovered to be a Doppelganger – a creature of legend. Suspicion among the people as to who is who they appear to be spreads wildly.
The Men Of the North, roughly the year 525.
Barbarians arrive on several coasts, throughout the years in 525. They attempt to maraud the shoreline cities, but the civilized Samurai are easily able to ward off their disorganized attacks. The people of Utsukkuen learn to craft their own longships by studying the ships of their fallen enemies.
The Goblin Revolution, roughly the year of 770.
Though goblins did not originate Utsukkuen, a large band of orcs aboard a ship brought them to Utsukkuen when they had planned to lay siege to Heiwakun. The nations of Utsukkuen banded together and set aside their own warring differences to fight off the Orcs. The battle had lasted for nearly a year, and though the Orcs had been defeated, they had already settled on several of the islands, as did the goblins who had been servants. Many of the goblins managed to reproduce quickly, doubling their numbers exponentially.
The orcs tried to maintain their control over the goblins, but the goblins revolted against the orcs and soon created powerful tribes. Maglubier, their god was proud of their freedom against the orcs and encouraged them to assault the humans of Utsukkuen. However, the goblins were not ready to face off against the honorable likes of the Samurai that they encountered and were driven back, their numbers decimated, which allowed the orcs to once again convince the goblins to serve the orcs. Maglubier was furious that his creation had once again fallen under the heel of the orcs. Maglubier then took the greatest goblin in Utsukkuen and changed his flesh – shaping him after the Samurai warriors that had broken the goblin assault – and the first Hobgoblin was born. The Hobgoblin named Grath Honorbound led the goblins against the orcs, decimating them – and in the blood of the orcs, more hobgoblins were born. The Hobgoblins were mimics of the Samurais in their skill and became feared.
The Hobgoblins led attacks against the humans in Utsukkuen and became the second most dominate humanoid in Utsukkuen. In 774, the Hobgoblins began setting sail to find and attempt to conquer other lands.