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Furious that Lakrona (also known as her Elder Name: L’orak’ana) dared enter The High Plane, Aftgrand, home of the Circle of Light and kill eight of the demigods (Airana, Akanda, Drakenfiel, Elenar, Krauzden, Lauhzar, Tavara and Teakak all perished in her attack), Florasena created The Great Wolf, Odin to hunt her down.
During the creation of Odin, a howl filled the heavens – and all who heard it were inspired against great evils in the world.
Note: This is in memory of my own dog, Odin, who gave me 17 years of love. The Great Howl grants everyone 1 free Inspiration per combat on/around the anniversary of The Great Howl.
Odin – 03/22/2004 to 04/09/2021.

On August 11, 2021 – Jessica, who has been in all of my games of Kne’Urth (The Arrival, The Work Group – The Adventurers, Ben’s Game – The Discovery, and Off Week – Servants of the Wizard) had to bid farewell to Leo at 6pm.
As such – lore dictates, that in order to add pressure to Lakrona (also known as her Elder Name: L’orak’ana) – Florasena created a second Hound – smaller, to get into areas, that Odin could not – as Leo’s Howl filled the air – The Great Howl grants everyone 1 free Inspiration per combat on/around the anniversary of The Great Howl.
Leo – July 31, 2006 – August 11, 2021.
Leo was Jessica’s dog who I got to see a few times when I was helping out with the meal train while she was pregnant.
Porter – May 24, 2021
Porter was Anita’s dog who I got to see all the time when I would DM for the Anita group. He was always energetic, so when he passed it was heartbreaking.